
Most dowloaded papers

Effects of rice husk compost application on soil quality parameters in greenhouse conditions

Coşkun Gülser

Volume 4, Issue 3, Feb 2015, Pages 185 - 190 , DOI: 10.18393/ejss.2015.3.185-190 5477 | 3962

Approbation of express-method for benzo[a]pyrene extraction from soils in the technogenic emission zone territories

Svetlana Sushkova, Tatiana Minkina, Saglara Mandzhieva, Nikolay Borisenko , Galina Vasilyeva, , Tayfun Aşkın

Volume 4, Issue 1, Dec 2014, Pages 15 - 21 , DOI: 10.18393/ejss.48158 2748 | 5544

Soil dehydrogenase activity of natural macro aggregates in a toposequence of forest soil

Maira Kussainova , Murat Durmuş, Aylin Erkoçak,

Volume 2, Issue 1, Apr 2013, Pages 69 - 75 2421 | 5234

Effect of bio-fertilizers application on microbial diversity and physiological profiling of microorganisms in arable soil

Soňa Javoreková, Jana Maková, Juraj Medo, Silvia Kovácsová, Ivana Charousová, Ján Horák

Volume 4, Issue 1, Dec 2014, Pages 54 - 61 , DOI: 10.18393/ejss.07093 2317 | 4714

Using soil moisture constants and physical properties to predict saturated hydraulic conductivity

Coşkun Gülser, Feride Candemir

Volume 3, Issue 1, Jun 2014, Pages 77 - 81 , DOI: 10.18393/ejss.69966 2195 | 5172