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Abul-Soud, M., El-Ansary, D.O., Hussein, A.M., 2010. Effects of different livestock manure rates and mulching on weed control and growth and yield of squash. Journal of Applied Sciences Research 6: 1379 - 1386.
Adeoye, G.O., Sridhar, M.K.C., Adeoluwa, O.O., Oyekunle, M., Makinde, E.A., Olowoake, A.A., 2008. Comparative evaluation of organomineral fertilizer (OMF) and Mineral fertilizer (NPK) on yield and quality of maize (Zea mays (L) Moench). Nigerian Journal of Soil Science 18: 141–147.
Ainika, J.N., Amans, E.B., Olonitola, C.O., Okutu, P.C., Dodo, E.F., 2012. Effect of organic and inorganic fertilizer on growth and yield of amaranthus caudatus L. in Northern Guinea Savanna of Nigeria. World Journal of Engineering and Pure and Applied Science 2(2): 26–30.
AOAC 2005. Official Method of Analysis. Association of Official Analytical Chemists. 18th ed. Gaithersburg, Maryland USA. AOAC International.
Candemir, F., Gülser, C., 2010. Effects of different agricultural wastes on some soil quality indexes in clay and loamy sand fields. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis 42: 13-28.
Chambial, S., Dwivedi, S., Shukla, K.K., John, P.J., Sharma, P., 2013. Vitamin C in Disease Prevention and Cure: An Overview. Indian Journal of Clinical Biochemistry 28: 314-328.
Debiase, G., Montemurro, F., Fiore, A., Rotolo, C., Farrag, K., Miccolis, A., Brunetti, G., 2016. Organic amendment and minimum tillage in winter wheat grown in Mediterranean conditions: effects on yield performance, soil fertility and environmental impact. European Journal of Agronomy 75: 149–157.
FAO, 2020. Faostat database results 2019. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. Available at [15.11.2020]:
Goss, M.J., Tubeileh, A., Goorahoo, D., 2013. A review of the use of organic amendments and the risk to human health. Advances in Agronomy 120: 275–379.
Gusmini, G., Wehner, T.C., 2005. Foundations of yield improvement in watermelon. Crop Science 45(2): 810-810.
Gülser, C., Candemir, F., 2015. Effects of agricultural wastes on the hydraulic properties of a loamy sand cropland in Turkey. Soil Science and Plant Nutrition 61(3): 384-391.
Gülser, C., Minkina, T., Sushkova, S., Kızılkaya, R., 2017. Changes of soil hydraulic properties during the decomposition of organic waste in a coarse textured soil. Journal of Geochemical Exploration 174: 66-69.
Kızılkaya, R., 2005. The role of different organic wastes on zinc bioaccumulation by earthworm Lumbricus terrestris L. (Oligochaeta) in successive Zn added soil. Ecological Engineering 25(4): 322-331.
Kızılkaya, R., 2008. Dehydrogenase activity in Lumbricus terrestris casts and surrounding soil affected by addition of different organic wastes and Zn. Bioresource Technology 99(5): 946–953.
Kızılkaya, R., Hepşen, Ş., 2004. Effect of biosolid amendment on enzyme activities in earthworm (Lumbricus terrestris) casts. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science 167(2): 202-208.
Kızılkaya, R., Hepşen, Ş., 2007. Microbiological properties in earthworm Lumbricus terrestris L. cast and surrounding soil amended with various organic wastes. Communication in Soil Science and Plant Analysis 38(19-20): 2861-2876.
Kızılkaya, R., Yertayeva, Z., Kaldybayev, S., Murzabayev, B., Zhapparova, A., Nurseitov, Z., 2021. Vermicomposting of anaerobically digested sewage sludge with hazelnut husk and cow manure by earthworm Eisenia foetida. Eurasian Journal of Soil Science 10(1): 38-50.
Massri, M., Labban, L., 2014. Comparison of different types of fertilizers on growth, yield and quality properties of watermelon (Citrllus lanatus). Agricultural Sciences 5: 475-482.
Mbarki, S., Labidi, N., Mahmoudi, H., Jedidi, N., Abdelly, C., 2008. Contrasting effects of municipal compost on alfalfa growth in clay and in sandy soils: N, P, K content and heavy met-al toxicity. Bioresource Technology 99: 6745–6750.
Papafilippaki, A., Paranychianakis, N., Nikolaidis, N.P., 2015. Effects of soil type and municipal solid waste compost as soil amendment on Cichorium spinosum (spiny chicory) growth. Scientia Horticulturae 195: 195–205.
Rodriguez-Vila, A., Asensio, V., Forjan, R., Covelo, E.F., 2016. Carbon fractionation in a mine soil amended with compost and biochar and vegetated with Brassica juncea L. Journal of Geochemical Exploration 169: 137–143.
Schaffer, A.A., Paris, H.S., 2016. Melons, squashes, and gourds. In: Reference Module in Food Science. Elsevier.
Tamme, T., Reinik, M., Roasto, M., Juhkam, K., Tenno, T., Kiis, A., 2006. Nitrates and nitrites in vegetables and vegetable-based products and their intakes by the Estonian population. Food Additives & Contaminants. 23(4): 355–361.
Over the years, the use of organic materials in farming has reduced due to the increase in the use of chemical fertilizers which are rich in readily available plant nutrients. Intensive use of chemical fertilizers may have depressing effect on yield of watermelon. The field experiment were conducted at the Experimental Clinic of the Laboratory “Selection of vegetable and melon crops” and in the laboratory “Biosafety and Biocontrol of vegetable and melon crops” of Regional Branch “Kainar” of the LLP “Kazakh Research Institute of Fruit and Vegetable Growing” which is located in the foothill zone of the southeast of Kazakhstan, to study the effects of different types of organic fertilizers (cow manure, poultry manure and biohumus) and recommended chemical fertilizer (NPK) on the characteristics of watermelon (growth parameters, yield and quality) of southeast of Kazakhstan. There were significant differences among the treatments in relation to fruit yield of watermelon, growth paremeters and quality properties (dry matter, total sugar, Vitamin C and NO3-N). Recommended fertilizer dose (N90P60K60) had the highest fruit yield of watermelon and growth paremeters followed by manure applied at 40 t ha-1. All the fertilizer treatments had higher yield of watermelon than control. From this study, the use of manure as an organic fertilizer in the cultivation of watermelon could be used as alternative to chemical fertilizer. It is recommended that manure at 40 t ha-1 be adopted for watermelon cultivation in in the Southeast of Kazakhstan.
Keywords: Watermelon, fertilizer, fertilization, manure, yield.
Abul-Soud, M., El-Ansary, D.O., Hussein, A.M., 2010. Effects of different livestock manure rates and mulching on weed control and growth and yield of squash. Journal of Applied Sciences Research 6: 1379 - 1386.
Adeoye, G.O., Sridhar, M.K.C., Adeoluwa, O.O., Oyekunle, M., Makinde, E.A., Olowoake, A.A., 2008. Comparative evaluation of organomineral fertilizer (OMF) and Mineral fertilizer (NPK) on yield and quality of maize (Zea mays (L) Moench). Nigerian Journal of Soil Science 18: 141–147.
Ainika, J.N., Amans, E.B., Olonitola, C.O., Okutu, P.C., Dodo, E.F., 2012. Effect of organic and inorganic fertilizer on growth and yield of amaranthus caudatus L. in Northern Guinea Savanna of Nigeria. World Journal of Engineering and Pure and Applied Science 2(2): 26–30.
AOAC 2005. Official Method of Analysis. Association of Official Analytical Chemists. 18th ed. Gaithersburg, Maryland USA. AOAC International.
Candemir, F., Gülser, C., 2010. Effects of different agricultural wastes on some soil quality indexes in clay and loamy sand fields. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis 42: 13-28.
Chambial, S., Dwivedi, S., Shukla, K.K., John, P.J., Sharma, P., 2013. Vitamin C in Disease Prevention and Cure: An Overview. Indian Journal of Clinical Biochemistry 28: 314-328.
Debiase, G., Montemurro, F., Fiore, A., Rotolo, C., Farrag, K., Miccolis, A., Brunetti, G., 2016. Organic amendment and minimum tillage in winter wheat grown in Mediterranean conditions: effects on yield performance, soil fertility and environmental impact. European Journal of Agronomy 75: 149–157.
FAO, 2020. Faostat database results 2019. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. Available at [15.11.2020]:
Goss, M.J., Tubeileh, A., Goorahoo, D., 2013. A review of the use of organic amendments and the risk to human health. Advances in Agronomy 120: 275–379.
Gusmini, G., Wehner, T.C., 2005. Foundations of yield improvement in watermelon. Crop Science 45(2): 810-810.
Gülser, C., Candemir, F., 2015. Effects of agricultural wastes on the hydraulic properties of a loamy sand cropland in Turkey. Soil Science and Plant Nutrition 61(3): 384-391.
Gülser, C., Minkina, T., Sushkova, S., Kızılkaya, R., 2017. Changes of soil hydraulic properties during the decomposition of organic waste in a coarse textured soil. Journal of Geochemical Exploration 174: 66-69.
Kızılkaya, R., 2005. The role of different organic wastes on zinc bioaccumulation by earthworm Lumbricus terrestris L. (Oligochaeta) in successive Zn added soil. Ecological Engineering 25(4): 322-331.
Kızılkaya, R., 2008. Dehydrogenase activity in Lumbricus terrestris casts and surrounding soil affected by addition of different organic wastes and Zn. Bioresource Technology 99(5): 946–953.
Kızılkaya, R., Hepşen, Ş., 2004. Effect of biosolid amendment on enzyme activities in earthworm (Lumbricus terrestris) casts. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science 167(2): 202-208.
Kızılkaya, R., Hepşen, Ş., 2007. Microbiological properties in earthworm Lumbricus terrestris L. cast and surrounding soil amended with various organic wastes. Communication in Soil Science and Plant Analysis 38(19-20): 2861-2876.
Kızılkaya, R., Yertayeva, Z., Kaldybayev, S., Murzabayev, B., Zhapparova, A., Nurseitov, Z., 2021. Vermicomposting of anaerobically digested sewage sludge with hazelnut husk and cow manure by earthworm Eisenia foetida. Eurasian Journal of Soil Science 10(1): 38-50.
Massri, M., Labban, L., 2014. Comparison of different types of fertilizers on growth, yield and quality properties of watermelon (Citrllus lanatus). Agricultural Sciences 5: 475-482.
Mbarki, S., Labidi, N., Mahmoudi, H., Jedidi, N., Abdelly, C., 2008. Contrasting effects of municipal compost on alfalfa growth in clay and in sandy soils: N, P, K content and heavy met-al toxicity. Bioresource Technology 99: 6745–6750.
Papafilippaki, A., Paranychianakis, N., Nikolaidis, N.P., 2015. Effects of soil type and municipal solid waste compost as soil amendment on Cichorium spinosum (spiny chicory) growth. Scientia Horticulturae 195: 195–205.
Rodriguez-Vila, A., Asensio, V., Forjan, R., Covelo, E.F., 2016. Carbon fractionation in a mine soil amended with compost and biochar and vegetated with Brassica juncea L. Journal of Geochemical Exploration 169: 137–143.
Schaffer, A.A., Paris, H.S., 2016. Melons, squashes, and gourds. In: Reference Module in Food Science. Elsevier.
Tamme, T., Reinik, M., Roasto, M., Juhkam, K., Tenno, T., Kiis, A., 2006. Nitrates and nitrites in vegetables and vegetable-based products and their intakes by the Estonian population. Food Additives & Contaminants. 23(4): 355–361.