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Adhikari, R.C., Rana, M.K., 2017. Effect of irrigation and potash levels on growth and yield of potato The Journal of Agriculture and Environment 18: 106-114.
Bandyopadhyay, K.K., Misra, A.K., Ghosh, P.K., Hati, K.M., 2010. Effect of integrated use of farmyard manure and chemical fertilizers on soil physical properties and productivity of soybean. Soil and Tillage Research 110(1): 115-125.
Black, W.N., White, R.P., 1973. Effects of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, and manure factorially applied to potatoes in a long-term study. Canadian Journal of Soil Science 53(2): 205-211.
Causarano, H.J., Doraiswamy, P.C., Muratova, N., Pachikin, K., McCarty, G.W., Akhmedov, B., Williams, J.R., 2011. Improved modeling of soil organic carbon in a semiarid region of Central East Kazakhstan using EPIC. Agronomy for Sustainable Development 31: 275–286.
Daoui, K., Mrabet, R., Benbouaza, A., Achbani, E.H., 2014. Responsiveness of different potato (Solanum tuberosum) varieties to phosphorus fertilizer. Procedia Engineering 83: 344-347.
Dubetz, S., Bole, J.B., 1975. Effect of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium fertilizers on yield components and specific gravity of potatoes. American Potato Journal 52: 399–405.
Gunarto, L., Yahya, M., Supadmo, H., Buntan, A., 1985. Response of corn to NPK fertilization grown in a Latosol in South Sulawesi, Indonesia. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis 16(11): 1179-1188.
Gülser, C., Zharlygasov, Z., Kızılkaya, R., Kalimov, N., Akça, I., Zharlygasov, Z., 2019. The effect of NPK foliar fertilization on yield and macronutrient content of grain in wheat under Kostanai-Kazakhstan conditions. Eurasian Journal of Soil Science 8(3): 275-281.
Kołodziejczyk, M., 2014. Effect of nitrogen fertilization and microbial preparations on potato yielding. Plant, Soil and Environment 60(8): 379–386.
Li, H., Feng, W., He, X., Zhu, P., Gao, H., Sun, N., Xu, M., 2017. Chemical fertilizers could be completely replaced by manure to maintain high maize yield and soil organic carbon (SOC) when SOC reaches a threshold in the Northeast China Plain. Journal of Integrative Agriculture 16(4): 937–946.
Li, Z., Zhang, R., Xia, S., Wang, L., Liu, C., Zhang, R., Fan, Z., Chen, F., Liu, Y., 2019. Interactions between N, P and K fertilizers affect the environment and the yield and quality of satsumas. Global Ecology and Conservation 19: e00663.
Loebenstein, G., Manadilova, A., 2003. Potatoes in the Central Asian Republics. In: Virus and Virus-like Diseases of Major Crops in Developing Countries. Loebenstein, G., Thottappilly, G. (Eds.). Springer. pp.195-222.
Magnusson, M., 2002. Mineral fertilizers and green mulch in Chinese cabbage (Brassica Pekinensis Rupr): Effect on nutrient uptake, yield and internal tip burn. Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica, Section B-Soil & Plant Science 52: 25-35.
Manolov, I., Neshev, N., Chalova, V., 2016. Tuber quality parameters of potato varieties depend on potassium fertilizer rate and source. Agriculture and Agricultural Science Procedia 10: 63-66.
McArthur, J.W., McCord, G.C., 2017. Fertilizing growth: Agricultural inputs and their effects in economic development. Journal of Development Economics 127: 133-152.
Nizamuddin, Mahmood, M.M., Farooq, K., Riaz, S., 2003. Response of potato crop to various levels of NPK. Asian Journal of Plant Sciences 2(2): 149-151.
Potatopro, 2020. Potato statistic. Available at [Access date: 18.10.2020]:
Rosen, C.J., Bierman, P.M., 2008. Potato yield and tuber set as affected by phosphorus fertilization. American Journal of Potato Research 85: 110–120.
Shehu, H.E. 2014. Uptake and agronomic efficiencies of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium in sesame (Sesamum indicum L.). American Journal of Plant Nutrition and Fertilization Technology 4: 41-56.
Takata, Y., Funakawa, S., Akshalov, K., Ishida, N., Kosaki, T., 2007. Spatial prediction of soil organic matter in northern Kazakhstan based on topographic and vegetation information. Soil Science and Plant Nutrition 53(3): 289-299.
Yousaf, M., Li, J., Lu, J., Ren, T., Cong, R., Fahad, S., Li, X., 2017. Effects of fertilization on crop production and nutrient-supplying capacity under rice-oilseed rape rotation system. Scientific Reports 7: 1270.
Zhang, H.M, Wang, B.R, Xu, M.G., Fan, T.L., 2009. Crop yield and soil responses to long-term fertilization on a red soil in southern China. Pedosphere 19(2): 199–207.
In this study, field experiment was conducted to assess the effect of different doses of NPK on tuber yield on the potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) varieties such as Inovator, Gala, Aladin and Tyanshansky in foothill zone of the southeast of Kazakhstan. Five different combinations of NPK with control were studied. Results revealed that the fertilizer application increased the total tuber yield, the longest plant, number of main stem, number of leaves plant and average tuber number on the potato significantly over control. The highest tuber yield was obtained when 25% more than the recommended fertilizer dose with manure was applied at all potato varieties. Aladin potato variety significantly yielded higher than the other varieties tested at the same time in this experiment.
Keywords: Potato, fertilization, manure, tuber yield, potato varieties.
Adhikari, R.C., Rana, M.K., 2017. Effect of irrigation and potash levels on growth and yield of potato The Journal of Agriculture and Environment 18: 106-114.
Bandyopadhyay, K.K., Misra, A.K., Ghosh, P.K., Hati, K.M., 2010. Effect of integrated use of farmyard manure and chemical fertilizers on soil physical properties and productivity of soybean. Soil and Tillage Research 110(1): 115-125.
Black, W.N., White, R.P., 1973. Effects of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, and manure factorially applied to potatoes in a long-term study. Canadian Journal of Soil Science 53(2): 205-211.
Causarano, H.J., Doraiswamy, P.C., Muratova, N., Pachikin, K., McCarty, G.W., Akhmedov, B., Williams, J.R., 2011. Improved modeling of soil organic carbon in a semiarid region of Central East Kazakhstan using EPIC. Agronomy for Sustainable Development 31: 275–286.
Daoui, K., Mrabet, R., Benbouaza, A., Achbani, E.H., 2014. Responsiveness of different potato (Solanum tuberosum) varieties to phosphorus fertilizer. Procedia Engineering 83: 344-347.
Dubetz, S., Bole, J.B., 1975. Effect of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium fertilizers on yield components and specific gravity of potatoes. American Potato Journal 52: 399–405.
Gunarto, L., Yahya, M., Supadmo, H., Buntan, A., 1985. Response of corn to NPK fertilization grown in a Latosol in South Sulawesi, Indonesia. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis 16(11): 1179-1188.
Gülser, C., Zharlygasov, Z., Kızılkaya, R., Kalimov, N., Akça, I., Zharlygasov, Z., 2019. The effect of NPK foliar fertilization on yield and macronutrient content of grain in wheat under Kostanai-Kazakhstan conditions. Eurasian Journal of Soil Science 8(3): 275-281.
Kołodziejczyk, M., 2014. Effect of nitrogen fertilization and microbial preparations on potato yielding. Plant, Soil and Environment 60(8): 379–386.
Li, H., Feng, W., He, X., Zhu, P., Gao, H., Sun, N., Xu, M., 2017. Chemical fertilizers could be completely replaced by manure to maintain high maize yield and soil organic carbon (SOC) when SOC reaches a threshold in the Northeast China Plain. Journal of Integrative Agriculture 16(4): 937–946.
Li, Z., Zhang, R., Xia, S., Wang, L., Liu, C., Zhang, R., Fan, Z., Chen, F., Liu, Y., 2019. Interactions between N, P and K fertilizers affect the environment and the yield and quality of satsumas. Global Ecology and Conservation 19: e00663.
Loebenstein, G., Manadilova, A., 2003. Potatoes in the Central Asian Republics. In: Virus and Virus-like Diseases of Major Crops in Developing Countries. Loebenstein, G., Thottappilly, G. (Eds.). Springer. pp.195-222.
Magnusson, M., 2002. Mineral fertilizers and green mulch in Chinese cabbage (Brassica Pekinensis Rupr): Effect on nutrient uptake, yield and internal tip burn. Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica, Section B-Soil & Plant Science 52: 25-35.
Manolov, I., Neshev, N., Chalova, V., 2016. Tuber quality parameters of potato varieties depend on potassium fertilizer rate and source. Agriculture and Agricultural Science Procedia 10: 63-66.
McArthur, J.W., McCord, G.C., 2017. Fertilizing growth: Agricultural inputs and their effects in economic development. Journal of Development Economics 127: 133-152.
Nizamuddin, Mahmood, M.M., Farooq, K., Riaz, S., 2003. Response of potato crop to various levels of NPK. Asian Journal of Plant Sciences 2(2): 149-151.
Potatopro, 2020. Potato statistic. Available at [Access date: 18.10.2020]:
Rosen, C.J., Bierman, P.M., 2008. Potato yield and tuber set as affected by phosphorus fertilization. American Journal of Potato Research 85: 110–120.
Shehu, H.E. 2014. Uptake and agronomic efficiencies of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium in sesame (Sesamum indicum L.). American Journal of Plant Nutrition and Fertilization Technology 4: 41-56.
Takata, Y., Funakawa, S., Akshalov, K., Ishida, N., Kosaki, T., 2007. Spatial prediction of soil organic matter in northern Kazakhstan based on topographic and vegetation information. Soil Science and Plant Nutrition 53(3): 289-299.
Yousaf, M., Li, J., Lu, J., Ren, T., Cong, R., Fahad, S., Li, X., 2017. Effects of fertilization on crop production and nutrient-supplying capacity under rice-oilseed rape rotation system. Scientific Reports 7: 1270.
Zhang, H.M, Wang, B.R, Xu, M.G., Fan, T.L., 2009. Crop yield and soil responses to long-term fertilization on a red soil in southern China. Pedosphere 19(2): 199–207.