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Arnold, J.G., Srinivisan, R., Muttiah, R.S., Williams, J.R., 1998. Large area hydrologic modeling and assessment Part I: model development. Journal of the American Water Resources Association 34(1): 73-89.
Batjes, N.H., 1997. A world dataset of derived soil properties by FAO–UNESCO soil unit for global modelling, Soil Use and Management 13(1): 9–16.
Cooper, M., Mendes, L.M.S., Silva, W.L.C., Sparovek, G., 2005. A national soil profile database for Brazil available to international scientists. Soil Science Society of America Journal 69(3): 649–652.
Cordeiro, M.R.C., Lelyk, G., Kröbel, R., Legesse, G., Faramarzi, M., Masud, M.B., McAllister, T., 2018. Deriving a dataset for agriculturally relevant soils from the soil landscapes of Canada (SLC) database for use in Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) simulations. Earth System Science Data 10(3): 1673-1686.
Dobos, E., Daroussin, J., Montanarella, L., 2005. An SRTM-based procedure to delineate SOTER Terrain Units on 1 : 1 and 1 : 5 million scales. EUR 21571 EN. Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, Luxembourg. Available at [Access date: 11.06.2020]:
FAO, 1979. Soil map of the world: Volume IX Southeast Asia. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), Paris, France. Available at [Access date: 11.06.2020]:
FAO, 2006. Guidelines for soil profile description. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), Rome, Italy. 110p. Available at [Access date: 11.06.2020]:
García-Gaines, R.A., Frankenstein, S., 2015. USCS and the USDA Soil Classification System: Development of a mapping scheme. The U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center (ERDC), UPRM and ERDC Educational and Research Internship Program, ERDC/CRREL TR-15-4, 46 p. Available at [Access date: 11.06.2020]:
Gassman, P.W., Reyes, M.R., Green, C.H., Arnold, J.G., 2007. The soil and water assessment tool: Historical development, applications, and future research directions. Transactions of the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers (ASABE) 50(4): 1211–1250.
Kalcic, M.M., Chaubey, I., Frankenberger, J., 2015. Defining soil and water assessment tool (SWAT) hydrologic response units (HRUs) by field boundaries. International Journal of Agricultural and Biological Engineering 8(3) : 69-80.
Koenig, R., Isaman, V., 2010. Topsoil Quality Guidelines for Landscaping, Gardening Paper 15. Available at [Access date: 11.06.2020]:
LADA, 2019. Tourist Arrival Statistic. Langkawi Development Authority. Available at [Access date: 11.06.2020]:
Leman, M.S., Komoo, I., Mohamed, K.R., Ali, C.A., Unjah, T., Ehsan, S.D., 2007. Geopark as an answer to geoheritage conservation in Malaysia: The Langkawi geopark case study. Geological Society of Malaysia Bulletin 53: 95-102.
Malaysian Meteorological Service, 2000-2003. Monthly abstract of meteorological observations. January 2000 to December 2003. Malaysian Meteorological Service. Available at [Access date: 11.06.2020]:
Neitsch, S.L, Arnold, J.G., Kiniry, J.R., Williams, J.R., 2011. Soil and water assessment tool theoretical documentation 2009. Texas A&M University, College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, AgriLIFE Research and Extension. Texas Water Resources Institute Technical Report 406. Available at [Access date: 11.06.2020]:
Olivera, F., Valenzuela, M., Srinivasan, R., Choi, J., Cho, H., Koka, S., Agrawal, A., 2006. ArcGIS-SWAT: A geodata model and GIS interface for SWAT. Journal of the American Water Resources Association 42(2): 295–309.
Santhi, C., Muttiah, R.S., Arnold, J.G., Srinivasan, R., 2005. A GIS-based regional planning tool for irrigation demand assessment and savings using SWAT. Transactions of the American Society of Agricultural Engineers (ASAE) 48(1): 137–147.
Shi, Y., Lan, F., Matson, C., Mulligan, P., Whetstine, J.R., Cole, P.A., Casero, R.A., Shi, Y., 2004. Histone demethylation mediated by the nuclear amine oxidase homolog LSD1. Cell 119(7): 941-953.
Soil Survey Staff, 1993. Soil Survey Manuel. United States Department of Agronomy, Handbook No:18, Washington, USA.
Somura, H., Hoffman, D., Arnold, J.G., Takeda, I., Mori, Y., 2009. Application of the SWAT Model to the Hii River Basin, Shimane Prefecture, Japan. Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) Global Applications. World Association of Soil and Water Conservation, Special Publication No.4.
Wang, Y., Jiang, R., Xie, J., Zhao, Y., Yan, D., Yang, S., 2019. Soil and water assessment tool (SWAT) model: A systemic review. Journal of Coastal Research 93(SP1): 22-30.
Wösten, J.H.M., Lilly, A., Nemes, A., Le Bas, C., 1999. Development and use of a database of hydraulic properties of European soils. Geoderma 90(3-4): 169-185.
Soil and water assessment tool (SWAT) have been assessed to examine environmental conditions and watershed scale, particularly for water quality and natural resource management. In this study, SWAT model has been applied to the main river basins in Langkawi Island. Soil data, one of the spatially distributed data needed for SWAT model interface. Currently, no soil interpretation record (s5id) data code available in readable format for user soil SWAT database for Langkawi Island. The purpose of soil data definition is to create a soil input data setup for hydrologic response unit (HRU) analysis in SWAT model which includes soil map, soil type, soil texture, and soil s5id code. Study by Leman et al. (2007) showed that geological formation of soil in Langkawi consists of alluvium, granite, Machincang, Setul, Chuping and Singa formation. The dominant soil group was Acrisols (soil unit name: Orthic Acrisols, Ao) and the dominant soil texture classification was sandy clay loam. MY4284 and MY4464 defined as the code for soil interpretation record number (s5id). Percentage of coverage for MY4464 was (62.21%; 10,865.87 ha [26,850.15 ac]) and the percentage of coverage for MY4284 was (37.79%; 6,599.8 ha [16,308.46 ac]) within the selected watershed boundary of Langkawi Island. This data setup has been successfully tested and fully functional for usersoil database of Langkawi SWAT model analysis.
Keywords: Hydrologic response unit (HRU) analysis, Langkawi Island, soil input data setup, soil S5id code, soil and water assessment tool.
Arnold, J.G., Srinivisan, R., Muttiah, R.S., Williams, J.R., 1998. Large area hydrologic modeling and assessment Part I: model development. Journal of the American Water Resources Association 34(1): 73-89.
Batjes, N.H., 1997. A world dataset of derived soil properties by FAO–UNESCO soil unit for global modelling, Soil Use and Management 13(1): 9–16.
Cooper, M., Mendes, L.M.S., Silva, W.L.C., Sparovek, G., 2005. A national soil profile database for Brazil available to international scientists. Soil Science Society of America Journal 69(3): 649–652.
Cordeiro, M.R.C., Lelyk, G., Kröbel, R., Legesse, G., Faramarzi, M., Masud, M.B., McAllister, T., 2018. Deriving a dataset for agriculturally relevant soils from the soil landscapes of Canada (SLC) database for use in Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) simulations. Earth System Science Data 10(3): 1673-1686.
Dobos, E., Daroussin, J., Montanarella, L., 2005. An SRTM-based procedure to delineate SOTER Terrain Units on 1 : 1 and 1 : 5 million scales. EUR 21571 EN. Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, Luxembourg. Available at [Access date: 11.06.2020]:
FAO, 1979. Soil map of the world: Volume IX Southeast Asia. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), Paris, France. Available at [Access date: 11.06.2020]:
FAO, 2006. Guidelines for soil profile description. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), Rome, Italy. 110p. Available at [Access date: 11.06.2020]:
García-Gaines, R.A., Frankenstein, S., 2015. USCS and the USDA Soil Classification System: Development of a mapping scheme. The U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center (ERDC), UPRM and ERDC Educational and Research Internship Program, ERDC/CRREL TR-15-4, 46 p. Available at [Access date: 11.06.2020]:
Gassman, P.W., Reyes, M.R., Green, C.H., Arnold, J.G., 2007. The soil and water assessment tool: Historical development, applications, and future research directions. Transactions of the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers (ASABE) 50(4): 1211–1250.
Kalcic, M.M., Chaubey, I., Frankenberger, J., 2015. Defining soil and water assessment tool (SWAT) hydrologic response units (HRUs) by field boundaries. International Journal of Agricultural and Biological Engineering 8(3) : 69-80.
Koenig, R., Isaman, V., 2010. Topsoil Quality Guidelines for Landscaping, Gardening Paper 15. Available at [Access date: 11.06.2020]:
LADA, 2019. Tourist Arrival Statistic. Langkawi Development Authority. Available at [Access date: 11.06.2020]:
Leman, M.S., Komoo, I., Mohamed, K.R., Ali, C.A., Unjah, T., Ehsan, S.D., 2007. Geopark as an answer to geoheritage conservation in Malaysia: The Langkawi geopark case study. Geological Society of Malaysia Bulletin 53: 95-102.
Malaysian Meteorological Service, 2000-2003. Monthly abstract of meteorological observations. January 2000 to December 2003. Malaysian Meteorological Service. Available at [Access date: 11.06.2020]:
Neitsch, S.L, Arnold, J.G., Kiniry, J.R., Williams, J.R., 2011. Soil and water assessment tool theoretical documentation 2009. Texas A&M University, College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, AgriLIFE Research and Extension. Texas Water Resources Institute Technical Report 406. Available at [Access date: 11.06.2020]:
Olivera, F., Valenzuela, M., Srinivasan, R., Choi, J., Cho, H., Koka, S., Agrawal, A., 2006. ArcGIS-SWAT: A geodata model and GIS interface for SWAT. Journal of the American Water Resources Association 42(2): 295–309.
Santhi, C., Muttiah, R.S., Arnold, J.G., Srinivasan, R., 2005. A GIS-based regional planning tool for irrigation demand assessment and savings using SWAT. Transactions of the American Society of Agricultural Engineers (ASAE) 48(1): 137–147.
Shi, Y., Lan, F., Matson, C., Mulligan, P., Whetstine, J.R., Cole, P.A., Casero, R.A., Shi, Y., 2004. Histone demethylation mediated by the nuclear amine oxidase homolog LSD1. Cell 119(7): 941-953.
Soil Survey Staff, 1993. Soil Survey Manuel. United States Department of Agronomy, Handbook No:18, Washington, USA.
Somura, H., Hoffman, D., Arnold, J.G., Takeda, I., Mori, Y., 2009. Application of the SWAT Model to the Hii River Basin, Shimane Prefecture, Japan. Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) Global Applications. World Association of Soil and Water Conservation, Special Publication No.4.
Wang, Y., Jiang, R., Xie, J., Zhao, Y., Yan, D., Yang, S., 2019. Soil and water assessment tool (SWAT) model: A systemic review. Journal of Coastal Research 93(SP1): 22-30.
Wösten, J.H.M., Lilly, A., Nemes, A., Le Bas, C., 1999. Development and use of a database of hydraulic properties of European soils. Geoderma 90(3-4): 169-185.