Eurasian Journal of Soil Science

Volume 3, Issue 2, Oct 2014, Pages 116 - 122
DOI: 10.18393/ejss.79975
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Copyright © 2014 The authors and Federation of Eurasian Soil Science Societies

Degradative crystal–chemical transformations of clay minerals under the influence of cyanobacteriumactinomycetal symbiotic associations


Article first published online: 18 Oct 2014 | How to cite | Additional Information (Show All)

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Ivanova ,E., Chizhikova,N., 2014. Degradative crystal–chemical transformations of clay minerals under the influence of cyanobacteriumactinomycetal symbiotic associations. Eurasian J Soil Sci 3(2):116 - 122. DOI : 10.18393/ejss.79975
Ivanova ,E.,,& Chizhikova,N. Degradative crystal–chemical transformations of clay minerals under the influence of cyanobacteriumactinomycetal symbiotic associations Eurasian Journal of Soil Science, DOI : 10.18393/ejss.79975
Ivanova ,E.,, and ,Chizhikova,N."Degradative crystal–chemical transformations of clay minerals under the influence of cyanobacteriumactinomycetal symbiotic associations" Eurasian Journal of Soil Science, DOI : 10.18393/ejss.79975
Ivanova ,E.,, and ,Chizhikova,N. "Degradative crystal–chemical transformations of clay minerals under the influence of cyanobacteriumactinomycetal symbiotic associations" Eurasian Journal of Soil Science, DOI : 10.18393/ejss.79975
E,Ivanova .N,Chizhikova "Degradative crystal–chemical transformations of clay minerals under the influence of cyanobacteriumactinomycetal symbiotic associations" Eurasian J. Soil Sci, vol., no., pp., DOI : 10.18393/ejss.79975
Ivanova ,Ekaterina ;Chizhikova,Natalia Degradative crystal–chemical transformations of clay minerals under the influence of cyanobacteriumactinomycetal symbiotic associations. Eurasian Journal of Soil Science,. DOI : 10.18393/ejss.79975

How to cite

Ivanova , E., Chizhikova, N., 2014. Degradative crystal–chemical transformations of clay minerals under the influence of cyanobacteriumactinomycetal symbiotic associations. Eurasian J. Soil Sci. 3(2): 116 - 122. DOI : 10.18393/ejss.79975

Author information

Ekaterina Ivanova , V.V. Dokuchaev Soil Science Institute, Moscow, Russia
Natalia Chizhikova , V.V. Dokuchaev Soil Science Institute, Moscow, Russia

Publication information

Issue published online: 30 Oct 2014
Article first published online : 18 Oct 2014
Manuscript Accepted : 14 Oct 2014
Manuscript Received: 11 Jun 2014
DOI: 10.18393/ejss.79975
Stable URL:


Cyanobacteria and actinomycetes are essential components of soil microbial community and play an active role in ash elements leaching from minerals of the parent rock. Content and composition of clay minerals in soil determine the sorption properties of the soil horizons, water-holding capacity of the soil, stickiness, plasticity, etc. The transformative effect of cyanobacterial–actinomycetes associations on the structure of clay minerals – kaolinite, vermiculite, montmorillonite, biotite and muscovite – was observed, with the greatest structural lattice transformation revealed under the influence of association in comparison with monocultures of cyanobacterium and actinomycete. The range of the transformative effect depended both on the type of biota (component composition of association) and on the crystal– chemical parameters of the mineral itself (trioctahedral mica – biotite, was more prone to microbial degradation than the dioctahedral – muscovite). The formation of the swelling phase – the product of biotite transformation into the mica–vermicullite mixed-layered formation was revealed as a result of association cultivation. Crystal chemical transformation of vermiculite was accompanied by the removal of potassium (К), magnesium (Mg) and aluminum (Al) from the crystal lattice. The study of such prokaryotic communities existed even in the early stages of the Earth's history helps to understand the causes and nature of the transformations undergone by the atmosphere, hydrosphere and lithosphere of the planet. Contribution of treatments on structure induces and model parameters are discussed in the paper.


Cyanobacterial–actinomycetes symbiotic associations, clay minerals, biodegradation, dioctahedral and

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Aristovskaya, T.V., 1980. Mikrobiologiya protsessov pochvoobrazovaniya (Microbiology of Soil_Forming Processes). Leningrad.

Ivanova, E.A., Chizhikova, N.P., Zenova, G.M. 2012. Transformation of Micas of Various Crystal Chemistry under Influence of Cyanobacteria and Actinomycetes Association. Moscow University Soil Science Bulletin. 67 (3), 122–125.

Zvyagintsev, D.G., Zenova, G.M. 2001. Ekologiya aktinomitsetov (Ecology of Actinomycetes). Moscow.

Andreyuk, E.I., Kopteva, Zh.P., Zanina, V.V., 1990. Tsianobakterii (Cyanobacteria), Kiev.

Domracheva, L.I., 2005. “Tsvetenie” pochvy i zakonomernosti ego razvitiya (Soil “Blossoming” and the Regularities of Its Development). Syktyvkar.

Chizhikova, N.P., Zenova, G.M., Manucharov, A.S., 2005. Changes in the Structure of Clay Minerals under the Influence of Algobacterial Associations Eurasian Soil Science 38(8): 897–900.

Budel, B., Weber, B., Kuhl, M., Pfanz, H., Sültemeyer, D., Wessels, D., 2004. Reshaping of sandstone surfaces by cryptoendolithic cyanobacte.ria bioalkalization causes chemical weathering in arid landscapes. Geobiology 2(4): 261–268.

Alekseeva, T.V., Sapova, E.V., Gerasimenko, L.M., and Alekseev, A.O., 2009. Transformation of clay minerals caused by an alkaliphilic cyanobacterial community. Microbiology 78 (6), 776-784.

Rozanov, A.Yu., 2003. Fossil Bacteria: Sedimentogenesis and Early Stages of Biosphere Evolution, Paleontological Journal 37 (6): 601–609.

Zenova, G.M., Ivanova, E.A., Omarova, E.O., et al., 2009. Model Associations of Cyanobacterias and Actinomycetes Anabaena variabilis Kutz and Their Ability to Transform Clay Minerals Structure, Teoret. Prikl. Ekol. 3, P. 78–86.

Gauze, G.F., Preobrazhenskaya, T.P., Sveshnikova, M.A., et al., 1983. Opredelitel’ aktinomitsetov (Manual on Determination of Actinomycetes), Moscow.

Gorbunov, N.I., 1963. Vysokodispersnye mineraly i metody ikh izucheniya (Highly Dispersed Minerals and Methods of Their Study), Moscow.

Sokolova, T.A., Dronova, T.Ya., Tolpeshta, I.I., 2005. Glinistye mineraly v pochvakh (Clay Minerals in Soils). Tula.

Cyanobacteria and actinomycetes are essential components of soil microbial community and play an active role in ash elements leaching from minerals of the parent rock. Content and composition of clay minerals in soil determine the sorption properties of the soil horizons, water-holding capacity of the soil, stickiness, plasticity, etc. The transformative effect of cyanobacterial–actinomycetes associations on the structure of clay minerals – kaolinite, vermiculite, montmorillonite, biotite and muscovite – was observed, with the greatest structural lattice transformation revealed under the influence of association in comparison with monocultures of cyanobacterium and actinomycete. The range of the transformative effect depended both on the type of biota (component composition of association) and on the crystal– chemical parameters of the mineral itself (trioctahedral mica – biotite, was more prone to microbial degradation than the dioctahedral – muscovite). The formation of the swelling phase – the product of biotite transformation into the mica–vermicullite mixed-layered formation was revealed as a result of association cultivation. Crystal chemical transformation of vermiculite was accompanied by the removal of potassium (К), magnesium (Mg) and aluminum (Al) from the crystal lattice. The study of such prokaryotic communities existed even in the early stages of the Earth's history helps to understand the causes and nature of the transformations undergone by the atmosphere, hydrosphere and lithosphere of the planet. Contribution of treatments on structure induces and model parameters are discussed in the paper.

Keywords: Cyanobacterial–actinomycetes symbiotic associations, clay minerals, biodegradation, dioctahedral and trioctahedral mica


Aristovskaya, T.V., 1980. Mikrobiologiya protsessov pochvoobrazovaniya (Microbiology of Soil_Forming Processes). Leningrad.

Ivanova, E.A., Chizhikova, N.P., Zenova, G.M. 2012. Transformation of Micas of Various Crystal Chemistry under Influence of Cyanobacteria and Actinomycetes Association. Moscow University Soil Science Bulletin. 67 (3), 122–125.

Zvyagintsev, D.G., Zenova, G.M. 2001. Ekologiya aktinomitsetov (Ecology of Actinomycetes). Moscow.

Andreyuk, E.I., Kopteva, Zh.P., Zanina, V.V., 1990. Tsianobakterii (Cyanobacteria), Kiev.

Domracheva, L.I., 2005. “Tsvetenie” pochvy i zakonomernosti ego razvitiya (Soil “Blossoming” and the Regularities of Its Development). Syktyvkar.

Chizhikova, N.P., Zenova, G.M., Manucharov, A.S., 2005. Changes in the Structure of Clay Minerals under the Influence of Algobacterial Associations Eurasian Soil Science 38(8): 897–900.

Budel, B., Weber, B., Kuhl, M., Pfanz, H., Sültemeyer, D., Wessels, D., 2004. Reshaping of sandstone surfaces by cryptoendolithic cyanobacte.ria bioalkalization causes chemical weathering in arid landscapes. Geobiology 2(4): 261–268.

Alekseeva, T.V., Sapova, E.V., Gerasimenko, L.M., and Alekseev, A.O., 2009. Transformation of clay minerals caused by an alkaliphilic cyanobacterial community. Microbiology 78 (6), 776-784.

Rozanov, A.Yu., 2003. Fossil Bacteria: Sedimentogenesis and Early Stages of Biosphere Evolution, Paleontological Journal 37 (6): 601–609.

Zenova, G.M., Ivanova, E.A., Omarova, E.O., et al., 2009. Model Associations of Cyanobacterias and Actinomycetes Anabaena variabilis Kutz and Their Ability to Transform Clay Minerals Structure, Teoret. Prikl. Ekol. 3, P. 78–86.

Gauze, G.F., Preobrazhenskaya, T.P., Sveshnikova, M.A., et al., 1983. Opredelitel’ aktinomitsetov (Manual on Determination of Actinomycetes), Moscow.

Gorbunov, N.I., 1963. Vysokodispersnye mineraly i metody ikh izucheniya (Highly Dispersed Minerals and Methods of Their Study), Moscow.

Sokolova, T.A., Dronova, T.Ya., Tolpeshta, I.I., 2005. Glinistye mineraly v pochvakh (Clay Minerals in Soils). Tula.

Eurasian Journal of Soil Science