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Bouman, B.A.M., Feng, L, Tuong, T.P., Lu, G., Wang, H., Feng, Y., 2007. Exploring options to grow rice using less water in northern China using a modelling approach: II. Quantifying yield, water balance components, and water productivity. Agricultural Water Management 88(1-3): 23–33.
Bouman, B.A.M., Kropff, M.J, Tuong, T.P, Wopereis, M.C.S, ten Berge, H.F.M., van Laar, H.H., 2001. ORYZA 2000: Modeling lowland rice. International Rice Research Institute Wageningen University Research Centre. Los Baños (Philippines) and Wageningen, The Netherlands. 235p.
Cassman, K.G., 1999. Ecological intensification of cereal production systems: yield potential, soil quality, and precision agriculture. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of United States of America 96(11): 5952-5959.
Cayton, M.T.C., 1985.. Boron toxicity in rice. International Rice Research Institute. IRRI Research Paper Series 13. Los Baños (Philippines).
Dobermann A., Dawe, D., Roetter, R.P., Cassman, K.G., 2000. Reversal of Rice yield decline in a long-term Continuous Cropping experiment. Agronomy Journal 92(4): 633-643.
Dobermann, A., C. Witt, S. Abdulrachman, Gines, H.C. Nagarajan, R. Son, T.T. Tan, P.S. Wang, G.H. Chien, N.V. Thoa, V.T.K. Phung, C.V. Stalin, P. Muthukrishnan, P. Ravi, V. Babu, M. Simbahan, G.C. Adviento, M.A. Bartolome. V. (2003). Soil fertility and indigenous nutrient supply in irrigated rice domains of Asia. Agronomy Journal 95(4): 924-935.
Eagle, A.J., Bird, J.A., Hill, J.E., Horwath, W.R., van Kessel, C., 2001. Nitrogen dynamics and fertilizer use efficiency in rice following straw ıncorporation and winter flooding. Agronomy Journal 93(6): 1346-1354.
Flinn, J.C., De Datta S.K., 1984. Trends in irrigated-rice yields under intensive cropping at Philippine research stations. Field Crops Research 9: 1-15.
Horie, T., Ohnishi, M., Angus, J.F., Lewin, L.G., Tsukaguchi, T., Matano, T., 1997. Physiological characteristics of high-yielding rice inferred from cross-location experiments. Field Crops Research 52(1-2): 55-67.
Li, T., Ali, J., Marcaida III, M., Angeles, O., Franjie, N.J., Revilleza, J.E., Manalo, E., Redona, E., Xu, J., Li, Z., 2016. Combining limited multiple environment trials data with crop modeling to identify widely adaptable rice varieties. PLoS One 11(10): e0164456.
Peng, S., Garcia, F.V., Laza, R.C., Sanico, A.L., Visperas, R.M., Cassman. K.G., 1996. Increased N-use efficiency using a chlorophyll meter on high yielding irrigated rice. Field Crops Research 47(2-3): 243-252.
van Keulen, H., 1977. Nitrogen requirements of rice with special reference to Java. Central Research Institute for Agriculture, Bogor (Indonesia). No.30, 67p. Available at [Access date: 27.03.2019]:
Yang, Y., Feng, Z., Huang, H.Q., Lin, Y., 2008. Climate-induced changes in crop water balance during 1960–2001 in Northwest China. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 127(1-2): 107–118.
Ying, J., Peng, S., Yang, G., Zhou, N., Visperas, R.M., Cassman, K.G., 1998. Comparison of high-yield rice in tropical and subtropical environments: II. Nitrogen accumulation and utilization efficiency. Field Crops Research 57(1): 85-93.
Climatic variability is one of the most significant factors influencing year-to-year crop production, even in high yielding and high-technology agricultural areas. Many studies have attributed variation in yield and crop response to N fertilizer in general terms to differences in varietal characteristics, but few attempts have been made to systematically disentangle the contributions of the genotype from other factors as climatic conditions. In this study, we used ORYZA V3 rice crop model to evaluate impact of climatic variability on optimum nitrogen application rate in rice cropping system. The results show that, solar radiation and N management practices play important roles in the response of N in grain yield. Maximum and minimum temperature has less effect on the grain yield compared to the solar radiation. Optimum N was higher in the dry season compared with the early wet season. Optimum N rate for the grain yield was around 200, 150 and 100. Nutrient use efficiency (NUE) was higher in early wet season (EWS) and late set season (LWS) in higher rate of nitrogen compared to the dry season (DS). Observed grain yield and simulated grain yield was almost similar in both seasons. The ORYZA simulation model performs well for estimating optimum N application.
Keywords: ORYZA v3, climatic variability, grain yield.
Bouman, B.A.M., Feng, L, Tuong, T.P., Lu, G., Wang, H., Feng, Y., 2007. Exploring options to grow rice using less water in northern China using a modelling approach: II. Quantifying yield, water balance components, and water productivity. Agricultural Water Management 88(1-3): 23–33.
Bouman, B.A.M., Kropff, M.J, Tuong, T.P, Wopereis, M.C.S, ten Berge, H.F.M., van Laar, H.H., 2001. ORYZA 2000: Modeling lowland rice. International Rice Research Institute Wageningen University Research Centre. Los Baños (Philippines) and Wageningen, The Netherlands. 235p.
Cassman, K.G., 1999. Ecological intensification of cereal production systems: yield potential, soil quality, and precision agriculture. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of United States of America 96(11): 5952-5959.
Cayton, M.T.C., 1985.. Boron toxicity in rice. International Rice Research Institute. IRRI Research Paper Series 13. Los Baños (Philippines).
Dobermann A., Dawe, D., Roetter, R.P., Cassman, K.G., 2000. Reversal of Rice yield decline in a long-term Continuous Cropping experiment. Agronomy Journal 92(4): 633-643.
Dobermann, A., C. Witt, S. Abdulrachman, Gines, H.C. Nagarajan, R. Son, T.T. Tan, P.S. Wang, G.H. Chien, N.V. Thoa, V.T.K. Phung, C.V. Stalin, P. Muthukrishnan, P. Ravi, V. Babu, M. Simbahan, G.C. Adviento, M.A. Bartolome. V. (2003). Soil fertility and indigenous nutrient supply in irrigated rice domains of Asia. Agronomy Journal 95(4): 924-935.
Eagle, A.J., Bird, J.A., Hill, J.E., Horwath, W.R., van Kessel, C., 2001. Nitrogen dynamics and fertilizer use efficiency in rice following straw ıncorporation and winter flooding. Agronomy Journal 93(6): 1346-1354.
Flinn, J.C., De Datta S.K., 1984. Trends in irrigated-rice yields under intensive cropping at Philippine research stations. Field Crops Research 9: 1-15.
Horie, T., Ohnishi, M., Angus, J.F., Lewin, L.G., Tsukaguchi, T., Matano, T., 1997. Physiological characteristics of high-yielding rice inferred from cross-location experiments. Field Crops Research 52(1-2): 55-67.
Li, T., Ali, J., Marcaida III, M., Angeles, O., Franjie, N.J., Revilleza, J.E., Manalo, E., Redona, E., Xu, J., Li, Z., 2016. Combining limited multiple environment trials data with crop modeling to identify widely adaptable rice varieties. PLoS One 11(10): e0164456.
Peng, S., Garcia, F.V., Laza, R.C., Sanico, A.L., Visperas, R.M., Cassman. K.G., 1996. Increased N-use efficiency using a chlorophyll meter on high yielding irrigated rice. Field Crops Research 47(2-3): 243-252.
van Keulen, H., 1977. Nitrogen requirements of rice with special reference to Java. Central Research Institute for Agriculture, Bogor (Indonesia). No.30, 67p. Available at [Access date: 27.03.2019]:
Yang, Y., Feng, Z., Huang, H.Q., Lin, Y., 2008. Climate-induced changes in crop water balance during 1960–2001 in Northwest China. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 127(1-2): 107–118.
Ying, J., Peng, S., Yang, G., Zhou, N., Visperas, R.M., Cassman, K.G., 1998. Comparison of high-yield rice in tropical and subtropical environments: II. Nitrogen accumulation and utilization efficiency. Field Crops Research 57(1): 85-93.