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Abdollahi, L., Munkholm, L.J., Garbout, A., 2014. Tillage system and cover crop effects on soil quality: II. Pore Characteristics. Soil Science Society of America Journal 78(1): 271-279.
Acuña, J., Villamil, M.B., 2014. Short-term effects of cover crops and compaction on soil properties and soybean production in Illinois. Agronomy Journal 106(3): 860-870.
Annett, R., Habibi, H.R., Hontela, A., 2014. Impact of glyphosate and glyphosate-based herbicides on the freshwater environment. Journal of Applied Toxicology 34(5): 458-479.
Anonymous, 2008. Cherry production and trade in the World and Turkey. Akdeniz Exportation Associations. Research Series. Antalya, Turkey [in Turkish].
Anonymous, 2015. Turkish State, Meteorological Service [in Turkish]. Available at [Access date: 20.05.2015]:
Auler, A.C., Miara, S., Pires, L.F., da Fonseca, A.F., Barth, G., 2014. Soil physico-hydrical properties resulting from the management in Integrated Production Systems. Revista Ciência Agronômica 45(5): 976–989.
Basche, A.D., Kaspar, T.C., Archontoulis, S.V., Jaynes, D.B., Sauer, T.J., Parkin, T.B., Miguez, F.E., 2016. Soil water improvements with the long-term use of a winter rye cover crop. Agricultural Water Management 172: 40-50.
Bayer, C., Mielniczuk, J., Amado, T.J.C., Martin-Neto, L., Fernandes, S.V., 2000. Organic matter storage in a sandy clay loam Acrisol affected by tillage and cropping systems in southern Brazil. Soil and Tillage Research 54: 101-109.
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Demir, Z., Gülser, C., 2015. Effects of rice husk compost application on soil quality parameters in greenhouse conditions. Eurasian Journal of Soil Science 4(3): 185-190.
Demir, Z., Işık, D., 2019a. Effects of cover crops on soil hydraulic properties and yield in a persimmon orchard. Bragantia 78(4): 596-605.
Demir, Z., Işık, D., 2019b. Effects of cover crop treatments on some soil quality parameters and yield in a kiwifruit orchard in Turkey. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin 28(9): 6988-6997.
Demir, Z., Tursun, N., Işık, D., 2019. Effects of different cover crops on soil quality parameters and yield in an apricot orchard. International Journal of Agriculture and Biology 21: 399-408.
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Effects of different cover crops (CCs), mechanically cultivation and herbicide treatments on soil organic matter (SOM) content and some physical properties of soils were investigated in a cherry orchard with clay soil in 2013 and 2014. The present study was conducted in a cherry orchard located at the Experiment Station of Black Sea Agricultural Research Institute in Samsun province in the Northern region of Turkey. As the CCs, Trifolium repens L. (TR), Festuca rubra subsp. Rubra (FRR), Festuca arundinacea (FA), T. repens (40%)+F. rubra rubra (30%)+F. arundinacea (30%) mixture (TFF), Vicia villosa (VV) and Trifolium meneghinianum (TM) were utilized. Experiment also included plots mechanically cultivation (MC), herbicide treatment (HC) and control (C) plot without CCs. Experiment was conducted in randomized complete blocks design with four replications. The CCs were mowed in the flowering period of the plants. After 90 d following seed harvest, soil samples were collected from two depths (0-20 and 20-40 cm) in each plot. The CCs treatments decreased bulk density, volumetric water content, relative saturation, penetration resistance and increased SOM, field capacity, permanent wilting point, available water capacity, total porosity, gravimetric water content, mean weight diameter, structural stability index. The differences in the SOM contents and physical soil properties of all treatments as compared to the control were not found to be significant for the 20-40 cm soil depth in both years of experiments. The CCs, especially TR and VV treatments as legume plants improved SOM and physical soil properties, but longer term studies are needed to evaluate the long-term effects.
Keywords: Bulk density, penetration resistance, relative saturation, available water capacity, total porosity, cover crops.
Abdollahi, L., Munkholm, L.J., Garbout, A., 2014. Tillage system and cover crop effects on soil quality: II. Pore Characteristics. Soil Science Society of America Journal 78(1): 271-279.
Acuña, J., Villamil, M.B., 2014. Short-term effects of cover crops and compaction on soil properties and soybean production in Illinois. Agronomy Journal 106(3): 860-870.
Annett, R., Habibi, H.R., Hontela, A., 2014. Impact of glyphosate and glyphosate-based herbicides on the freshwater environment. Journal of Applied Toxicology 34(5): 458-479.
Anonymous, 2008. Cherry production and trade in the World and Turkey. Akdeniz Exportation Associations. Research Series. Antalya, Turkey [in Turkish].
Anonymous, 2015. Turkish State, Meteorological Service [in Turkish]. Available at [Access date: 20.05.2015]:
Auler, A.C., Miara, S., Pires, L.F., da Fonseca, A.F., Barth, G., 2014. Soil physico-hydrical properties resulting from the management in Integrated Production Systems. Revista Ciência Agronômica 45(5): 976–989.
Basche, A.D., Kaspar, T.C., Archontoulis, S.V., Jaynes, D.B., Sauer, T.J., Parkin, T.B., Miguez, F.E., 2016. Soil water improvements with the long-term use of a winter rye cover crop. Agricultural Water Management 172: 40-50.
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Blanco-Canqui, H., Mikha, M.M., Presley, D.R., Claassen, M.M., 2011. Addition of cover crops enhances no-till potential for improving soil physical properties. Soil Science Society of America Journal 75(4): 1471–1478.
Blanco-Canqui, H., Ferguson, R.B., Jin, V.L., Schmer, M.R., Wienhold, B.J., Tatarko, J., 2014. Can cover crop and manure maintain soil properties after stover removal from irrigated no-till corn? Soil Science Society of America Journal 78(4): 1368–1377.
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Bronick, C.J., Lal, R., 2005. Soil structure and management: A review. Geoderma 124(1-2): 3-22.
Candemir, F., Gülser, C., 2010. Effects of different agricultural wastes on some soil quality indexes at clay and loamy sand fields. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis 42(1): 13-28.
Dabney, S.M., Delgado, J.A., Reeves, D.W., 2001. Using winter cover crops to improve soil and water quality. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis 32(7-8): 1221–1250.
Daigh, A.L., Helmers, M., Kladivko, E., Zhou, X., Goeken, R., Cavdini, J., Barker, D., Sawyer, J., 2014. Soil water during the drought of 2012 as affected by rye cover crops in fields in Iowa and Indiana. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation 69(6): 564-573.
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Demir, Z., 2019. Effects of vermicompost on soil physicochemical properties and lettuce (Lactuca sativa Var. Crispa) yield in greenhouse under different soil water regimes. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis 50(17): 2151-2168.
Demir, Z., Gülser, C., 2015. Effects of rice husk compost application on soil quality parameters in greenhouse conditions. Eurasian Journal of Soil Science 4(3): 185-190.
Demir, Z., Işık, D., 2019a. Effects of cover crops on soil hydraulic properties and yield in a persimmon orchard. Bragantia 78(4): 596-605.
Demir, Z., Işık, D., 2019b. Effects of cover crop treatments on some soil quality parameters and yield in a kiwifruit orchard in Turkey. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin 28(9): 6988-6997.
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