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Anderson, L.T., 1987. Seven methods for calculating land capability/suitability. Planning Advisory Service (PAS), Report No.402, American Planning Association, Chicago, USA. 20p.
Bagherzadeh, A., Mansouri, M.R., 2011. Physical land suitability evaluation for specific cereal crops using GIS at Mashhad Plain, northeast of Iran. Frontiers of Agriculture in China 5 (4): 504-513.
Dengiz, O., 2002. Ankara-Gölbaşı İlçesi ve Yakın Çevresinde Yayılım gösteren arazilerin kalite durumlarının belirlenmesinde parametrik metot yaklaşımı. Selçuk Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Tarım Bilimleri Dergisi 16(30): 59-69 [in Turkish].
Dengiz, O., Bayramin, İ., Yüksel, M., 2003. Geographic information system and remote sensing based land evaluation of Beypazarı area soils by ILSEN model. Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Forestry 27(3): 145-153.
Dengiz, O., İ. Bayramin, Usul, M., 2005. Kahramanmaraş tarım işletmesi topraklarının kalite durumlarının belirlenmesi. Ankara Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Tarım Bilimleri Dergisi 11(1): 45-50 [in Turkish].
Dengiz, O., Ozcan, H., Köksal, E.S., Baskan, O., Kosker, Y., 2010. Sustainable natural resource management and environmental assessment in the Salt Lake (Tuz Golu) Specially Protected Area. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 161(1-4): 327-342.
Dengiz, O., 2013. Land suitability assessment for rice cultivation based on GIS modeling. Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Forestry. 37(3): 326-334.
Dengiz, O., Sarıoğlu, F.E., 2013. Arazi değerlendirme çalışmalarında parametrik bir yaklaşım olan doğrusal kombinasyon tekniği. Tarım Bilimleri Dergisi 19 (2): 101-112 [in Turkish].
FAO, 1976. A framework for land evaluation. Food and Agriculture Organization of The United Nations. Soils Bulletin No. 32, Rome, Italy. Available at [Access date: 01.04.2019]:
FAO, 2014. Building a common vision for sustainable food and agriculture, principles and approaches. Rome, Italy. Available at [Access date: 01.04.2019]:
Flynn, K.C., 2016. An exploration of agricultural lands devoted to corn-based ethanol production. Papers in Applied Geography 2(3): 315–325.
Hamerlinck, J.D., S.N. Lieske., 2015. Siting carbon conversion energy facilities with spatial multicriteria decision analysis. Papers in Applied Geography 1 (2):197–204.
Laingen, C., 2015. A spatiotemporal analysis of sorghum in the United States. Papers in Applied Geography 1(4): 307–311.
Girma, R., Moges, A., Quraishi, S., 2015. GIS based physical land suitability evaluation for crop production in Eastern Ethiopia: A case study in Jello Watershed. Agrotechnology 5(1): 2-7.
Hopkins, L.D., 1977. Methods of generating land suitability maps: A comparative evaluation. Journal of American Institute of Planners 43(4): 386–400.
Khiddir, S.M., 1986. A statistical approach in the use of parametric systems applied to the FAO framework for land evaluation. PhD thesis, Ghent State University, Ghent, Belgium.
Jafarzadeh, A., Alamdari, A.P., Neyshabouri, M.R., Saedi, S., 2008. Land suitability evaluation of Bilverdy Research Station for wheat, barley, alfalfa, maize and sunflower. Soil and Water Research 3:S81–S88.
Karimi, F., Sultana, S., Babakan, A., Royall, D., 2018. Land suitability evaluation for organic agriculture of wheat using GIS and multicriteria analysis. Papers in Applied Geography 4(3): 326-342.
Kurşun, G., Dengiz, O. 2018. Arid Karasal ekosistem koşulları altında oluşmuş toprakların sınıflaması ve dağılımlarının belirlenmesi. Toprak Su Dergisi 7(2): 1-10 [in Turkish].
Mendas, A., Delali, A., 2012. Integration of MultiCriteria Decision Analysis in GIS to develop land suitability for agriculture: Application to durum wheat cultivation in the region of Mleta in Algeria. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 83: 117–126.
Mustafa, A.A., Singh, M., Sahoo, R.N., Ahmed, N., Khanna, M., Sarangi, A., Mishra, A.K., 2011. Land suitability analysis for different crops: A multi criteria decision making approach using remote sensing and GIS. Researcher 3(12): 61–84.
Murat, A., Temur, S., 1995. Karaman (Ayrancı-Karaman) yöresi talk yatakları. Maden Tetkik ve Arama Genel Müdürlüğü, Orta Anadolu II. Bölge Müdürlüğü. Konya-Selçuk Üniversitesi, Jeoloji Mühendisliği Bölümü, Konya Türkiye Jeoloji Bülteni 38(1): 95-102.
Newhall, F., 1972. Calculation of soil moisture regimes from the climatic record, Revision 4. USDA Soil conservation service, Washington D.C., USA.
Rabia, H.A, Terribile, F., 2013. Introducing a new parametric concept for land suitability assessment. International Journal of Environmental Science and Development 4(1): 15-19.
Senol, S., 1994. Bilgisayar destekli bir model yardımıyla Göksu deltası topraklarının tarımsal kullanımına uygunluk sınıflaması. Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Forestry 18(5): 437– 443 [in Turkish].
Sys, C., Van Ranst, E., Debaveye, J., 1991. Land evaluation. Part I Principles in land evaluation and crop production calculations. General administration for development cooperation (GADC), Agricultural Publications No.7, Brussels, Belgium. pp.40-80.
Vargahan, B., Shahbazi, F., Hajrasouli, M., 2011. Quantitative and qualitative land suitability evaluation for maize cultivation in ghobadlou region, Iran. Ozean Journal of Applied Sciences 4(1): 91-104.
van Wambeke, A.R., 2000. The Newhall simulation model for estimating soil moisture and temperature regimes. Department of Crop and Soil Sciences. Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, USA.
Land evaluation based on human, economic and physical resources is an important tool for attaining proper land use planning of various agro-ecological zones especially in arid terrestrial ecosystem condition area to ensure that land is not degraded and that it is used according to its capacity to satisfy human needs for present and future generation. The aim of this research was to assess land suitability for the production of major crops in arid terrestrial ecosystem. The study area was carried out Ayrancı district of Karaman province is about 4760 km2 and located between 577076 m - 596768 m east and 41541331 m – 4174001 m north coordination. Elevation of the study area locates between 991 m and 1774 m from sea level and long term annual average precipitation and temperature are 330.8 mm and 12 oC. According to Newhall simulation model, it was determined that soil temperature regime is mesic and moisture regime is weak aridic. The land mapping units were primarily described and land characteristics and qualities were determined using 1:5.000 scaled soil maps of the study area. Land use types to be considered were described and their land requirements were determined. The land requirement of the land use types were compared with the land characteristics and land qualities of land mapping units. The results of the matching process combined with those of assessment and produced a classification showed the suitability of each land mapping unit for each relevant land use type. The agricultural suitability maps prepared revealed that only 8.4 % of the study area soils was not suitable for agricultural uses, 57.2 % of the soils was best suitable for agricultural uses. In addition, 70515.8 ha of the total study area was not suitable for horticulture cultivation whereas, 9859.1 ha was not suitable for field crop cultivation due to the unfavorable land and soil conditions. Moreover, about 35.4% of the total area was found non suitable for vegetable crops in the study area.
Keywords: Arid land, land use type, land characteristics and qualities, land suitability classification.
Anderson, L.T., 1987. Seven methods for calculating land capability/suitability. Planning Advisory Service (PAS), Report No.402, American Planning Association, Chicago, USA. 20p.
Bagherzadeh, A., Mansouri, M.R., 2011. Physical land suitability evaluation for specific cereal crops using GIS at Mashhad Plain, northeast of Iran. Frontiers of Agriculture in China 5 (4): 504-513.
Dengiz, O., 2002. Ankara-Gölbaşı İlçesi ve Yakın Çevresinde Yayılım gösteren arazilerin kalite durumlarının belirlenmesinde parametrik metot yaklaşımı. Selçuk Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Tarım Bilimleri Dergisi 16(30): 59-69 [in Turkish].
Dengiz, O., Bayramin, İ., Yüksel, M., 2003. Geographic information system and remote sensing based land evaluation of Beypazarı area soils by ILSEN model. Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Forestry 27(3): 145-153.
Dengiz, O., İ. Bayramin, Usul, M., 2005. Kahramanmaraş tarım işletmesi topraklarının kalite durumlarının belirlenmesi. Ankara Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Tarım Bilimleri Dergisi 11(1): 45-50 [in Turkish].
Dengiz, O., Ozcan, H., Köksal, E.S., Baskan, O., Kosker, Y., 2010. Sustainable natural resource management and environmental assessment in the Salt Lake (Tuz Golu) Specially Protected Area. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 161(1-4): 327-342.
Dengiz, O., 2013. Land suitability assessment for rice cultivation based on GIS modeling. Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Forestry. 37(3): 326-334.
Dengiz, O., Sarıoğlu, F.E., 2013. Arazi değerlendirme çalışmalarında parametrik bir yaklaşım olan doğrusal kombinasyon tekniği. Tarım Bilimleri Dergisi 19 (2): 101-112 [in Turkish].
FAO, 1976. A framework for land evaluation. Food and Agriculture Organization of The United Nations. Soils Bulletin No. 32, Rome, Italy. Available at [Access date: 01.04.2019]:
FAO, 2014. Building a common vision for sustainable food and agriculture, principles and approaches. Rome, Italy. Available at [Access date: 01.04.2019]:
Flynn, K.C., 2016. An exploration of agricultural lands devoted to corn-based ethanol production. Papers in Applied Geography 2(3): 315–325.
Hamerlinck, J.D., S.N. Lieske., 2015. Siting carbon conversion energy facilities with spatial multicriteria decision analysis. Papers in Applied Geography 1 (2):197–204.
Laingen, C., 2015. A spatiotemporal analysis of sorghum in the United States. Papers in Applied Geography 1(4): 307–311.
Girma, R., Moges, A., Quraishi, S., 2015. GIS based physical land suitability evaluation for crop production in Eastern Ethiopia: A case study in Jello Watershed. Agrotechnology 5(1): 2-7.
Hopkins, L.D., 1977. Methods of generating land suitability maps: A comparative evaluation. Journal of American Institute of Planners 43(4): 386–400.
Khiddir, S.M., 1986. A statistical approach in the use of parametric systems applied to the FAO framework for land evaluation. PhD thesis, Ghent State University, Ghent, Belgium.
Jafarzadeh, A., Alamdari, A.P., Neyshabouri, M.R., Saedi, S., 2008. Land suitability evaluation of Bilverdy Research Station for wheat, barley, alfalfa, maize and sunflower. Soil and Water Research 3:S81–S88.
Karimi, F., Sultana, S., Babakan, A., Royall, D., 2018. Land suitability evaluation for organic agriculture of wheat using GIS and multicriteria analysis. Papers in Applied Geography 4(3): 326-342.
Kurşun, G., Dengiz, O. 2018. Arid Karasal ekosistem koşulları altında oluşmuş toprakların sınıflaması ve dağılımlarının belirlenmesi. Toprak Su Dergisi 7(2): 1-10 [in Turkish].
Mendas, A., Delali, A., 2012. Integration of MultiCriteria Decision Analysis in GIS to develop land suitability for agriculture: Application to durum wheat cultivation in the region of Mleta in Algeria. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 83: 117–126.
Mustafa, A.A., Singh, M., Sahoo, R.N., Ahmed, N., Khanna, M., Sarangi, A., Mishra, A.K., 2011. Land suitability analysis for different crops: A multi criteria decision making approach using remote sensing and GIS. Researcher 3(12): 61–84.
Murat, A., Temur, S., 1995. Karaman (Ayrancı-Karaman) yöresi talk yatakları. Maden Tetkik ve Arama Genel Müdürlüğü, Orta Anadolu II. Bölge Müdürlüğü. Konya-Selçuk Üniversitesi, Jeoloji Mühendisliği Bölümü, Konya Türkiye Jeoloji Bülteni 38(1): 95-102.
Newhall, F., 1972. Calculation of soil moisture regimes from the climatic record, Revision 4. USDA Soil conservation service, Washington D.C., USA.
Rabia, H.A, Terribile, F., 2013. Introducing a new parametric concept for land suitability assessment. International Journal of Environmental Science and Development 4(1): 15-19.
Senol, S., 1994. Bilgisayar destekli bir model yardımıyla Göksu deltası topraklarının tarımsal kullanımına uygunluk sınıflaması. Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Forestry 18(5): 437– 443 [in Turkish].
Sys, C., Van Ranst, E., Debaveye, J., 1991. Land evaluation. Part I Principles in land evaluation and crop production calculations. General administration for development cooperation (GADC), Agricultural Publications No.7, Brussels, Belgium. pp.40-80.
Vargahan, B., Shahbazi, F., Hajrasouli, M., 2011. Quantitative and qualitative land suitability evaluation for maize cultivation in ghobadlou region, Iran. Ozean Journal of Applied Sciences 4(1): 91-104.
van Wambeke, A.R., 2000. The Newhall simulation model for estimating soil moisture and temperature regimes. Department of Crop and Soil Sciences. Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, USA.