Eurasian Journal of Soil Science

Volume 8, Issue 4, Sep 2019, Pages 298 - 303
DOI: 10.18393/ejss.582231
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Copyright © 2019 The authors and Federation of Eurasian Soil Science Societies

Effects of iron sources and doses on plant growth criteria in soybean seedlings


Article first published online: 25 Jun 2019 | How to cite | Additional Information (Show All)

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Gülser,F., Yavuz,H., Gökkaya,T., Sedef,M., 2019. Effects of iron sources and doses on plant growth criteria in soybean seedlings. Eurasian J Soil Sci 8(4):298 - 303. DOI : 10.18393/ejss.582231
Gülser,F.,Yavuz,H.Gökkaya,T.,& Sedef,M. Effects of iron sources and doses on plant growth criteria in soybean seedlings Eurasian Journal of Soil Science, 8(4):298 - 303. DOI : 10.18393/ejss.582231
Gülser,F.,Yavuz,H.Gökkaya,T., and ,Sedef,M."Effects of iron sources and doses on plant growth criteria in soybean seedlings" Eurasian Journal of Soil Science, 8.4 (2019):298 - 303. DOI : 10.18393/ejss.582231
Gülser,F.,Yavuz,H.Gökkaya,T., and ,Sedef,M. "Effects of iron sources and doses on plant growth criteria in soybean seedlings" Eurasian Journal of Soil Science,8(Sep 2019):298 - 303 DOI : 10.18393/ejss.582231
F,Gülser.H,Yavuz.T,Gökkaya.M,Sedef "Effects of iron sources and doses on plant growth criteria in soybean seedlings" Eurasian J. Soil Sci, vol.8, no.4, pp.298 - 303 (Sep 2019), DOI : 10.18393/ejss.582231
Gülser,Füsun ;Yavuz,Halil İbrahim ;Gökkaya,Tuğba Hasibe ;Sedef,Murat Effects of iron sources and doses on plant growth criteria in soybean seedlings. Eurasian Journal of Soil Science, (2019),8.4:298 - 303. DOI : 10.18393/ejss.582231

How to cite

Gülser, F., Yavuz, H., Gökkaya, T., Sedef, M., 2019. Effects of iron sources and doses on plant growth criteria in soybean seedlings. Eurasian J. Soil Sci. 8(4): 298 - 303. DOI : 10.18393/ejss.582231

Author information

Füsun Gülser , Van Yüzüncü Yıl University, Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, Van, Turkey Van, Turkey
Halil İbrahim Yavuz , Van Yüzüncü Yıl University, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Van, Turkey
Tuğba Hasibe Gökkaya , Van Yüzüncü Yıl University, Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, Van, Turkey
Murat Sedef , Van Yüzüncü Yıl University, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Van, Turkey

Publication information

Article first published online : 25 Jun 2019
Manuscript Accepted : 25 Jun 2019
Manuscript Received: 10 Nov 2018
DOI: 10.18393/ejss.582231
Stable URL:


In this study, effects of different iron sources and doses on plant growth criteria in soybean (Glycine max L.) seedlings were investigated. The experiment was conducted according to factorial experimental design with three replications under controlled conditions. Atakişi variety of soybean (Glycine max L.) cultivar was used as a plant material. Three soybean seeds were sown each plastic pot having 1.3 kg soil:sand mixed in 1:1 ratio. Three different Fe sources (FeSO4.7H2O, Fe-EDDHA and nanoFe) were applied to the pots with three different doses (0-15-30 mg Fe kg-1). The experiment was ended after five weeks of seed sowing. Shoot length, shoot fresh and dry weights, root length, root fresh and dry weights and number of compound leaf in soybean seedlings were determined at the end of the experiment. The highest shoot fresh and dry weights, root fresh and dry weights, compound leaf number were determined in 15 mg kg-1 nano Fe applications as 3.56 g, 0.83 g, 2.30 g, 0.33 g and 5, respectively. Increasing the application dose of nano-Fe from 15 to 30 mg kg-1 caused to decrease in fresh and dry weights in soybean seedlings. Generally, shoot growth decreased and root length increased in soybean seedlings by increasing Fe application doses. Seedling growth in soybean generally increased depend on the Fe sources in the following order; FeSO4.7H2O < Fe-EDDHA < nano-Fe.


Soybean, seedling growth, nano Fe, Fe-EDDHA, FeSO4.7H2O.

Corresponding author


Alidoust, D., Isoda, A., 2013. Effect of γFe2O3 nanoparticles on photosynthetic characteristic of soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr.): foliar spray versus soil amendment. Acta Physiologiae Plantarum 35(12): 3365–3375.

Bindraban, PS, Dimkpa, C., Nagarajan, L., Roy, A., Rabbinge, R., 2015. Revisiting fertilisers and fertilisation strategies for improved nutrient uptake by plants. Biology and Fertility of Soils 51(8): 897–911.

Brunner, T.J., Wick, P., Manser, P., Spohn, P., Grass, R.N., Limbach, L.K, Bruinink, A., Stark W.J., 2006. In vitro cytotoxicity of oxide nanoparticles:  Comparison to asbestos, silica, and the effect of particle solubility. Environmental Science & Technology 40(14): 4374-4381.

Cakmak, I., 2002. Plant nutrition research: Priorities to meet human needs for food in sustainable ways. Plant and Soil 247(1): 3-24.

Cesco, S., Römheld, V., Varanini, Z., Pinton, R., 2000. Solubilization of iron by water‐extractable humic substances. Journal of  Plant Nutrition and Soil Science 163(3): 285–290.

Chakralhoseini, M.R., Ronaghi, A., Mafton, M., Karimian, N.A., 2002. Soybean response to application of iron and phosphorus in a calcareous soil. Science and Technology Journal of Agriculture and Natural Resources 6(4): 91-101.

Chen, Y., Barak, P., 1982. Iron nutrition of plants in calcareous soils. Advances in Agronomy 35(2): 17-40.

Gogos, A., Knauer, K., Bucheli, T.D., 2012. Nanomaterials in plant protection and fertilization: Current state, foreseen applications and research priorities. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 60(39): 9781–9792.

Graham, P.H., Vance, C.P., 2003. Legume importance and constraints to greater use. Plant Physiology 131(3): 872-877.  

Hassani, A., Tajali, A.A., Mazinani, S.M.H., 2015. Studying the conventional chemical fertilizers and nano-fertilizer of iron, zinc and potassium on quantitative yield of the medicinal plant of peppermint (Mentha piperita L.) in Khuzestan. International Journal of Agriculture Innovations and Research 3(4): 1078-1082.

Hochella, M.F.Jr., Lower, S.K., Maurice, P.A., Penn, R.L., Sahai, N., Sparks, D.L, Twining, B.S., 2008. Nanominerals, mineral nanoparticles, and earth systems. Science 319(5870): 1631–1635.

Kacar, B., 2010. Toprak Analizleri. Genişletilmiş Baskı, XVIII, Nobel yayın Dağıtım, Ankara, Turkey. 468s. [in Turkish]

Khadka, D., Lamichhane, S., Shrestha, S.R., Pant, B.B., 2017. Evaluation of soil fertility status of Regional Agricultural Research Station, Tarahara, Sunsari, Nepal. Eurasian Journal of Soil Science 6(4): 295 -306.

Laurie, S.H., Tancock, N.P., Mcgrath, S.P., Sanders, J.R., 1991. Influence of complexation on the uptake by plants of iron, manganese, copper and zinc. Journal of Experimental Botany 42(237): 509–513.

Li, X., Gui, X., Rui, Y., Ji, W., Van Nhan, L., Yu, Z., Peng, S., 2014. Bt-transgenic cotton is more sensitive to CeO2 nanoparticles than its parental non-transgenic cotton. Journal of Hazardous Materials 274: 173–180.

Libault, M., Farmer, A., Joshi, T., Takahashi, K., Langley, R.J., Franklin, L.D., He, J., Xu, D., May, G., Stacey, G., 2010. An integrated transcriptome atlas of the crop model Glycine max, and its use in comparative analyses in plants. The Plant Journal 63(1): 86-99.

Lindsay, W.L., Schwab, A.P., 1982. The chemistry of iron in soils and its availability to plants. Journal of Plant Nutrition 5(4-7): 321-340.

Liscano, J.F., Wilson, C.E., Norman Jr, R.J., Slaton, N.A., 2000. Zinc availability to rice from seven granular fertilizers. Arkansas Agricultural Experiment Station Researh Bulletin 963, Fayetteville, Arkansas, USA. 31p. Available at [Access date: 10.11.2018]:

Liu, R., Lal, R., 2016. Nanofertilizers. In: Encyclopedia of Soil Science, Lal, R. (Ed.) 3rd Edition, CRC Press, pp:1511-1515.

Liu, R.Q., Zhang, H.Y., Lal, R., 2016. Effects of stabilized nanoparticles of copper, Zinc, manganese, and iron oxides in low concentrations on lettuce (Lactuca sativa) seed germination: nanotoxicants or nanonutrients? Water, Air, & Soil Pollution 227: 42.

Lucena, J.J., Gárate, A., Villén, M., 2010. Stability in solution and reactivity with soils and soil components of iron and zinc complexes. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science 173(6): 900–906.

Lucena, J.J., Manzanares, M., Gárate, A., 1992. Comparative study of the efficacy of commercial Fe-chelates using a new test. Journal of Plant Nutrition 15(10): 1995-2006.

Malakouti, M.J., Tehrani, M.M., 2005. The role of micronutrients in the increase in the yield and improvement of the quality of agricultural crops, micronutrients with macro effect. Tarbiyat Modares Publisher, Tehran, Iran. [In Persian].

Mimmo, T., Del Buono, D., Terzano, R., Tomasi, N., Vigani, G., Crecchio, C., Pinton, R., Zocchi, G., Cesco, S., 2014. Rhizospheric organic compounds in the soil–microorganism–plant system: their role in iron availability. European Journal of Soil Science 65(5): 629-642.

Montalvo, D., McLaughlin, M.J., Degryse, F., 2015. Efficacy of hydroxyapatite nanoparticles as phosphorus fertilizer in andisols and oxisols. Soil Science Society of America Journal 79(2): 551–558.

Mortvedt, J.J., 1991. Correcting iron deficiencies in annual and perennial plants: present technologies and future prospects. Plant and Soil 130(1-2): 273–279.

Mortvedt, J.J., Giordano, P., Lindsay, W., 1972. Micronutrients in agriculture. Soil Science Society of America, Madison. WI, USA. 666p.

Nadi, E., Aynehband, A., Mojaddam, M., 2013. Effect of nano-iron chelate fertilizer on grain yield, protein percent and chlorophyll content of Faba bean (Vicia faba L.). International Journal of Biosciences 3(9): 267-272.

Rameshaiah, G.N., Pallavi, J., Shabnam, S., 2015. Nano fertilizers and nano sensors-an attempt for developing smart agriculture. International Journal of Engineering Research and General Science 3(1): 314-320.

Rui, M., Ma, C., Hao, Y., Guo, J., Rui, Y., Tang, X., Zhao, Q., Fan, X., Zhang, Z., Hou, T., Zhu, S., 2016. Iron oxide nanoparticles as a potential iron fertilizer for peanut (Arachis hypogaea). Frontiers in Plant Science 7: 815.

Rui, Y., Zhang, P., Zhang, Y., Ma, Y., He, X., Gui, X., Li, Y., Zhang, J., Zheng L., Chu, S., Guo, Z., Chai Z., Zhao, Y., Zhang, Z.,  2015. Transformation of ceria nanoparticles in cucumber plants is influenced by phosphate. Environmental Pollution 198: 8–14.

Sheykhbaglou, R., Sedghi, M., Shishevan, T.M., Sharifi, R.S., 2010. Effects of nano-iron oxide particles on agronomic traits of soybean. Notulae Scientia Biologicae 2(2): 112-113.

Singh, M.D., Chirag, G., Prakash, P.O., Mohan, M.H., Prakasha, G., Vishwajith, 2017. Nano fertilizers is a new way to increase nutrients use efficiency in crop production. International Journal of Agriculture Sciences 9(7): 3831-3833.

SPSS, 2018. IBM Corp. Released 2013. IBM SPSS Statistics for Windows, Version 21.0. Armonk, NY: IBM Corp.

Tisdale, S.L., Nelson, W.L., Beaton, J.D., 1993. Soil fertility and fertilizers. Macmillan Publishing Co. Inc. New York, USA. 634p.

Ye, L., Li, L., Wang, L., Wang, S., Li, S., Du, J., Zhang, S., Shou, H., 2015. MPK3/MPK6 are involved in iron deficiency induced ethylene production in Arabidopsis. Frontiers in Plant Science 6: 953.

Zargar, S.M., Agrawal, G.K., Rakwal, R., Fukao, Y., 2015. Quantitative proteomics reveals role of sugar in decreasing photosynthetic activity due to Fe deficiency. Frontiers in Plant Science 6: 592.

Zuo, Y., Zhang, F., 2011. Soil and crop management strategies to prevent iron deficiency in crops. Plant and Soil 339(1-2): 83–95.


In this study, effects of different iron sources and doses on plant growth criteria in soybean (Glycine max L.) seedlings were investigated. The experiment was conducted according to factorial experimental design with three replications under controlled conditions. Atakişi variety of soybean (Glycine max L.) cultivar was used as a plant material. Three soybean seeds were sown each plastic pot having 1.3 kg soil:sand mixed in 1:1 ratio. Three different Fe sources (FeSO4.7H2O, Fe-EDDHA and nanoFe) were applied to the pots with three different doses (0-15-30 mg Fe kg-1). The experiment was ended after five weeks of seed sowing. Shoot length, shoot fresh and dry weights, root length, root fresh and dry weights and number of compound leaf in soybean seedlings were determined at the end of the experiment. The highest shoot fresh and dry weights, root fresh and dry weights, compound leaf number were determined in 15 mg kg-1 nano Fe applications as 3.56 g, 0.83 g, 2.30 g, 0.33 g and 5, respectively. Increasing the application dose of nano-Fe from 15 to 30 mg kg-1 caused to decrease in fresh and dry weights in soybean seedlings. Generally, shoot growth decreased and root length increased in soybean seedlings by increasing Fe application doses. Seedling growth in soybean generally increased depend on the Fe sources in the following order; FeSO4.7H2O < Fe-EDDHA < nano-Fe.

Keywords: Soybean, seedling growth, nano Fe, Fe-EDDHA, FeSO4.7H2O.


Alidoust, D., Isoda, A., 2013. Effect of γFe2O3 nanoparticles on photosynthetic characteristic of soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr.): foliar spray versus soil amendment. Acta Physiologiae Plantarum 35(12): 3365–3375.

Bindraban, PS, Dimkpa, C., Nagarajan, L., Roy, A., Rabbinge, R., 2015. Revisiting fertilisers and fertilisation strategies for improved nutrient uptake by plants. Biology and Fertility of Soils 51(8): 897–911.

Brunner, T.J., Wick, P., Manser, P., Spohn, P., Grass, R.N., Limbach, L.K, Bruinink, A., Stark W.J., 2006. In vitro cytotoxicity of oxide nanoparticles:  Comparison to asbestos, silica, and the effect of particle solubility. Environmental Science & Technology 40(14): 4374-4381.

Cakmak, I., 2002. Plant nutrition research: Priorities to meet human needs for food in sustainable ways. Plant and Soil 247(1): 3-24.

Cesco, S., Römheld, V., Varanini, Z., Pinton, R., 2000. Solubilization of iron by water‐extractable humic substances. Journal of  Plant Nutrition and Soil Science 163(3): 285–290.

Chakralhoseini, M.R., Ronaghi, A., Mafton, M., Karimian, N.A., 2002. Soybean response to application of iron and phosphorus in a calcareous soil. Science and Technology Journal of Agriculture and Natural Resources 6(4): 91-101.

Chen, Y., Barak, P., 1982. Iron nutrition of plants in calcareous soils. Advances in Agronomy 35(2): 17-40.

Gogos, A., Knauer, K., Bucheli, T.D., 2012. Nanomaterials in plant protection and fertilization: Current state, foreseen applications and research priorities. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 60(39): 9781–9792.

Graham, P.H., Vance, C.P., 2003. Legume importance and constraints to greater use. Plant Physiology 131(3): 872-877.  

Hassani, A., Tajali, A.A., Mazinani, S.M.H., 2015. Studying the conventional chemical fertilizers and nano-fertilizer of iron, zinc and potassium on quantitative yield of the medicinal plant of peppermint (Mentha piperita L.) in Khuzestan. International Journal of Agriculture Innovations and Research 3(4): 1078-1082.

Hochella, M.F.Jr., Lower, S.K., Maurice, P.A., Penn, R.L., Sahai, N., Sparks, D.L, Twining, B.S., 2008. Nanominerals, mineral nanoparticles, and earth systems. Science 319(5870): 1631–1635.

Kacar, B., 2010. Toprak Analizleri. Genişletilmiş Baskı, XVIII, Nobel yayın Dağıtım, Ankara, Turkey. 468s. [in Turkish]

Khadka, D., Lamichhane, S., Shrestha, S.R., Pant, B.B., 2017. Evaluation of soil fertility status of Regional Agricultural Research Station, Tarahara, Sunsari, Nepal. Eurasian Journal of Soil Science 6(4): 295 -306.

Laurie, S.H., Tancock, N.P., Mcgrath, S.P., Sanders, J.R., 1991. Influence of complexation on the uptake by plants of iron, manganese, copper and zinc. Journal of Experimental Botany 42(237): 509–513.

Li, X., Gui, X., Rui, Y., Ji, W., Van Nhan, L., Yu, Z., Peng, S., 2014. Bt-transgenic cotton is more sensitive to CeO2 nanoparticles than its parental non-transgenic cotton. Journal of Hazardous Materials 274: 173–180.

Libault, M., Farmer, A., Joshi, T., Takahashi, K., Langley, R.J., Franklin, L.D., He, J., Xu, D., May, G., Stacey, G., 2010. An integrated transcriptome atlas of the crop model Glycine max, and its use in comparative analyses in plants. The Plant Journal 63(1): 86-99.

Lindsay, W.L., Schwab, A.P., 1982. The chemistry of iron in soils and its availability to plants. Journal of Plant Nutrition 5(4-7): 321-340.

Liscano, J.F., Wilson, C.E., Norman Jr, R.J., Slaton, N.A., 2000. Zinc availability to rice from seven granular fertilizers. Arkansas Agricultural Experiment Station Researh Bulletin 963, Fayetteville, Arkansas, USA. 31p. Available at [Access date: 10.11.2018]:

Liu, R., Lal, R., 2016. Nanofertilizers. In: Encyclopedia of Soil Science, Lal, R. (Ed.) 3rd Edition, CRC Press, pp:1511-1515.

Liu, R.Q., Zhang, H.Y., Lal, R., 2016. Effects of stabilized nanoparticles of copper, Zinc, manganese, and iron oxides in low concentrations on lettuce (Lactuca sativa) seed germination: nanotoxicants or nanonutrients? Water, Air, & Soil Pollution 227: 42.

Lucena, J.J., Gárate, A., Villén, M., 2010. Stability in solution and reactivity with soils and soil components of iron and zinc complexes. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science 173(6): 900–906.

Lucena, J.J., Manzanares, M., Gárate, A., 1992. Comparative study of the efficacy of commercial Fe-chelates using a new test. Journal of Plant Nutrition 15(10): 1995-2006.

Malakouti, M.J., Tehrani, M.M., 2005. The role of micronutrients in the increase in the yield and improvement of the quality of agricultural crops, micronutrients with macro effect. Tarbiyat Modares Publisher, Tehran, Iran. [In Persian].

Mimmo, T., Del Buono, D., Terzano, R., Tomasi, N., Vigani, G., Crecchio, C., Pinton, R., Zocchi, G., Cesco, S., 2014. Rhizospheric organic compounds in the soil–microorganism–plant system: their role in iron availability. European Journal of Soil Science 65(5): 629-642.

Montalvo, D., McLaughlin, M.J., Degryse, F., 2015. Efficacy of hydroxyapatite nanoparticles as phosphorus fertilizer in andisols and oxisols. Soil Science Society of America Journal 79(2): 551–558.

Mortvedt, J.J., 1991. Correcting iron deficiencies in annual and perennial plants: present technologies and future prospects. Plant and Soil 130(1-2): 273–279.

Mortvedt, J.J., Giordano, P., Lindsay, W., 1972. Micronutrients in agriculture. Soil Science Society of America, Madison. WI, USA. 666p.

Nadi, E., Aynehband, A., Mojaddam, M., 2013. Effect of nano-iron chelate fertilizer on grain yield, protein percent and chlorophyll content of Faba bean (Vicia faba L.). International Journal of Biosciences 3(9): 267-272.

Rameshaiah, G.N., Pallavi, J., Shabnam, S., 2015. Nano fertilizers and nano sensors-an attempt for developing smart agriculture. International Journal of Engineering Research and General Science 3(1): 314-320.

Rui, M., Ma, C., Hao, Y., Guo, J., Rui, Y., Tang, X., Zhao, Q., Fan, X., Zhang, Z., Hou, T., Zhu, S., 2016. Iron oxide nanoparticles as a potential iron fertilizer for peanut (Arachis hypogaea). Frontiers in Plant Science 7: 815.

Rui, Y., Zhang, P., Zhang, Y., Ma, Y., He, X., Gui, X., Li, Y., Zhang, J., Zheng L., Chu, S., Guo, Z., Chai Z., Zhao, Y., Zhang, Z.,  2015. Transformation of ceria nanoparticles in cucumber plants is influenced by phosphate. Environmental Pollution 198: 8–14.

Sheykhbaglou, R., Sedghi, M., Shishevan, T.M., Sharifi, R.S., 2010. Effects of nano-iron oxide particles on agronomic traits of soybean. Notulae Scientia Biologicae 2(2): 112-113.

Singh, M.D., Chirag, G., Prakash, P.O., Mohan, M.H., Prakasha, G., Vishwajith, 2017. Nano fertilizers is a new way to increase nutrients use efficiency in crop production. International Journal of Agriculture Sciences 9(7): 3831-3833.

SPSS, 2018. IBM Corp. Released 2013. IBM SPSS Statistics for Windows, Version 21.0. Armonk, NY: IBM Corp.

Tisdale, S.L., Nelson, W.L., Beaton, J.D., 1993. Soil fertility and fertilizers. Macmillan Publishing Co. Inc. New York, USA. 634p.

Ye, L., Li, L., Wang, L., Wang, S., Li, S., Du, J., Zhang, S., Shou, H., 2015. MPK3/MPK6 are involved in iron deficiency induced ethylene production in Arabidopsis. Frontiers in Plant Science 6: 953.

Zargar, S.M., Agrawal, G.K., Rakwal, R., Fukao, Y., 2015. Quantitative proteomics reveals role of sugar in decreasing photosynthetic activity due to Fe deficiency. Frontiers in Plant Science 6: 592.

Zuo, Y., Zhang, F., 2011. Soil and crop management strategies to prevent iron deficiency in crops. Plant and Soil 339(1-2): 83–95.

Eurasian Journal of Soil Science