Eurasian Journal of Soil Science

Volume 4, Issue 1, Jan 2015, Pages 22 - 29
DOI: 10.18393/ejss.37849
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Copyright © 2015 The authors and Federation of Eurasian Soil Science Societies

Spatial distribution and environmental risk of major elements in surface sediments associated Manwan Dam in Lancang River, China


Article first published online: 06 Dec 2014 | How to cite | Additional Information (Show All)

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Zhao,C., Dong ,S., Liu,S., Sylvie,I., Li,J., Liu,Q., Wang,C., 2015. Spatial distribution and environmental risk of major elements in surface sediments associated Manwan Dam in Lancang River, China. Eurasian J Soil Sci 4(1):22 - 29. DOI : 10.18393/ejss.37849
Zhao,C.Dong ,S.,Liu,S.Sylvie,I.Li,J.Liu,Q.,& Wang,C. Spatial distribution and environmental risk of major elements in surface sediments associated Manwan Dam in Lancang River, China Eurasian Journal of Soil Science, DOI : 10.18393/ejss.37849
Zhao,C.Dong ,S.,Liu,S.Sylvie,I.Li,J.Liu,Q., and ,Wang,C."Spatial distribution and environmental risk of major elements in surface sediments associated Manwan Dam in Lancang River, China" Eurasian Journal of Soil Science, DOI : 10.18393/ejss.37849
Zhao,C.Dong ,S.,Liu,S.Sylvie,I.Li,J.Liu,Q., and ,Wang,C. "Spatial distribution and environmental risk of major elements in surface sediments associated Manwan Dam in Lancang River, China" Eurasian Journal of Soil Science, DOI : 10.18393/ejss.37849
C,Zhao.S,Dong .S,Liu.I,Sylvie.J,Li.Q,Liu.C,Wang "Spatial distribution and environmental risk of major elements in surface sediments associated Manwan Dam in Lancang River, China" Eurasian J. Soil Sci, vol., no., pp., DOI : 10.18393/ejss.37849
Zhao,Chen ;Dong ,Shikui ;Liu,Shiliang ;Sylvie,Isange ;Li,Jinpeng ;Liu,Qi ;Wang,Cong Spatial distribution and environmental risk of major elements in surface sediments associated Manwan Dam in Lancang River, China. Eurasian Journal of Soil Science,. DOI : 10.18393/ejss.37849

How to cite

Zhao, C., Dong , S., Liu, S., Sylvie, I., Li, J., Liu, Q., Wang, C., 2015. Spatial distribution and environmental risk of major elements in surface sediments associated Manwan Dam in Lancang River, China. Eurasian J. Soil Sci. 4(1): 22 - 29. DOI : 10.18393/ejss.37849

Author information

Chen Zhao , Beijing Normal University, School of Environment, Beijing, China
Shikui Dong , Beijing Normal University, School of Environment, Beijing, China
Shiliang Liu , Beijing Normal University, School of Environment, Beijing, China
Isange Sylvie , Beijing Normal University, School of Environment, Beijing, China
Jinpeng Li , Beijing Normal University, School of Environment, Beijing, China
Qi Liu , Beijing Normal University, School of Environment, Beijing, China
Cong Wang , Beijing Normal University, School of Environment, Beijing, China

Publication information

Issue published online: 01 Jan 2015
Article first published online : 06 Dec 2014
Manuscript Accepted : 22 Nov 2014
Manuscript Received: 13 Jul 2014
DOI: 10.18393/ejss.37849
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Bulk elements and grain sizes in sediments collected at upstream and downstream of Manwan Dam were studied to demonstrate the spatial distribution of heavy metals in the sediments and to assess their risk. Correlation analysis showed that the spatial distribution of Cd, Zn and Mg were significantly affected by dam construction. PCA analysis demonstrate that Cd and Zn were both controlled by Ca, As, Pb, organic matter and clay. Mg was controlled by silt, Al, P and K. The risk assessment demonstrated that the pollution of Cd, As, Zn were more serious than other heavy metals. Fine-grained sediments with higher risk level were found in the section near the upstream of dam, while coarse-grained ones with lower risk level were found in the section far away from the downstream of dam. The sections in tributary were lower in risk than those in the main stream. Heavy metal concentrations in the mainstream sediments were influenced by dam construction and those in tributary were influenced by both dam construction and human activities in locality. Unusual high concentrations of Cd, As, and Zn in both sections implied that more pollution prevention measures are needed in the Manwan Dam in order to prevent increased heavy metal pollutions in the Lancang-Mekong River.


Manwan Dam, elements, spatial distribution, environmental risk

Corresponding author


Arhonditsis, G., Eleftheriadou, M., Karydis, M., Tsirtsis, G., 2003. Eutrophication risk assessment in coastal embayments using simple statistical models. Marine Pollution Bulletin 46(9): 1174-1178

Arndt, S., Jørgensen, B.B., LaRowe, D.E., Middelburg, J.J., Pancost, R.D., Regnier, P., 2013. Quantifying the degradation of organic matter in marine sediments: A review and synthesis. Earth Science Reviews 123: 53-86

Bai, J., Cui, B., Xu, X., Gao, H., Ding, Q., 2009. Heavy metal contamination in riverine soils upstream and downstream of a hydroelectric dam on the Lancang River, China Environmental Engineering Science 26(5): 941-946

Coakley, J.P., Skafel, M.G., Marvin, C.H., Bachtiar, T., 2002. Transport of Sewage-Contaminated Sediment in Northeastern Hamilton Harbour. Journal of Great Lakes Research 28(1): 77-90

DelValls, T.A., Forja, J.M., González-Mazo, E., Gomez-Parra, A., 1998. Determining contamination sources in marine sediments using multivariate analysis. TrAC Trends in Analytical Chemistry 17(4): 181-192

Fearnside, P.M., 2005. Brazil’s Samuel Dam: Lessons for hydroelectric development policy and the environment in Amazonia. Environmental Management 35(1): 1-19.

Fu, K.D., He, D.M., Lu, X.X., 2008. Sedimentation in the Manwan reservoir in the Upper Mekong and its downstream impacts. Quaternary International 186(1): 91-99

He, D.M., Wu, S.H., Peng, H., Yang, Z.F., Ou, X.K., Cui, B.S., 2005. A study of ecosystem changes in longitudinal range-gorge region and transboundary eco-security in Southwest China. Advances in Earth Science 20(3): 338-344

He, D.M., Zhao, W., Chen, L., 2004. The ecological changes in Manwan reservoir area and its causes. Journal-Yunnan University Natural Scıences 26(3): 220-22

Klavinš, M., Briede, A., Rodinov, V., Kokorite, I., Parele, E., Klavina, I., 2000. Heavy metals in rivers of Latvia. Science of Total Environment 262(1): 175-183

Kummu, M., Varis, O., 2007. Sediment-related impacts due to upstream reservoir trapping, the Lower Mekong River. Geomorphology 85(3–4): 275-293

LeGalley, E., Widom, E., Krekeler, M.P.S., Kuentz, D.C., 2013. Chemical and lead isotope constraints on sources of metal pollution in street sediment and lichens in southwest Ohio. Applied Geochemistry 32:195-203.

Li, J., Dong, S., Liu, S., Yang, Z., Peng, M., Zhao, C., 2013. Effects of cascading hydropower dams on the composition, biomass and biological integrity of phytoplankton assemblages in the middle Lancang-Mekong River. Ecological Engineering 60: 316-324

Li, X., Dong, S., Zhao,Q., Liu, S., 2010. Impacts of Manwan Dam construction on aquatic habitat and community in Middle Reach of Lancang River. International Conference on Ecological Informatics and Ecosystem Conservation (ISEIS 2010). Procedia Environmental Sciences 2, 706-712

Liu, Z., Breecker, D., Mayer, L.M., Zhong, J., 2013. Composition of size-fractioned sedimentary organic matter in coastal environments is affected by difference in physical forcing strength. Organic Geochemistry 60: 20-32

Liu, W.X., Li, X.D., Shen, Z.G., Wang, D.C., Wai, O.W.H., Li, Y.S., 2003. Multivariate statistical study of heavy metal enrichment in sediments of the Pearl River Estuary. Environmental Pollution 121(3): 377-388

Loska, K., Wiechuła,D., 2003. Application of principal component analysis for the estimation of source of heavy metal contamination in surface sediments from the Rybnik Reservoir. Chemosphere 51(8): 723-733

N’Guessan, Y.M., Probst, J.L., Bur, T., Probst, A., 2009. Trace elements in stream bed sediments from agricultural catchments (Gascogne region, S-W France): Where do they come from? Science of Total Environment 407(8): 2939-2952

Pacifico, R., Adamo, P., Cremisini, C., Spaziani, F., Ferrara, L., 2007. A geochemical analytical approach for the evaluation of heavy metal distribution in lagoon sediments. Journal of Soils and Sediments 7(5): 313-325

Vukovic, D., Vukovic, Z., Stankovic, S., 2014. The impact of the Danube Iron Gate Dam on heavy metal storage and sediment flux within the reservoir. Catena 113: 18-23.

Wang, C., Liu, S., Zhao, Q., Deng, L., Dong, S., 2012. Spatial variation and contamination assessment of heavy metals in sediments in the Manwan Reservoir, Lancang River. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 82: 32-39

Wen, S., Shan, B., Zhang, H., 2012. Metals in sediment/pore water in Chaohu Lake: Distribution, trends and flux. Journal of Environmental Sciences 24(12): 2041-2050

Yanqun, Z., Yuan, L., Jianjun, C., Haiyan, C., Li, Q., Schvartz, C., 2005. Hyperaccumulation of Pb, Zn and Cd in herbaceous grown on lead–zinc mining area in Yunnan, China. Environment International 31(5): 755-762

Youssef, D.H., El-Said, G.F., 2011. Assessment of some heavy metals in surface sediments of the Aqaba Gulf, Egypt. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 180(1-4): 229-242

Zoller, W.H., Gladney, E.S., Duce, R.A., 1974. Atmospheric concentrations and sources of trace metals at the South Pole. Science 183(4121): 198-200

Bulk elements and grain sizes in sediments collected at upstream and downstream of Manwan Dam were studied to demonstrate the spatial distribution of heavy metals in the sediments and to assess their risk. Correlation analysis showed that the spatial distribution of Cd, Zn and Mg were significantly affected by dam construction. PCA analysis demonstrate that Cd and Zn were both controlled by Ca, As, Pb, organic matter and clay. Mg was controlled by silt, Al, P and K. The risk assessment demonstrated that the pollution of Cd, As, Zn were more serious than other heavy metals. Fine-grained sediments with higher risk level were found in the section near the upstream of dam, while coarse-grained ones with lower risk level were found in the section far away from the downstream of dam. The sections in tributary were lower in risk than those in the main stream. Heavy metal concentrations in the mainstream sediments were influenced by dam construction and those in tributary were influenced by both dam construction and human activities in locality. Unusual high concentrations of Cd, As, and Zn in both sections implied that more pollution prevention measures are needed in the Manwan Dam in order to prevent increased heavy metal pollutions in the Lancang-Mekong River.

Keywords: Manwan Dam, elements, spatial distribution, environmental risk


Arhonditsis, G., Eleftheriadou, M., Karydis, M., Tsirtsis, G., 2003. Eutrophication risk assessment in coastal embayments using simple statistical models. Marine Pollution Bulletin 46(9): 1174-1178

Arndt, S., Jørgensen, B.B., LaRowe, D.E., Middelburg, J.J., Pancost, R.D., Regnier, P., 2013. Quantifying the degradation of organic matter in marine sediments: A review and synthesis. Earth Science Reviews 123: 53-86

Bai, J., Cui, B., Xu, X., Gao, H., Ding, Q., 2009. Heavy metal contamination in riverine soils upstream and downstream of a hydroelectric dam on the Lancang River, China Environmental Engineering Science 26(5): 941-946

Coakley, J.P., Skafel, M.G., Marvin, C.H., Bachtiar, T., 2002. Transport of Sewage-Contaminated Sediment in Northeastern Hamilton Harbour. Journal of Great Lakes Research 28(1): 77-90

DelValls, T.A., Forja, J.M., González-Mazo, E., Gomez-Parra, A., 1998. Determining contamination sources in marine sediments using multivariate analysis. TrAC Trends in Analytical Chemistry 17(4): 181-192

Fearnside, P.M., 2005. Brazil’s Samuel Dam: Lessons for hydroelectric development policy and the environment in Amazonia. Environmental Management 35(1): 1-19.

Fu, K.D., He, D.M., Lu, X.X., 2008. Sedimentation in the Manwan reservoir in the Upper Mekong and its downstream impacts. Quaternary International 186(1): 91-99

He, D.M., Wu, S.H., Peng, H., Yang, Z.F., Ou, X.K., Cui, B.S., 2005. A study of ecosystem changes in longitudinal range-gorge region and transboundary eco-security in Southwest China. Advances in Earth Science 20(3): 338-344

He, D.M., Zhao, W., Chen, L., 2004. The ecological changes in Manwan reservoir area and its causes. Journal-Yunnan University Natural Scıences 26(3): 220-22

Klavinš, M., Briede, A., Rodinov, V., Kokorite, I., Parele, E., Klavina, I., 2000. Heavy metals in rivers of Latvia. Science of Total Environment 262(1): 175-183

Kummu, M., Varis, O., 2007. Sediment-related impacts due to upstream reservoir trapping, the Lower Mekong River. Geomorphology 85(3–4): 275-293

LeGalley, E., Widom, E., Krekeler, M.P.S., Kuentz, D.C., 2013. Chemical and lead isotope constraints on sources of metal pollution in street sediment and lichens in southwest Ohio. Applied Geochemistry 32:195-203.

Li, J., Dong, S., Liu, S., Yang, Z., Peng, M., Zhao, C., 2013. Effects of cascading hydropower dams on the composition, biomass and biological integrity of phytoplankton assemblages in the middle Lancang-Mekong River. Ecological Engineering 60: 316-324

Li, X., Dong, S., Zhao,Q., Liu, S., 2010. Impacts of Manwan Dam construction on aquatic habitat and community in Middle Reach of Lancang River. International Conference on Ecological Informatics and Ecosystem Conservation (ISEIS 2010). Procedia Environmental Sciences 2, 706-712

Liu, Z., Breecker, D., Mayer, L.M., Zhong, J., 2013. Composition of size-fractioned sedimentary organic matter in coastal environments is affected by difference in physical forcing strength. Organic Geochemistry 60: 20-32

Liu, W.X., Li, X.D., Shen, Z.G., Wang, D.C., Wai, O.W.H., Li, Y.S., 2003. Multivariate statistical study of heavy metal enrichment in sediments of the Pearl River Estuary. Environmental Pollution 121(3): 377-388

Loska, K., Wiechuła,D., 2003. Application of principal component analysis for the estimation of source of heavy metal contamination in surface sediments from the Rybnik Reservoir. Chemosphere 51(8): 723-733

N’Guessan, Y.M., Probst, J.L., Bur, T., Probst, A., 2009. Trace elements in stream bed sediments from agricultural catchments (Gascogne region, S-W France): Where do they come from? Science of Total Environment 407(8): 2939-2952

Pacifico, R., Adamo, P., Cremisini, C., Spaziani, F., Ferrara, L., 2007. A geochemical analytical approach for the evaluation of heavy metal distribution in lagoon sediments. Journal of Soils and Sediments 7(5): 313-325

Vukovic, D., Vukovic, Z., Stankovic, S., 2014. The impact of the Danube Iron Gate Dam on heavy metal storage and sediment flux within the reservoir. Catena 113: 18-23.

Wang, C., Liu, S., Zhao, Q., Deng, L., Dong, S., 2012. Spatial variation and contamination assessment of heavy metals in sediments in the Manwan Reservoir, Lancang River. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 82: 32-39

Wen, S., Shan, B., Zhang, H., 2012. Metals in sediment/pore water in Chaohu Lake: Distribution, trends and flux. Journal of Environmental Sciences 24(12): 2041-2050

Yanqun, Z., Yuan, L., Jianjun, C., Haiyan, C., Li, Q., Schvartz, C., 2005. Hyperaccumulation of Pb, Zn and Cd in herbaceous grown on lead–zinc mining area in Yunnan, China. Environment International 31(5): 755-762

Youssef, D.H., El-Said, G.F., 2011. Assessment of some heavy metals in surface sediments of the Aqaba Gulf, Egypt. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 180(1-4): 229-242

Zoller, W.H., Gladney, E.S., Duce, R.A., 1974. Atmospheric concentrations and sources of trace metals at the South Pole. Science 183(4121): 198-200

Eurasian Journal of Soil Science