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Abad, J.R.S., Khosravi, H., Alamdarlou, E.H., 2014. Assessment the effects of land use changes on soil physicochemical properties in Jafarabad of Golestan Province, Iran. Bulletin of Environment, Pharmacology and Life Sciences 3(3): 296 - 300.
Abbott, T.S., 1989. BCRI Soil Testing: Methods and Interpretation. NSW Agriculture and Fisheries, Rydalmere, USA.
Abebe, M., 1980. State of soil science development for agriculture in Ethiopia. Ethiopian Journal of Agricultural Sciences 2: 139-157.
Adebayo, W.O., 1993. Weather and climate. In: Ado-Ekiti region; A geographical analysis and master plan. Ebisemiju, F.S. (Ed.). Lagos, Alpha Prints. pp.11- 14.
Adeoye, G. O., Agboola, A. A., 1985. Critical levels for soil pH, available P, K, Zn and Mn and maize ear-leaf content of P, Cu and Mn in sedimentary soils of South-Western Nigeria. Fertilizer Research 6(1): 65-71.
Adetunji. M.T., 2004. Integrated soil nutrient management options for Nigerian Agriculture. In managing soil resources for food security and sustainable environment. Proceedings of the 29th Annual Conference of the Soil Science Society of Nigeria. 6 -10 December 2004, University of Agriculture Abeokuta, Nigeria. Soil Science Society of Nigeria, Abeokuta, Nigeria. pp. 27- 34.
Agbede, T.M., Ojeniyi, S.O., 2009. Tillage and poultry manure effects on soil fertility and sorghum yield in Southwestern Nigeria. Soil and Tillage Research 104(1): 74–81.
Akamigbo, F.O.R., Asadu, C.I.A., 2001. The influence of parent materials on the soils of Southeastern Nigeria, East Africa. East African Agricultural and Forestry Journal 48(1-4): 81-91.
Akinrinde, E.A., Obigbesan, G.O., 2000. Evaluation of fertility status of selected soils for crop production in five ecological areas of Nigeria. Proc. 26th Annual Conference of the Soil Science Society of Nigeria, 30 October - 3 November 2000, University of Ibadan, Ibadan, Oyo State, Nigeria, pp. 279–288.
Albrecht, W.A., 1975. The Albrecht Papers Volume I, Foundation Concepts. Acres, Kansas City USA.
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Barber, R.G., 1983. The magnitude and sources of soil erosion in some humid and semi-arid parts of Kenya and the significance of soil loss tolerance values in soil conservation in Kenya. Proceedings of the 2nd National Workshop on Soil and Water Conservation in Kenya, 10-16 March 1982. Institute of Development Studies, University of Nairobi, Nairobi, Kenya. pp.20-48.
Bayer, C., Bertol, I., 1999. Soil chemical characteristics of a humic cambisol as affected by tillage systems in southern brazil, with emphasis on soil organic matter. Revista Brasileira de Ciência do Solo 23(3): 687–694. [in Portuguese]
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Chimdi, A., Esala, M., Ylivainio, K., 2014. Sequential fractionation patterns of soil phosphorus collected from different land use systems of Dire Inchine District, West Shawa zone, Ethiopia. American-Eurasian Journal of Scientific Research 9(3): 51 57.
Chimdi, A., Gebrekidan, H., Kibret, K., Tadesse, A., 2012. Status of selected physicochemical properties of soils under different land use systems of Western Oromia, Ethiopia. Journal of Biodiversity and Environmental Sciences 2(3): 57-71
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Proper utilization of land is essential to soil quality maintenance and sustainable agricultural development. This study was conducted to evaluate effects of land use management on physico-chemical characteristics of soils in Ekiti State, Southwestern Nigeria. In this study, a total of 105 sampling points in 35 locations comprising of the 3 land uses were sampled. Random sampling pattern of 3 sampling points per location were carried out and undisturbed soil samples were collected at depths up to 30 cm. Soil physical properties (bulk density (BD), water holding capacity (WHC), and particle size distribution) and chemical properties (organic matter content (SOM), cation exchange capacity (CEC), phosphorus (P) and organic nitrogen (SON)), were determined and evaluated. Results showed that natural forest on the overall accumulated more nutrients than plantations and cropland. The highest SOM value of 4.07 % was recorded in the natural forests, while the lowest value of 1.52 % was found in the croplands. Organic matter accumulation showed a decreasing trend in the order: forest > plantation > cropland. Natural forest soils had significantly higher volumetric moisture content (VMC) than plantations and croplands. Correlation analysis of the 11 physico-chemical properties for the study area, showed a significant correlation among 70 of the 190 soil attribute pairs. Land use system reveals a significant decline of soil quality under cropland. Management systems by which soil could be improved towards the development of suitable agricultural management systems must be incorporated during land cultivation. In order to have sustainable land use systems, land use development must not be only economically sustainable but also socially acceptable and environmentally sound. Therefore, strategies to improve agricultural productivity have to seek a sustainable solution that better addresses soil fertility management.
Keywords: Organic matter, bulk density, natural forest, croplands, plantation agriculture.
Abad, J.R.S., Khosravi, H., Alamdarlou, E.H., 2014. Assessment the effects of land use changes on soil physicochemical properties in Jafarabad of Golestan Province, Iran. Bulletin of Environment, Pharmacology and Life Sciences 3(3): 296 - 300.
Abbott, T.S., 1989. BCRI Soil Testing: Methods and Interpretation. NSW Agriculture and Fisheries, Rydalmere, USA.
Abebe, M., 1980. State of soil science development for agriculture in Ethiopia. Ethiopian Journal of Agricultural Sciences 2: 139-157.
Adebayo, W.O., 1993. Weather and climate. In: Ado-Ekiti region; A geographical analysis and master plan. Ebisemiju, F.S. (Ed.). Lagos, Alpha Prints. pp.11- 14.
Adeoye, G. O., Agboola, A. A., 1985. Critical levels for soil pH, available P, K, Zn and Mn and maize ear-leaf content of P, Cu and Mn in sedimentary soils of South-Western Nigeria. Fertilizer Research 6(1): 65-71.
Adetunji. M.T., 2004. Integrated soil nutrient management options for Nigerian Agriculture. In managing soil resources for food security and sustainable environment. Proceedings of the 29th Annual Conference of the Soil Science Society of Nigeria. 6 -10 December 2004, University of Agriculture Abeokuta, Nigeria. Soil Science Society of Nigeria, Abeokuta, Nigeria. pp. 27- 34.
Agbede, T.M., Ojeniyi, S.O., 2009. Tillage and poultry manure effects on soil fertility and sorghum yield in Southwestern Nigeria. Soil and Tillage Research 104(1): 74–81.
Akamigbo, F.O.R., Asadu, C.I.A., 2001. The influence of parent materials on the soils of Southeastern Nigeria, East Africa. East African Agricultural and Forestry Journal 48(1-4): 81-91.
Akinrinde, E.A., Obigbesan, G.O., 2000. Evaluation of fertility status of selected soils for crop production in five ecological areas of Nigeria. Proc. 26th Annual Conference of the Soil Science Society of Nigeria, 30 October - 3 November 2000, University of Ibadan, Ibadan, Oyo State, Nigeria, pp. 279–288.
Albrecht, W.A., 1975. The Albrecht Papers Volume I, Foundation Concepts. Acres, Kansas City USA.
Al-Kaisi, M.M., Yin, X., Licht, M.A., 2005. Soil carbon and nitrogen changes as influenced by tillage and cropping systems in some Iowa soils. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 105(4): 635–647.
Alvarez, R., Alvarez, C.R., 2000. Soil organic matter pools and their association with carbon mineralization kinetics. Soil Science Society of America Journal 64(1): 184–189.
Barber, R.G., 1983. The magnitude and sources of soil erosion in some humid and semi-arid parts of Kenya and the significance of soil loss tolerance values in soil conservation in Kenya. Proceedings of the 2nd National Workshop on Soil and Water Conservation in Kenya, 10-16 March 1982. Institute of Development Studies, University of Nairobi, Nairobi, Kenya. pp.20-48.
Bayer, C., Bertol, I., 1999. Soil chemical characteristics of a humic cambisol as affected by tillage systems in southern brazil, with emphasis on soil organic matter. Revista Brasileira de Ciência do Solo 23(3): 687–694. [in Portuguese]
Blake, G.R., Hartge, K.H., 1986. Bulk density. In: Methods of Soil Analysis Part 1 Physical and Mineralogical Methods. 2nd Edition, Klute, A., (Ed). ASA-SSSA. Madison, Wisconsin, USA. pp. 363-375.
Brady, N., 1990. The nature and properties of soils. 10th Edition, Macmillan Publishing Company, Cranbury. USA. 621p.
Canarache A., 1991. Factors and indices regarding excessive compactness of agricultural soils. Soil and Tillage Research 19(2-3):145–165.
Chimdi, A., Esala, M., Ylivainio, K., 2014. Sequential fractionation patterns of soil phosphorus collected from different land use systems of Dire Inchine District, West Shawa zone, Ethiopia. American-Eurasian Journal of Scientific Research 9(3): 51 57.
Chimdi, A., Gebrekidan, H., Kibret, K., Tadesse, A., 2012. Status of selected physicochemical properties of soils under different land use systems of Western Oromia, Ethiopia. Journal of Biodiversity and Environmental Sciences 2(3): 57-71
Cunningham, W.P., Cunningham, M.A., Siago, B., 2005. Environmental science: a global concern. McGraw – Hill, USA.
Danielson, R.E., Sutherland, P.L., 1986. Porosity. In: Methods of Soil Analysis: Part 1. Physical and mineralogical methods, 2nd Edition. Klute, A. (Ed.), ASA-SSSA. Madison, Wisconsin, USA. pp. 443- 461.
Devore, J.L., 1995. Probability and Statistics for Engineering and the Sciences, Pacific Grove, California, USA.
Doerr, S.H., Shakesby, R.S., Walsh, R.P.D., 2000. Soil water repellency: its characteristics, causes and hydro-geomorphological consequences. Earth-Science Reviews 51(1-4): 33-65.
EKSG, 2009. Ekiti State Government. Diagnostic Survey Report. UNAAB-IFSERAR. Available at: [access date: 10.12.2015]:
Emerson, W.W., 1995. Water-retention, organic-C and soil texture. Australia Journal of Soil Research 33(2): 241–251.
Espinoza, L., Slaton, N., Mozaffari, M., 1996. Understanding the numbers on your soil test report. University of Arkansas, United States Department of Agriculture, and County Governments Cooperating. FSA2118. Available at: [access date: 13.07.2017]:
FAO. 2005. The importance of soil organic matter. Key to drought-resistant soil and sustained food production. Food and Agriculture Organization of The United Nations. FAO Soils Bulletin No. 80. Rome, Italy.
Fasinmirin J. T., Olorunfemi, I. E., 2012. Comparison of hydraulic conductivity of soils of the forest vegetative zone of Nigeria. Applied Tropical Agriculture 17(1): 64–77.
Fasinmirin J. T., Olorunfemi, I. E., 2013. Soil moisture content variation and mechanical resistance of Nigerian Alfisol under different tillage systems. Journal of Agricultural Engineering Technology 21 (2): 11 – 20.
Frank, K., Beegle, D., Denning, J., 1998. Phosphorus. In: Brown, J.R. (Ed.), Recommended chemical soil test procedures for the North Central Region, Publication No. 221. Missouri Agricultural Experiment Station SB 1001, Columbia, USA. Available at: [access date: 13.07.2017]:
Franzluebbers, A. J., Hons, F. M., Zuberer, D. A., 1995. Tillage-induced seasonal changes in soil physical properties affecting soil CO2 evolution under intensive cropping. Soil and Tillage Research 34(1): 41-60.
Franzluebbers, A.J., Langdale, G.W., Schomberg, H.H., 1999. Soil carbon, nitrogen, and aggregation in response to type and frequency of tillage. Soil Science Society of America Journal 63(2): 349–355.
Freire, J.C., 1975. Retenção de umidade em perfil oxissol do município de Lavras, Minas Gerais. Piracicaba: USP-ESALQ, 76 p. [in Portuguese]
Gao, G., Chang, C., 1996. Changes in CEC and particle size distribution of soils associated with long-term annual applications of cattle feedlot manure. Soil Science 161(2): 115- 120.
Gülser C., Candemir, F., 2014. Using soil moisture constants and physical properties to predict saturated hydraulic conductivity. Eurasian Journal of Soil Science 3(1): 77-81.
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