Eurasian Journal of Soil Science

Volume 7, Issue 1, Jan 2018, Pages 9 - 19
DOI: 10.18393/ejss.327900
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Copyright © 2018 The authors and Federation of Eurasian Soil Science Societies

Microbial communities and their characteristics in a soil amended by nanozeolite and some plant residues: Short time in-situ incubation


Article first published online: 11 Jul 2017 | How to cite | Additional Information (Show All)

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Aminiyan ,M., Hosseini,H., Heydariyan,A., 2018. Microbial communities and their characteristics in a soil amended by nanozeolite and some plant residues: Short time in-situ incubation. Eurasian J Soil Sci 7(1):9 - 19. DOI : 10.18393/ejss.327900
Aminiyan ,M.,Hosseini,H.,& Heydariyan,A. Microbial communities and their characteristics in a soil amended by nanozeolite and some plant residues: Short time in-situ incubation Eurasian Journal of Soil Science, 7(1):9 - 19. DOI : 10.18393/ejss.327900
Aminiyan ,M.,Hosseini,H., and ,Heydariyan,A."Microbial communities and their characteristics in a soil amended by nanozeolite and some plant residues: Short time in-situ incubation" Eurasian Journal of Soil Science, 7.1 (2018):9 - 19. DOI : 10.18393/ejss.327900
Aminiyan ,M.,Hosseini,H., and ,Heydariyan,A. "Microbial communities and their characteristics in a soil amended by nanozeolite and some plant residues: Short time in-situ incubation" Eurasian Journal of Soil Science,7(Jan 2018):9 - 19 DOI : 10.18393/ejss.327900
M,Aminiyan .H,Hosseini.A,Heydariyan "Microbial communities and their characteristics in a soil amended by nanozeolite and some plant residues: Short time in-situ incubation" Eurasian J. Soil Sci, vol.7, no.1, pp.9 - 19 (Jan 2018), DOI : 10.18393/ejss.327900
Aminiyan ,Milad Mirzaei ;Hosseini,Hamideh ;Heydariyan,Amin Microbial communities and their characteristics in a soil amended by nanozeolite and some plant residues: Short time in-situ incubation. Eurasian Journal of Soil Science, (2018),7.1:9 - 19. DOI : 10.18393/ejss.327900

How to cite

Aminiyan , M., Hosseini, H., Heydariyan, A., 2018. Microbial communities and their characteristics in a soil amended by nanozeolite and some plant residues: Short time in-situ incubation. Eurasian J. Soil Sci. 7(1): 9 - 19. DOI : 10.18393/ejss.327900

Author information

Milad Mirzaei Aminiyan , Soil Science Department, College of Agriculture, Bu-Ali Sina University, Hamedan, Iran Hamedan, Iran
Hamideh Hosseini , Soil Science Department, College of Agriculture, Vali-e-Asr University of Rafsanjan, Iran
Amin Heydariyan , Soil Science Department, College of Agriculture, Vali-e-Asr University of Rafsanjan, Iran

Publication information

Article first published online : 11 Jul 2017
Manuscript Accepted : 08 Jul 2017
Manuscript Received: 29 Apr 2017
DOI: 10.18393/ejss.327900
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Soil microbial communities and their related characteristics are an important agent for soil fertility, productivity, and sustainability. Also, they are useful indicators of soil quality and life index in agricultural systems. The objectives of this study were the effect of nanozeolite and plant residues on soil microbial communities and their characteristics and also, the assessment of incubation timing on soil microbial properties. Soil microorganisms are very important in the decomposition of plant residues. In this regard, the soil samples were treated by nanozeolite (0, 10 and 30% Weight), Alfalfa and wheat straw (0 and 5% Weight). The treated soil samples were incubated in lab condition for 90 days. The result of this study showed that Bacterial, Fungal, and Actinomycete populations increased by the addition of 30% of nanozeolite and 5% of plant residues, especially alfalfa straw. Also, the addition of nanozeolite and plant residues treatments improved MBC, BR, and SIR as microbial characteristics. These parameters increased after 30 days of starting incubation, then decreased until the 75th day and finally increased slightly on the 90th day. In fact, the addition of nanozeolite and plant residues into the soil had positive effects on improvement of carbon pools and increasing carbon sequestration in it. Applied nanozeolite and plant residues in soil, improved carbon pools and increased carbon sequestration in soil. Also the application of nanozeolite and plant residues especially alfalfa straw had positive effects on improvement of soil biological communities and characteristics.


Actinomycete, Bacteria, Fungi, Biomass carbon, Respiration, Plant residue.

Corresponding author


Abubaker, J., Cederlund, H., Arthurson, V., Pell, M., 2013. Bacterial community structure and microbial activity in different soils amended with biogas residues and cattle slurry. Applied Soil Ecology 72: 171-180.

Alef, K., Nannipieri, P., 1995. Methods in applied soil microbiology and biochemistry. Academic Press. 576p

Aminiyan, M.M., Sinegani, A.A.S., Sheklabadi, M., 2015a. Aggregation stability and organic carbon fraction in a soil amended with some plant residues, nanozeolite, and natural zeolite. International Journal of Recycling of Organic Waste in Agriculture 4(1): 11-22.

Aminiyan, M.M., Sinegani, A.A.S., Sheklabadi, M., 2015b. Assessment of changes in different fractions of the organic carbon in a soil amended by nanozeolite and some plant residues: incubation study. International Journal of Recycling of Organic Waste in Agriculture 4(4): 239-247.

Andronikashvili, T., Zautashvili, M., Eprikashvili, L., Burkiashvili, N., Pirtskhalava, N., 2012. Natural Zeolite–One of the Possibilities of Transition from Chemical to Biological Agronomy. Bulletin of The Georgian National Academy of Sciences 6(2): 111-118.

Balser, T.C., Firestone, M.K., 2005. Linking microbial community composition and soil processes in a California annual grassland and mixed-conifer forest. Biogeochemistry 73(2): 395-415.

Bansiwal, A.K., Rayalu, S.S., Labhasetwar, N.K., Juwarkar, A.A., Devotta, S., 2006. Surfactant-modified zeolite as a slow release fertilizer for phosphorus. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 54(13): 4773-4779.

Baumann, K., Dignac, M.-F., Rumpel, C., Bardoux, G., Sarr, A., Steffens, M., Maron, P.-A., 2013. Soil microbial diversity affects soil organic matter decomposition in a silty grassland soil. Biogeochemistry 114(1-3): 201-212.

Bichel, A., Oelbermann, M., Voroney, P., Echarte, L., 2016. Sequestration of native soil organic carbon and residue carbon in complex agroecosystems. Carbon Management 7(5-6): 261-270.

Buysse, P., Schnepf-Kiss, A.-C., Carnol, M., Malchair, S., Roisin, C., Aubinet, M., 2013. Fifty years of crop residue management have a limited impact on soil heterotrophic respiration. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 180: 102-111.

Capasso, S., Salvestrini, S., Coppola, E., Buondonno, A., Colella, C., 2005. Sorption of humic acid on zeolitic tuff: a preliminary investigation. Applied Clay Science 28(1-4): 159-165.

Chander, K., Joergensen, R.G., 2002. Decomposition of 14C labelled glucose in a Pb-contaminated soil remediated with synthetic zeolite and other amendments. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 34(5): 643-649.

Chen, R., Blagodatskaya, E., Senbayram, M., Blagodatsky, S., Myachina, O., Dittert, K., Kuzyakov, Y., 2012. Decomposition of biogas residues in soil and their effects on microbial growth kinetics and enzyme activities. Biomass and Bioenergy 45: 221-229.

Chuprova, V.V., Ul’yanova, O.A., Kulebakin, V.G., 2004. The Effect of barkzeolites fertilizers on mobile humus substances of Chernozem and on biological productivity of Corn. Poster presented at soil properties and processes. EUROSOIL 2014, 4-12 September, Freilburg, Germany.

Colella, C., Gualtieri, A.F., 2007. Cronstedt’s zeolite. Microporous and Mesoporous Materials 105(3): 213-221.

Cordovil, C.M., Cabral, F., Coutinho, J., 2007. Potential mineralization of nitrogen from organic wastes to ryegrass and wheat crops. Bioresource Technology 98(17): 3265-3268.

Crecchio, C., Curci, M., Mininni, R., Ricciuti, P., Ruggiero, P., 2001. Short-term effects of municipal solid waste compost amendments on soil carbon and nitrogen content, some enzyme activities and genetic diversity. Biology and Fertility of Soils 34(5): 311-318.

Dai, J., Becquer, T., Rouiller, J.H., Reversat, G., Bernhard-Reversat, F., Lavelle, P., 2004. Influence of heavy metals on C and N mineralisation and microbial biomass in Zn-, Pb-, Cu-, and Cd-contaminated soils. Applied Soil Ecology 25(2): 99-109.

Djukic, I., Zehetner, F., Mentler, A., Gerzabek, M.H., 2010. Microbial community composition and activity in different Alpine vegetation zones. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 42(2): 155-161.

Fang, M., Motavalli, P.P., Kremer, R.J., Nelson, K.A., 2007. Assessing changes in soil microbial communities and carbon mineralization in Bt and non-Bt corn residue-amended soils. Applied Soil Ecology 37(1-2): 150-160.

Fereidooni, M., Raiesi, F., Fallah, S., 2013. Ecological restoration of soil respiration, microbial biomass and enzyme activities through broiler litter application in a calcareous soil cropped with silage maize. Ecological Engineering 58: 266-277.

Fließbach, A., Oberholzer, H.-R., Gunst, L., Mäder, P., 2007. Soil organic matter and biological soil quality indicators after 21 years of organic and conventional farming. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 118(1-4): 273-284.

Garcia-Pausas, J., Paterson, E., 2011. Microbial community abundance and structure are determinants of soil organic matter mineralisation in the presence of labile carbon. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 43(8): 1705-1713.

Gerrard, L., Henry, P., Weller, M., Ahmed, A., 2004. Structure and ion exchange properties of the natural zeolites edingtonite and goosecreekite. Studies in Surface Science and Catalysis 154(Part B): 1341-1348.

Govaerts, B., Mezzalama, M., Unno, Y., Sayre, K.D., Luna-Guido, M., Vanherck, K., Dendooven, L., Deckers, J., 2007. Influence of tillage, residue management, and crop rotation on soil microbial biomass and catabolic diversity. Applied Soil Ecology 37(1-2): 18-30.

Grandy, A.S., Salam, D.S., Wickings, K., McDaniel, M.D., Culman, S.W., Snapp, S.S., 2013. Soil respiration and litter decomposition responses to nitrogen fertilization rate in no-till corn systems. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 179: 35-40.

Guo, L.-J., Zhang, Z.-S., Wang, D.-D., Li, C.-F., Cao, C.-G., 2015. Effects of short-term conservation management practices on soil organic carbon fractions and microbial community composition under a rice-wheat rotation system. Biology and Fertility of Soils 51(1): 65-75.

Isermeyer, H., 1952. Estimation of soil respiration in closed jars. Method in Applied Soil Microbiology and Biochemistry. Academy, London, UK. pp.214-216.

Jedidi, N., Hassen, A., Van Cleemput, O., M’Hiri, A., 2004. Microbial biomass in a soil amended with different types of organic wastes. Waste Management & Research 22(2): 93-99.

Jorge-Mardomingo, I., Soler-Rovira, P., Casermeiro, M.Á., de la Cruz, M.T., Polo, A., 2013. Seasonal changes in microbial activity in a semiarid soil after application of a high dose of different organic amendments. Geoderma 206: 40-48.

Kamali, M., Vaezifar, S., Kolahduzan, H., Malekpour, A., Abdi, M.R., 2009. Synthesis of nanozeolite A from natural clinoptilolite and aluminum sulfate; Optimization of the method. Powder Technology 189(1): 52-56.

Koci, V., 1997. Screening of the effect of several cations form extracts of synthetic zeolite 4A. Vod Hospod 47: 213-215.

Lal, R., 2004. Soil carbon sequestration impacts on global climate change and food security. Science 304(5677): 1623-1627.

Lal, R., 2007. Carbon management in agricultural soils. Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change 12(2): 303-322.

Liu, E., Yan, C., Mei, X., He, W., Bing, S.H., Ding, L., Liu, Q., Liu, S., Fan, T., 2010. Long-term effect of chemical fertilizer, straw, and manure on soil chemical and biological properties in northwest China. Geoderma 158(3-4): 173-180.

Lucas, R.W., Casper, B.B., Jackson, J.K., Balser, T.C., 2007. Soil microbial communities and extracellular enzyme activity in the New Jersey Pinelands. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 39(10): 2508-2519.

Margesin, R., Jud, M., Tscherko, D., Schinner, F., 2009. Microbial communities and activities in alpine and subalpine soils. FEMS Microbiology Ecology 67(2): 208-218.

Marschner, P., Kandeler, E., Marschner, B., 2003. Structure and function of the soil microbial community in a long-term fertilizer experiment. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 35(3): 453-461.

Montalvo, S., Guerrero, L., Borja, R., Sánchez, E., Milán, Z., Cortés, I., de la la Rubia, M.A., 2012. Application of natural zeolites in anaerobic digestion processes: A review. Applied Clay Science 58: 125-133.

Mühlbachová, G., Šimon, T., 2003. Effects of zeolite amendment on microbial biomass and respiratory activity in heavy metal contaminated soils. Plant Soil and Environment 49(12): 536-541.

Nair, A., Ngouajio, M., 2012. Soil microbial biomass, functional microbial diversity, and nematode community structure as affected by cover crops and compost in an organic vegetable production system. Applied Soil Ecology 58: 45-55.

Ninh, H., Grandy, A., Wickings, K., Snapp, S., Kirk, W., Hao, J., 2015. Organic amendment effects on potato productivity and quality are related to soil microbial activity. Plant and Soil 386(1-2): 223-236.

Parham, J., Deng, S., Da, H., Sun, H., Raun, W., 2003. Long-term cattle manure application in soil. II. Effect on soil microbial populations and community structure. Biology and Fertility of Soils 38(4): 209-215.

Raiesi, F., 2004. Soil properties and N application effects on microbial activities in two winter wheat cropping systems. Biology and Fertility of Soils 40(2): 88-92.

Ramesh, K., Biswas, A.K., Somasundaram, J., Rao, A.S., 2010. Nanoporous zeolites in farming: current status. Current Science 99(6): 760-764.

Sinegani, A.A.S., Ghanbari, M., Janjan, A., 2009. Improvement of digestibility of sunflower and corn residues by some saprophytic fungi. Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management 11(3): 293-298.

Su, Y.-Z., Wang, F., Suo, D.-R., Zhang, Z.-H., Du, M.-W., 2006. Long-term effect of fertilizer and manure application on soil-carbon sequestration and soil fertility under the wheat–wheat–maize cropping system in northwest China. Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems 75(1-3): 285-295.

Treonis, A.M., Austin, E.E., Buyer, J.S., Maul, J.E., Spicer, L., Zasada, I.A., 2010. Effects of organic amendment and tillage on soil microorganisms and microfauna. Applied Soil Ecology 46(1): 103-110.

Tu, C., Ristaino, J.B., Hu, S., 2006. Soil microbial biomass and activity in organic tomato farming systems: Effects of organic inputs and straw mulching. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 38(2): 247-255.

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Ventorino, V., De Marco, A., Pepe, O., De Santo, A.V., Moschetti, G., 2012. Impact of innovative agricultural practices of carbon sequestration on soil microbial community, Carbon Sequestration in Agricultural Soils. In: A Multidisciplinary Approach to Innovative Methods. Piccolo, A. (Ed.). Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, pp. 145-177. 

Vineela, C., Wani, S., Srinivasarao, C., Padmaja, B., Vittal, K., 2008. Microbial properties of soils as affected by cropping and nutrient management practices in several long-term manurial experiments in the semi-arid tropics of India. Applied Soil Ecology 40(1): 165-173.

Wang, Q., He, T., Wang, S., Liu, L., 2013. Carbon input manipulation affects soil respiration and microbial community composition in a subtropical coniferous forest. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 178-179: 152-160.

Yeritsyan, H.N., Nickoghosyan, S.K., Sahakyan, A.A., Harutunyan, V.V., Hakhverdyan, E.A., Grigoryan, N.E., 2008. Comparative analyses of physical properties of natural zeolites from Armenia and USA. Studies in Surface Science and Catalysis 174 (Part A): 529-532.

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Soil microbial communities and their related characteristics are an important agent for soil fertility, productivity, and sustainability. Also, they are useful indicators of soil quality and life index in agricultural systems. The objectives of this study were the effect of nanozeolite and plant residues on soil microbial communities and their characteristics and also, the assessment of incubation timing on soil microbial properties. Soil microorganisms are very important in the decomposition of plant residues. In this regard, the soil samples were treated by nanozeolite (0, 10 and 30% Weight), Alfalfa and wheat straw (0 and 5% Weight). The treated soil samples were incubated in lab condition for 90 days. The result of this study showed that Bacterial, Fungal, and Actinomycete populations increased by the addition of 30% of nanozeolite and 5% of plant residues, especially alfalfa straw. Also, the addition of nanozeolite and plant residues treatments improved MBC, BR, and SIR as microbial characteristics. These parameters increased after 30 days of starting incubation, then decreased until the 75th day and finally increased slightly on the 90th day. In fact, the addition of nanozeolite and plant residues into the soil had positive effects on improvement of carbon pools and increasing carbon sequestration in it. Applied nanozeolite and plant residues in soil, improved carbon pools and increased carbon sequestration in soil. Also the application of nanozeolite and plant residues especially alfalfa straw had positive effects on improvement of soil biological communities and characteristics.

Keywords: Actinomycete, Bacteria, Fungi, Biomass carbon, Respiration, Plant residue.


Abubaker, J., Cederlund, H., Arthurson, V., Pell, M., 2013. Bacterial community structure and microbial activity in different soils amended with biogas residues and cattle slurry. Applied Soil Ecology 72: 171-180.

Alef, K., Nannipieri, P., 1995. Methods in applied soil microbiology and biochemistry. Academic Press. 576p

Aminiyan, M.M., Sinegani, A.A.S., Sheklabadi, M., 2015a. Aggregation stability and organic carbon fraction in a soil amended with some plant residues, nanozeolite, and natural zeolite. International Journal of Recycling of Organic Waste in Agriculture 4(1): 11-22.

Aminiyan, M.M., Sinegani, A.A.S., Sheklabadi, M., 2015b. Assessment of changes in different fractions of the organic carbon in a soil amended by nanozeolite and some plant residues: incubation study. International Journal of Recycling of Organic Waste in Agriculture 4(4): 239-247.

Andronikashvili, T., Zautashvili, M., Eprikashvili, L., Burkiashvili, N., Pirtskhalava, N., 2012. Natural Zeolite–One of the Possibilities of Transition from Chemical to Biological Agronomy. Bulletin of The Georgian National Academy of Sciences 6(2): 111-118.

Balser, T.C., Firestone, M.K., 2005. Linking microbial community composition and soil processes in a California annual grassland and mixed-conifer forest. Biogeochemistry 73(2): 395-415.

Bansiwal, A.K., Rayalu, S.S., Labhasetwar, N.K., Juwarkar, A.A., Devotta, S., 2006. Surfactant-modified zeolite as a slow release fertilizer for phosphorus. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 54(13): 4773-4779.

Baumann, K., Dignac, M.-F., Rumpel, C., Bardoux, G., Sarr, A., Steffens, M., Maron, P.-A., 2013. Soil microbial diversity affects soil organic matter decomposition in a silty grassland soil. Biogeochemistry 114(1-3): 201-212.

Bichel, A., Oelbermann, M., Voroney, P., Echarte, L., 2016. Sequestration of native soil organic carbon and residue carbon in complex agroecosystems. Carbon Management 7(5-6): 261-270.

Buysse, P., Schnepf-Kiss, A.-C., Carnol, M., Malchair, S., Roisin, C., Aubinet, M., 2013. Fifty years of crop residue management have a limited impact on soil heterotrophic respiration. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 180: 102-111.

Capasso, S., Salvestrini, S., Coppola, E., Buondonno, A., Colella, C., 2005. Sorption of humic acid on zeolitic tuff: a preliminary investigation. Applied Clay Science 28(1-4): 159-165.

Chander, K., Joergensen, R.G., 2002. Decomposition of 14C labelled glucose in a Pb-contaminated soil remediated with synthetic zeolite and other amendments. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 34(5): 643-649.

Chen, R., Blagodatskaya, E., Senbayram, M., Blagodatsky, S., Myachina, O., Dittert, K., Kuzyakov, Y., 2012. Decomposition of biogas residues in soil and their effects on microbial growth kinetics and enzyme activities. Biomass and Bioenergy 45: 221-229.

Chuprova, V.V., Ul’yanova, O.A., Kulebakin, V.G., 2004. The Effect of barkzeolites fertilizers on mobile humus substances of Chernozem and on biological productivity of Corn. Poster presented at soil properties and processes. EUROSOIL 2014, 4-12 September, Freilburg, Germany.

Colella, C., Gualtieri, A.F., 2007. Cronstedt’s zeolite. Microporous and Mesoporous Materials 105(3): 213-221.

Cordovil, C.M., Cabral, F., Coutinho, J., 2007. Potential mineralization of nitrogen from organic wastes to ryegrass and wheat crops. Bioresource Technology 98(17): 3265-3268.

Crecchio, C., Curci, M., Mininni, R., Ricciuti, P., Ruggiero, P., 2001. Short-term effects of municipal solid waste compost amendments on soil carbon and nitrogen content, some enzyme activities and genetic diversity. Biology and Fertility of Soils 34(5): 311-318.

Dai, J., Becquer, T., Rouiller, J.H., Reversat, G., Bernhard-Reversat, F., Lavelle, P., 2004. Influence of heavy metals on C and N mineralisation and microbial biomass in Zn-, Pb-, Cu-, and Cd-contaminated soils. Applied Soil Ecology 25(2): 99-109.

Djukic, I., Zehetner, F., Mentler, A., Gerzabek, M.H., 2010. Microbial community composition and activity in different Alpine vegetation zones. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 42(2): 155-161.

Fang, M., Motavalli, P.P., Kremer, R.J., Nelson, K.A., 2007. Assessing changes in soil microbial communities and carbon mineralization in Bt and non-Bt corn residue-amended soils. Applied Soil Ecology 37(1-2): 150-160.

Fereidooni, M., Raiesi, F., Fallah, S., 2013. Ecological restoration of soil respiration, microbial biomass and enzyme activities through broiler litter application in a calcareous soil cropped with silage maize. Ecological Engineering 58: 266-277.

Fließbach, A., Oberholzer, H.-R., Gunst, L., Mäder, P., 2007. Soil organic matter and biological soil quality indicators after 21 years of organic and conventional farming. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 118(1-4): 273-284.

Garcia-Pausas, J., Paterson, E., 2011. Microbial community abundance and structure are determinants of soil organic matter mineralisation in the presence of labile carbon. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 43(8): 1705-1713.

Gerrard, L., Henry, P., Weller, M., Ahmed, A., 2004. Structure and ion exchange properties of the natural zeolites edingtonite and goosecreekite. Studies in Surface Science and Catalysis 154(Part B): 1341-1348.

Govaerts, B., Mezzalama, M., Unno, Y., Sayre, K.D., Luna-Guido, M., Vanherck, K., Dendooven, L., Deckers, J., 2007. Influence of tillage, residue management, and crop rotation on soil microbial biomass and catabolic diversity. Applied Soil Ecology 37(1-2): 18-30.

Grandy, A.S., Salam, D.S., Wickings, K., McDaniel, M.D., Culman, S.W., Snapp, S.S., 2013. Soil respiration and litter decomposition responses to nitrogen fertilization rate in no-till corn systems. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 179: 35-40.

Guo, L.-J., Zhang, Z.-S., Wang, D.-D., Li, C.-F., Cao, C.-G., 2015. Effects of short-term conservation management practices on soil organic carbon fractions and microbial community composition under a rice-wheat rotation system. Biology and Fertility of Soils 51(1): 65-75.

Isermeyer, H., 1952. Estimation of soil respiration in closed jars. Method in Applied Soil Microbiology and Biochemistry. Academy, London, UK. pp.214-216.

Jedidi, N., Hassen, A., Van Cleemput, O., M’Hiri, A., 2004. Microbial biomass in a soil amended with different types of organic wastes. Waste Management & Research 22(2): 93-99.

Jorge-Mardomingo, I., Soler-Rovira, P., Casermeiro, M.Á., de la Cruz, M.T., Polo, A., 2013. Seasonal changes in microbial activity in a semiarid soil after application of a high dose of different organic amendments. Geoderma 206: 40-48.

Kamali, M., Vaezifar, S., Kolahduzan, H., Malekpour, A., Abdi, M.R., 2009. Synthesis of nanozeolite A from natural clinoptilolite and aluminum sulfate; Optimization of the method. Powder Technology 189(1): 52-56.

Koci, V., 1997. Screening of the effect of several cations form extracts of synthetic zeolite 4A. Vod Hospod 47: 213-215.

Lal, R., 2004. Soil carbon sequestration impacts on global climate change and food security. Science 304(5677): 1623-1627.

Lal, R., 2007. Carbon management in agricultural soils. Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change 12(2): 303-322.

Liu, E., Yan, C., Mei, X., He, W., Bing, S.H., Ding, L., Liu, Q., Liu, S., Fan, T., 2010. Long-term effect of chemical fertilizer, straw, and manure on soil chemical and biological properties in northwest China. Geoderma 158(3-4): 173-180.

Lucas, R.W., Casper, B.B., Jackson, J.K., Balser, T.C., 2007. Soil microbial communities and extracellular enzyme activity in the New Jersey Pinelands. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 39(10): 2508-2519.

Margesin, R., Jud, M., Tscherko, D., Schinner, F., 2009. Microbial communities and activities in alpine and subalpine soils. FEMS Microbiology Ecology 67(2): 208-218.

Marschner, P., Kandeler, E., Marschner, B., 2003. Structure and function of the soil microbial community in a long-term fertilizer experiment. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 35(3): 453-461.

Montalvo, S., Guerrero, L., Borja, R., Sánchez, E., Milán, Z., Cortés, I., de la la Rubia, M.A., 2012. Application of natural zeolites in anaerobic digestion processes: A review. Applied Clay Science 58: 125-133.

Mühlbachová, G., Šimon, T., 2003. Effects of zeolite amendment on microbial biomass and respiratory activity in heavy metal contaminated soils. Plant Soil and Environment 49(12): 536-541.

Nair, A., Ngouajio, M., 2012. Soil microbial biomass, functional microbial diversity, and nematode community structure as affected by cover crops and compost in an organic vegetable production system. Applied Soil Ecology 58: 45-55.

Ninh, H., Grandy, A., Wickings, K., Snapp, S., Kirk, W., Hao, J., 2015. Organic amendment effects on potato productivity and quality are related to soil microbial activity. Plant and Soil 386(1-2): 223-236.

Parham, J., Deng, S., Da, H., Sun, H., Raun, W., 2003. Long-term cattle manure application in soil. II. Effect on soil microbial populations and community structure. Biology and Fertility of Soils 38(4): 209-215.

Raiesi, F., 2004. Soil properties and N application effects on microbial activities in two winter wheat cropping systems. Biology and Fertility of Soils 40(2): 88-92.

Ramesh, K., Biswas, A.K., Somasundaram, J., Rao, A.S., 2010. Nanoporous zeolites in farming: current status. Current Science 99(6): 760-764.

Sinegani, A.A.S., Ghanbari, M., Janjan, A., 2009. Improvement of digestibility of sunflower and corn residues by some saprophytic fungi. Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management 11(3): 293-298.

Su, Y.-Z., Wang, F., Suo, D.-R., Zhang, Z.-H., Du, M.-W., 2006. Long-term effect of fertilizer and manure application on soil-carbon sequestration and soil fertility under the wheat–wheat–maize cropping system in northwest China. Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems 75(1-3): 285-295.

Treonis, A.M., Austin, E.E., Buyer, J.S., Maul, J.E., Spicer, L., Zasada, I.A., 2010. Effects of organic amendment and tillage on soil microorganisms and microfauna. Applied Soil Ecology 46(1): 103-110.

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Eurasian Journal of Soil Science