Article first published online: 30 Jan 2015 | How to cite | Additional Information (Show All)
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Anonymous, 1997. Agricultural resources division office of Qinghai province. Soil in Qinghain. China Agriculture Press, Beijing.
Dong, M., 1997. Survey, Observation and Analysis of Terretrial Biocommunities. China Standard Press, Beijing.
Dong, S.K., Wen, L., Zhu, L., Li, X.Y., 2010. Implication of coupled natural and human systems in sustainable rangeland ecosystem management in HKH region. Frontiers of Earth Science in China 4(1): 42-50.
Eskelinen, A., Stark, S., Mannisto, M., 2009. Links between plant community composition, soil organic matter quality and microbial communities in contrasting tundra habitats. Oecologia 161: 113-123.
Hankins, J.,Launchbaugh, K., Hyde, G., 2004. Rangeland Inventory as a Tool for Science Education, Program pairs range professionals, teachers and students together to conduct vegetation measurements and teach inquiry-based science. Rangelands 26 (1): 28-32.
Huang, C.Y., 2000. Agrology. China Agriculture Press, Beijing. Environmental Earth Sciences 69: 235-245.
Li, Y.Y., Dong, S.K., Wen, L., Wang, X.X., Wu, Y., 2013. Three-Dimensional Framework of Vigor, Organization, and Resilience (VOR) for Assessing Rangeland Health: A Case Study from the Alpine Meadow of the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau, China. EcoHealth 10: 423-433.
Qin, Y., Yi, S., Ren, S., Li, N., Chen, J., 2014. Responses of typical grasslands in a semi-arid basin on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau to climate change and disturbances. Environmental Earth Sciences 71: 1421-1431.
Ren, G.H., Shang, Z.H., Long, R.J., Hou, Y., Deng, B., 2013. The relationship of vegetation and soil differentiation during the formation of black-soil-type degraded meadows in the headwater of the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau, China. Environmental Earth Sciences 69: 235-245
Silva, D.M.D., Batalha, M.A., 2008. Soil–vegetation relationships in cerrados under different fire frequencies. Plant and Soil 311: 87-96.
Wang, G.X., Cheng, G.D., 2001. Characteristics of grassland and ecological changes of vegetations in the source regions of Yangtze and Yellow Rivers. Journal of Desert Research 21(2): 101-107.
Wang, Z.R., Yang, G.J., Yi, S.H., Chen, S.Y., Wu. Z., Guan, J.Y., Zhao, C.C., Zhao, Q.D., Ye, B.S., 2012. Effects of environmental factors on the distribution of plant communities in a semi-arid region of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. Ecological Research 27(4): 667-675.
Wen, L., Dong, S.K., Zhu, L., Shi, J.J., Liu, D.M., Wang, Y.L., Ma, Y.S., 2011. The effect of natural factors and disturbance intensity on special heterogeneity of plant diversity in alpine meadow. Acta Ecologica Sinica 31: 1844-1854.
Yang, Z.P., Ouyang, H., Zhang, X.Z., Xu, X.L., Zhou, C.P., Yang, W.B., 2011. Spatial variability of soil moisture at typical alpine meadow and steppe sites in the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau permafrost region. Environmental Earth Sciences 63: 477-488.
Zhang, Q.G., Kang, S.C., Yan, Y.P., 2006. Characteristics of spatial and temporal variations of monthly mean surface air temperature over Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. Chinese Geographical Science 16(4), 351-358.
Zhou, G.Y., Chen, G.C., Zhao, Y.L., Wang, S.Z., Li, W., Peng, M., 2004. Comparative research on the influence of chemical fertilizer application and enclosure on alpine steppes in the Qinghai Lake area:ⅠStructure and species diversity of the plant community. Acta Prataculturae Sinica 13(1): 26-31.
Through a large-scale research, we examined the heterogeneity of soil properties and plant diversity, as well as their relationships across alpine grassland types on Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. The soil pH and EC value increased with the constant deepening of the soil in all the three alpine grassland types which in order of absolute value in every soil layer were alpine desert steppe, alpine steppe and alpine meadow. Among the three grassland types, the alpine meadow possessed the highest SM but the lowest SBD. For plant diversity, alpine meadow was the highest, alpine desert steppe ranked the second and alpine steppe was the last. SM and SBD were the highest influential soil physical properties to species richness, but with opposite effects.
Keywords: Alpine grassland, plant diversity, soil physical property
Anonymous, 1997. Agricultural resources division office of Qinghai province. Soil in Qinghain. China Agriculture Press, Beijing.
Dong, M., 1997. Survey, Observation and Analysis of Terretrial Biocommunities. China Standard Press, Beijing.
Dong, S.K., Wen, L., Zhu, L., Li, X.Y., 2010. Implication of coupled natural and human systems in sustainable rangeland ecosystem management in HKH region. Frontiers of Earth Science in China 4(1): 42-50.
Eskelinen, A., Stark, S., Mannisto, M., 2009. Links between plant community composition, soil organic matter quality and microbial communities in contrasting tundra habitats. Oecologia 161: 113-123.
Hankins, J.,Launchbaugh, K., Hyde, G., 2004. Rangeland Inventory as a Tool for Science Education, Program pairs range professionals, teachers and students together to conduct vegetation measurements and teach inquiry-based science. Rangelands 26 (1): 28-32.
Huang, C.Y., 2000. Agrology. China Agriculture Press, Beijing. Environmental Earth Sciences 69: 235-245.
Li, Y.Y., Dong, S.K., Wen, L., Wang, X.X., Wu, Y., 2013. Three-Dimensional Framework of Vigor, Organization, and Resilience (VOR) for Assessing Rangeland Health: A Case Study from the Alpine Meadow of the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau, China. EcoHealth 10: 423-433.
Qin, Y., Yi, S., Ren, S., Li, N., Chen, J., 2014. Responses of typical grasslands in a semi-arid basin on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau to climate change and disturbances. Environmental Earth Sciences 71: 1421-1431.
Ren, G.H., Shang, Z.H., Long, R.J., Hou, Y., Deng, B., 2013. The relationship of vegetation and soil differentiation during the formation of black-soil-type degraded meadows in the headwater of the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau, China. Environmental Earth Sciences 69: 235-245
Silva, D.M.D., Batalha, M.A., 2008. Soil–vegetation relationships in cerrados under different fire frequencies. Plant and Soil 311: 87-96.
Wang, G.X., Cheng, G.D., 2001. Characteristics of grassland and ecological changes of vegetations in the source regions of Yangtze and Yellow Rivers. Journal of Desert Research 21(2): 101-107.
Wang, Z.R., Yang, G.J., Yi, S.H., Chen, S.Y., Wu. Z., Guan, J.Y., Zhao, C.C., Zhao, Q.D., Ye, B.S., 2012. Effects of environmental factors on the distribution of plant communities in a semi-arid region of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. Ecological Research 27(4): 667-675.
Wen, L., Dong, S.K., Zhu, L., Shi, J.J., Liu, D.M., Wang, Y.L., Ma, Y.S., 2011. The effect of natural factors and disturbance intensity on special heterogeneity of plant diversity in alpine meadow. Acta Ecologica Sinica 31: 1844-1854.
Yang, Z.P., Ouyang, H., Zhang, X.Z., Xu, X.L., Zhou, C.P., Yang, W.B., 2011. Spatial variability of soil moisture at typical alpine meadow and steppe sites in the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau permafrost region. Environmental Earth Sciences 63: 477-488.
Zhang, Q.G., Kang, S.C., Yan, Y.P., 2006. Characteristics of spatial and temporal variations of monthly mean surface air temperature over Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. Chinese Geographical Science 16(4), 351-358.
Zhou, G.Y., Chen, G.C., Zhao, Y.L., Wang, S.Z., Li, W., Peng, M., 2004. Comparative research on the influence of chemical fertilizer application and enclosure on alpine steppes in the Qinghai Lake area:ⅠStructure and species diversity of the plant community. Acta Prataculturae Sinica 13(1): 26-31.