Eurasian Journal of Soil Science

Volume 3, Issue 1, Jun 2014, Pages 56 - 64
DOI: 10.18393/ejss.29944
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Copyright © 2014 The authors and Federation of Eurasian Soil Science Societies

Canopy temperature for peach tree at various soil water contents


Article first published online: 13 Jun 2014 | How to cite | Additional Information (Show All)

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Septar ,L., Paltineanu,C., Chitu,E., Moale,C., Demirsoy,H., Köksal,E., ,., Macit,İ., 2014. Canopy temperature for peach tree at various soil water contents. Eurasian J Soil Sci 3(1):56 - 64. DOI : 10.18393/ejss.29944
Septar ,L.,Paltineanu,C.Chitu,E.Moale,C.Demirsoy,H.Köksal,E.,.,& Macit,İ. Canopy temperature for peach tree at various soil water contents Eurasian Journal of Soil Science, DOI : 10.18393/ejss.29944
Septar ,L.,Paltineanu,C.Chitu,E.Moale,C.Demirsoy,H.Köksal,E.,., and ,Macit,İ."Canopy temperature for peach tree at various soil water contents" Eurasian Journal of Soil Science, DOI : 10.18393/ejss.29944
Septar ,L.,Paltineanu,C.Chitu,E.Moale,C.Demirsoy,H.Köksal,E.,., and ,Macit,İ. "Canopy temperature for peach tree at various soil water contents" Eurasian Journal of Soil Science, DOI : 10.18393/ejss.29944
L,Septar .C,Paltineanu.E,Chitu.C,Moale.H,Demirsoy.ES,Köksal.,.İ,Macit "Canopy temperature for peach tree at various soil water contents" Eurasian J. Soil Sci, vol., no., pp., DOI : 10.18393/ejss.29944
Septar ,Leinar ;Paltineanu,Cristian ;Chitu,Emil ;Moale,Cristina ;Demirsoy,Hüsnü ;Köksal,Eyüp ;, ;Macit,İdris Canopy temperature for peach tree at various soil water contents. Eurasian Journal of Soil Science,. DOI : 10.18393/ejss.29944

How to cite

Septar , L., Paltineanu, C., Chitu, E., Moale, C., Demirsoy, H., Köksal, E., S. , ., S. Macit, İ., S.2014. Canopy temperature for peach tree at various soil water contents. Eurasian J. Soil Sci. 3(1): 56 - 64. DOI : 10.18393/ejss.29944

Author information

Leinar Septar , Research Station for Fruit Growing Constanţa, commune Valu lui Traian, Pepinierei Str. 1, Romania
Cristian Paltineanu , Research Station for Fruit Growing Constanţa, commune Valu lui Traian, Pepinierei Str. 1, Romania
Emil Chitu , Research Station for Fruit Growing Constanţa, commune Valu lui Traian, Pepinierei Str. 1, Romania
Cristina Moale , Research Station for Fruit Growing Constanţa, commune Valu lui Traian, Pepinierei Str. 1, Romania
Hüsnü Demirsoy , Ondokuz Mayıs University, Faculty of Agriculture, Samsun, Turkey
Eyüp Köksal , Ondokuz Mayıs University, Faculty of Agriculture, Samsun, Turkey
İdris Macit , Ondokuz Mayıs University, Faculty of Agriculture, Samsun, Turkey

Publication information

Issue published online: 30 Jun 2014
Article first published online : 13 Jun 2014
Manuscript Accepted : 12 Jun 2014
Manuscript Received: 15 Jan 2014
DOI: 10.18393/ejss.29944
Stable URL:


Canopy temperature measurements with infrared thermometry have been extensively studied as a means of assessing plant water status for field and row crops. Achieving high quality peach fruit depends on the ability to maintain mild to moderate levels of water stress in the crop during the growing season. The paper examined the spatial distribution of tree canopy temperature (Tc) using thermal images in a peach orchard for irrigation scheduling. The variation of Tc was investigated in three irrigation regime treatments (factor A) that produced various soil moisture content (SMC) values, three cardinal points (factor B): South, North and East-West aspects combined, and five updown vertical position measurements (factor C: upper, middle upper, middle, middle lower and lower) across the tree canopy thermal images. It was found that Tc was significantly influenced by the irrigation regime. Cardinal point showed a significant Tc difference between South on the one hand and the other aspects. The vertical position within canopy image did not significantly influence Tc.


Thermal imagery, leaf and air temperature, cardinal points, drip irrigation

Corresponding author


Allen, R.G., Pereira, L., Raes, D., Smith M., 1998. Crop evapotranspiration, Guidelines for computing crop water requirements. FAO Irrigation and Drain. Paper 56, Rome, 301.

Ben-Gal, A., Agam, N., Alchanatis, V., Cohen, Y., Yermiyahu, U., Zipori, I., Presnov, E., Sprintsin, M., Dag, A., 2009. Evaluating water stress in irrigated olives: correlation of soil water status, tree water status, and thermal imagery. Irrigation Science 27: 367–376.

Boissard, P., Guyot, G., Jackson, R.D., 1990. Factors affecting the radiative surface temperature of vegetative canopy. In: Steven M.D., Clark J.A., eds. Application of remote sensing in agriculture. London: Butterworths, pp. 45-72.

Cohen, Y., Alchanatis, V., Meron, M., Sarang, Y. and Tsipris, T., 2005. Estimation of leaf water potential by thermal imagery and spatial analysis. Journal of Experimental Botany 56 (417): 1843–1852.

Cohen, Y., Alchanatis, V., Prigojin, A., Levi, A., Soroker, V., 2012 and Cohen, Y. Use of aerial thermal imaging to estimate water status of palm trees. Precision Agriculture 13 (1): 123-140.

Cressie, N.A.C., 1990. The Origins of Kriging. Mathematical Geology 22: 239-252.

Deutsch, C.V., Journel, A.G., 1992. GSLIB - Geostatistical Software Library and User's Guide. Oxford University Press, New York, 338.

Gardner, B.F., Blad, B.L., Watts, D.G., 1981. Plant and air temperatures in differentially irrigated corn. Agricultural Meteorology 25, 207-217.

Goldhamer, D., Viveros, M., Salinas, M., 2006. Regulated deficit irrigation in almonds: effects of variations in applied water and stress timing on yield and yield components. Irrigation Science 24: 101-114.

Grant, O.M., Tronina, L., Jones, H.G. and Chaves, M.M., 2007. Exploring thermal imaging variables for the detection of stress responses in grapevine under different irrigation regimes. Journal of Experimental Botany 58 (4): 815-825.

Grant, O.M., Tronina, L., Ramalho, J.C., Besson, C.K., Lobo-do-Vale, R., Pereira, J.S. et al., 2010. The impact of drought on leaf physiology of Quercus suber L. trees: comparison of an extreme drought event with chronic rainfall reduction. Journal of Experimental Botany 61: 4361-4371.

Idso, S.B., Jackson, R.D., Pinter, P.J. Jr, Reginato, R.J. and Hatfield, J.L., 1981. Normalizing the stress-degree-day parameter for environmental variability. Agricultural Meteorology 24: 45-55.

Jones, H.G., 1999. Use of thermography for quantitative studies of spatial and temporal variation of stomatal conductance over leaf surfaces. Plant Cell Environment 22: 1043-1055.

Leinonen, I., Jones, H.G., 2004. Combining thermal and visible imagery for estimating canopy temperature and identifying plant stress. Journal of Experimental Botany 55 (401): 1423-1431.

Meron, M., Tsipris, J., Orlov, V., Alchanatis, V., Cohen, Y., 2010. Crop water stress mapping for site-specific irrigation by thermal imagery and artificial reference surfaces. Precision Agriculture 11 (2): 148-162.

Paltineanu, C., Mihailescu, I.F., Seceleanu, I., Dragota, C., Vasenciuc, F., 2007. Ariditatea, seceta, evapotranspiratia si cerintele de apa ale culturilor agricole în Romania. Editura Ovidius University Press, Constanţa, 319.

Paltineanu, C., Septar, L., Moale, C., 2013. Crop Water Stress in Peach Orchards and Relationships with Soil Moisture Content in a Chernozem of Dobrogea. Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering 139 (1): 20–25.

Paltineanu, C., Septar, L., Moale, C., Lamureanu, G., Demirsoy, H.,Köksal, E.S., Kızılkaya, R.,Macit, İ. 2014. Estimating soil moisture status in peach tree orchards by using crop water stress index. 9th International Soil Science Congress on “The Soul of Soil and Civilization”, 14-16 October 2014, Side, Antalya, Turkey

Thomson, S.J., Ouellet-Plamondon, C.M., DeFauw, S.L., Huang, Y., Fisher, D.K., English, P.J., 2012. Potential and Challenges in Use of Thermal Imaging for Humid Region Irrigation System Management. Journal of Agricultural Science 4(4): 103-116.

Wheaton A.D., Cooley N.C., Dunn G.M., Wang X., Moran B., Goodwin I. and Yang W., 2011. Use of thermal imagery to detect water stress during berry ripening in Vitis vinifera L. “Cabernet Sauvignon”. In: Ortega- Farias, S., Selles, G. (Eds). VI International Symposium on Irrigation of Horticultural Crops. Acta Horticulturae 889: 123-127.

Zia, S., Wenyong, D., Spreer,W., Spohrer, K., Xiongkui, H., Müller, J., 2012. Assessing crop water stress of winter wheat by thermography under different irrigation regimes in North China Plain. For. International Journal of Agricultural and Biological Engineering 5 (3): 24-34.

*Surfer 8 Program, Surface Mapping System, Golden Software Inc 2002, Available at

**World Reference Base for Soil Resources, 2006. A framework for international classification, correlation and communication. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome, Available at

Canopy temperature measurements with infrared thermometry have been extensively studied as a means of assessing plant water status for field and row crops. Achieving high quality peach fruit depends on the ability to maintain mild to moderate levels of water stress in the crop during the growing season. The paper examined the spatial distribution of tree canopy temperature (Tc) using thermal images in a peach orchard for irrigation scheduling. The variation of Tc was investigated in three irrigation regime treatments (factor A) that produced various soil moisture content (SMC) values, three cardinal points (factor B): South, North and East-West aspects combined, and five updown vertical position measurements (factor C: upper, middle upper, middle, middle lower and lower) across the tree canopy thermal images. It was found that Tc was significantly influenced by the irrigation regime. Cardinal point showed a significant Tc difference between South on the one hand and the other aspects. The vertical position within canopy image did not significantly influence Tc.

Keywords: Thermal imagery, leaf and air temperature, cardinal points, drip irrigation.


Allen, R.G., Pereira, L., Raes, D., Smith M., 1998. Crop evapotranspiration, Guidelines for computing crop water requirements. FAO Irrigation and Drain. Paper 56, Rome, 301.

Ben-Gal, A., Agam, N., Alchanatis, V., Cohen, Y., Yermiyahu, U., Zipori, I., Presnov, E., Sprintsin, M., Dag, A., 2009. Evaluating water stress in irrigated olives: correlation of soil water status, tree water status, and thermal imagery. Irrigation Science 27: 367–376.

Boissard, P., Guyot, G., Jackson, R.D., 1990. Factors affecting the radiative surface temperature of vegetative canopy. In: Steven M.D., Clark J.A., eds. Application of remote sensing in agriculture. London: Butterworths, pp. 45-72.

Cohen, Y., Alchanatis, V., Meron, M., Sarang, Y. and Tsipris, T., 2005. Estimation of leaf water potential by thermal imagery and spatial analysis. Journal of Experimental Botany 56 (417): 1843–1852.

Cohen, Y., Alchanatis, V., Prigojin, A., Levi, A., Soroker, V., 2012 and Cohen, Y. Use of aerial thermal imaging to estimate water status of palm trees. Precision Agriculture 13 (1): 123-140.

Cressie, N.A.C., 1990. The Origins of Kriging. Mathematical Geology 22: 239-252.

Deutsch, C.V., Journel, A.G., 1992. GSLIB - Geostatistical Software Library and User's Guide. Oxford University Press, New York, 338.

Gardner, B.F., Blad, B.L., Watts, D.G., 1981. Plant and air temperatures in differentially irrigated corn. Agricultural Meteorology 25, 207-217.

Goldhamer, D., Viveros, M., Salinas, M., 2006. Regulated deficit irrigation in almonds: effects of variations in applied water and stress timing on yield and yield components. Irrigation Science 24: 101-114.

Grant, O.M., Tronina, L., Jones, H.G. and Chaves, M.M., 2007. Exploring thermal imaging variables for the detection of stress responses in grapevine under different irrigation regimes. Journal of Experimental Botany 58 (4): 815-825.

Grant, O.M., Tronina, L., Ramalho, J.C., Besson, C.K., Lobo-do-Vale, R., Pereira, J.S. et al., 2010. The impact of drought on leaf physiology of Quercus suber L. trees: comparison of an extreme drought event with chronic rainfall reduction. Journal of Experimental Botany 61: 4361-4371.

Idso, S.B., Jackson, R.D., Pinter, P.J. Jr, Reginato, R.J. and Hatfield, J.L., 1981. Normalizing the stress-degree-day parameter for environmental variability. Agricultural Meteorology 24: 45-55.

Jones, H.G., 1999. Use of thermography for quantitative studies of spatial and temporal variation of stomatal conductance over leaf surfaces. Plant Cell Environment 22: 1043-1055.

Leinonen, I., Jones, H.G., 2004. Combining thermal and visible imagery for estimating canopy temperature and identifying plant stress. Journal of Experimental Botany 55 (401): 1423-1431.

Meron, M., Tsipris, J., Orlov, V., Alchanatis, V., Cohen, Y., 2010. Crop water stress mapping for site-specific irrigation by thermal imagery and artificial reference surfaces. Precision Agriculture 11 (2): 148-162.

Paltineanu, C., Mihailescu, I.F., Seceleanu, I., Dragota, C., Vasenciuc, F., 2007. Ariditatea, seceta, evapotranspiratia si cerintele de apa ale culturilor agricole în Romania. Editura Ovidius University Press, Constanţa, 319.

Paltineanu, C., Septar, L., Moale, C., 2013. Crop Water Stress in Peach Orchards and Relationships with Soil Moisture Content in a Chernozem of Dobrogea. Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering 139 (1): 20–25.

Paltineanu, C., Septar, L., Moale, C., Lamureanu, G., Demirsoy, H.,Köksal, E.S., Kızılkaya, R.,Macit, İ. 2014. Estimating soil moisture status in peach tree orchards by using crop water stress index. 9th International Soil Science Congress on “The Soul of Soil and Civilization”, 14-16 October 2014, Side, Antalya, Turkey

Thomson, S.J., Ouellet-Plamondon, C.M., DeFauw, S.L., Huang, Y., Fisher, D.K., English, P.J., 2012. Potential and Challenges in Use of Thermal Imaging for Humid Region Irrigation System Management. Journal of Agricultural Science 4(4): 103-116.

Wheaton A.D., Cooley N.C., Dunn G.M., Wang X., Moran B., Goodwin I. and Yang W., 2011. Use of thermal imagery to detect water stress during berry ripening in Vitis vinifera L. “Cabernet Sauvignon”. In: Ortega- Farias, S., Selles, G. (Eds). VI International Symposium on Irrigation of Horticultural Crops. Acta Horticulturae 889: 123-127.

Zia, S., Wenyong, D., Spreer,W., Spohrer, K., Xiongkui, H., Müller, J., 2012. Assessing crop water stress of winter wheat by thermography under different irrigation regimes in North China Plain. For. International Journal of Agricultural and Biological Engineering 5 (3): 24-34.

*Surfer 8 Program, Surface Mapping System, Golden Software Inc 2002, Available at

**World Reference Base for Soil Resources, 2006. A framework for international classification, correlation and communication. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome, Available at

Eurasian Journal of Soil Science