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Asghari, H.R., Cavagnaro, T.R., 2014. Mycorrhizas effects on nutrient interception in two riparian grass species. Eurasian Journal of Soil Science 3(4): 274–285.
Bago, B., Azcón-Aguilar, C., 1997. Change in the rhizospheric pH induced by arbuscular mycorrhizae formation in onion. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science 160(2): 333-339.
Brundrett, M., Bougher, N., Dell, B., Grove, T., Malajczuk, N., 1996. Working with mycorrhizas in forestry and agriculture. Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research. Pirrie Printers, Canberra, Australia 347p.
Çetiner, B., Sarı, N., Ortaş, İ., Abak, K., 1999. VA mikoriza uygulamalarının tatlı mısırda P ve Zn alımı ile verim ve koçan özellikleri üzerine etkileri. Türkiye III. Ulusal Bahçe Bitkileri Kongresi Bildirileri. 14-17 Eylül 1999, Adana. s. 969-971. [in Turkish]
Day, P.R., 1965. Particle fractionation and particle size analysis. In: Methods of Soil Analysis, Part 1, Physical and Mineralogical Properties, Black, C.A. (Ed.). Agronomy Number 9 ASA-SSSA, Madison, WI, USA. pp. 545-567.
Fitriatin, B.N., Yuniarti, A., Turmuktini, T., Ruswandi, T.K., 2014. The effect of phosphate solubilizing microbe producing growth regulators on soil phosphate, growth and yield of maize and fertilizer efficiency on Ultisol. Eurasian Journal of Soil Science 3(2): 101–107.
Gülser, C. 2006. Effect of forage cropping treatments on soil structure and relationships with fractal dimensions. Geoderma 131(1-2): 33-44.
Gülser, C., 2004. A Comparison of some physical and chemical soil quality indicators influenced by different crop species. Pakistan Journal of Biological Science 7(6), 905-911.
Kacar, B., 1994. Bitki ve Toprağın Kimyasal Analizleri: III. Toprak Analizleri, Ankara Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Eğtim Araştırma ve Geliştirme Vakfı Yayınları No: 3, Ankara, Turkey. [in Turkish]
Li, X.L., Marschner, H., George, E., 1991. Acquisition of phosphorus and copper in VA-mycorrhizal hyphae and root-to-shoot transport in white clover. Plant and Soil 136(1): 49-57.
Marschner, H., 1995. Mineral Nutrition of Higher Plants. Gulf Professional, London, UK. 889 p.
Ortaş, İ., 1996. The influence of use of different rates of inoculum on root infection plant growth and phosphorus uptake. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis 27(18-20): 2935-2946
Ortaş, İ., Akpinar, Ç., Demirbaş, A., Kaya, Z., Gök, M. 2004. Değişik harç ortamlarında ve değişik konukçu bitki ortamında mikoriza sporlarının üretimine ilişkin metot araştırması. Türkiye 3. Ulusal Gübre Kongresi, Tarım-Sanayi-Çevre, 11-13 Ekim 2004, Tokat, Turkey. s.861-876. [in Turkish]
Papastylianou, I., 1993. Response of chick pea to Rhizobium inoculation II. Grain yield. Miscellaneous Reports No. 56, Agricultural Research Institute, Ministry of Agriculture and Natural Resources, Nicosia, Cyprus. 7 p.
Şimşek, D., Ortaş, İ., Köse, Ö., Sarı, N., Abak, K., 1998. The effect of mycorrhizal inoculation on growth and nutrient uptake of tomato, eggplant, pepper plants under field conditions. M. Şefik Yeşilsoy International Symposium on Arid Region Soil. September 21-24, 1998. Menemen, İzmir, Turkey. Book of Proceedings, pp.222-228.
Smith, S. E., Robson, A. D., Abbott, L.K., 1992. The involvement of mycorrhizas in assessment of genetically dependent efficiency of nutrient uptake and use. Plant and Soil 146(1): 169-179.
Waterer, D.R., Coltman, R.R., 1989. Response of mycorrhizal bell pepper to inoculation timing, phosphorus and water stress. Hortscience 24(4): 688-690.
Welling, N.P., Thompson, J.P., Wearing, A.H., 1991. Vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizae (VAM) improve phosphorus and zinc nutrition and growth of pigeon pea in a Vertisol. Australian Journal of Agricultural Research 42(5):835-845.
In this study, effect of mycorrhiza on growth criteria and phosphorus nutrition of lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) under different phosphorus fertilization rates were investigated. Phosphorus were added into growing media as 0, 50, 100 and 200 mg P2O5/kg with and without mycorrhiza applications. Phosphorus applications significantly increased yield criteria of lettuce according to the control treatment statistically. Mycorrhiza application also significantly increased plant diameter, plant dry weight and phosphor uptake by plant. The highest phosphorus uptakes by plants were determined in 200 mg P2O5/kg treatments as 88.8 mg P/pot with mycorrhiza and 83.1 mg P/pot without mycorrhiza application. In the control at 0 doses of phosphorus with mycorrhiza treatment, phosphorus uptake (69.9 mg P/pot), edible weight (84.36 g), dry weight (8.64 g) and leaf number (28) of lettuce were higher than that (47.7 mg P/pot, 59.33 g, 6.75 g and 20, respectively) in the control without mycorrhiza application. It was determined that mycorrhiza had positive effect on growth criteria and phosphorus nutrition by lettuce plant, and this effect decreased at higher phosphorus application rates.
Keywords: Mycorrhiza, phosphorus, lettuce, plant growth criteria.
Asghari, H.R., Cavagnaro, T.R., 2014. Mycorrhizas effects on nutrient interception in two riparian grass species. Eurasian Journal of Soil Science 3(4): 274–285.
Bago, B., Azcón-Aguilar, C., 1997. Change in the rhizospheric pH induced by arbuscular mycorrhizae formation in onion. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science 160(2): 333-339.
Brundrett, M., Bougher, N., Dell, B., Grove, T., Malajczuk, N., 1996. Working with mycorrhizas in forestry and agriculture. Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research. Pirrie Printers, Canberra, Australia 347p.
Çetiner, B., Sarı, N., Ortaş, İ., Abak, K., 1999. VA mikoriza uygulamalarının tatlı mısırda P ve Zn alımı ile verim ve koçan özellikleri üzerine etkileri. Türkiye III. Ulusal Bahçe Bitkileri Kongresi Bildirileri. 14-17 Eylül 1999, Adana. s. 969-971. [in Turkish]
Day, P.R., 1965. Particle fractionation and particle size analysis. In: Methods of Soil Analysis, Part 1, Physical and Mineralogical Properties, Black, C.A. (Ed.). Agronomy Number 9 ASA-SSSA, Madison, WI, USA. pp. 545-567.
Fitriatin, B.N., Yuniarti, A., Turmuktini, T., Ruswandi, T.K., 2014. The effect of phosphate solubilizing microbe producing growth regulators on soil phosphate, growth and yield of maize and fertilizer efficiency on Ultisol. Eurasian Journal of Soil Science 3(2): 101–107.
Gülser, C. 2006. Effect of forage cropping treatments on soil structure and relationships with fractal dimensions. Geoderma 131(1-2): 33-44.
Gülser, C., 2004. A Comparison of some physical and chemical soil quality indicators influenced by different crop species. Pakistan Journal of Biological Science 7(6), 905-911.
Kacar, B., 1994. Bitki ve Toprağın Kimyasal Analizleri: III. Toprak Analizleri, Ankara Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Eğtim Araştırma ve Geliştirme Vakfı Yayınları No: 3, Ankara, Turkey. [in Turkish]
Li, X.L., Marschner, H., George, E., 1991. Acquisition of phosphorus and copper in VA-mycorrhizal hyphae and root-to-shoot transport in white clover. Plant and Soil 136(1): 49-57.
Marschner, H., 1995. Mineral Nutrition of Higher Plants. Gulf Professional, London, UK. 889 p.
Ortaş, İ., 1996. The influence of use of different rates of inoculum on root infection plant growth and phosphorus uptake. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis 27(18-20): 2935-2946
Ortaş, İ., Akpinar, Ç., Demirbaş, A., Kaya, Z., Gök, M. 2004. Değişik harç ortamlarında ve değişik konukçu bitki ortamında mikoriza sporlarının üretimine ilişkin metot araştırması. Türkiye 3. Ulusal Gübre Kongresi, Tarım-Sanayi-Çevre, 11-13 Ekim 2004, Tokat, Turkey. s.861-876. [in Turkish]
Papastylianou, I., 1993. Response of chick pea to Rhizobium inoculation II. Grain yield. Miscellaneous Reports No. 56, Agricultural Research Institute, Ministry of Agriculture and Natural Resources, Nicosia, Cyprus. 7 p.
Şimşek, D., Ortaş, İ., Köse, Ö., Sarı, N., Abak, K., 1998. The effect of mycorrhizal inoculation on growth and nutrient uptake of tomato, eggplant, pepper plants under field conditions. M. Şefik Yeşilsoy International Symposium on Arid Region Soil. September 21-24, 1998. Menemen, İzmir, Turkey. Book of Proceedings, pp.222-228.
Smith, S. E., Robson, A. D., Abbott, L.K., 1992. The involvement of mycorrhizas in assessment of genetically dependent efficiency of nutrient uptake and use. Plant and Soil 146(1): 169-179.
Waterer, D.R., Coltman, R.R., 1989. Response of mycorrhizal bell pepper to inoculation timing, phosphorus and water stress. Hortscience 24(4): 688-690.
Welling, N.P., Thompson, J.P., Wearing, A.H., 1991. Vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizae (VAM) improve phosphorus and zinc nutrition and growth of pigeon pea in a Vertisol. Australian Journal of Agricultural Research 42(5):835-845.