Eurasian Journal of Soil Science

Volume 5, Issue 3, Jul 2016, Pages 249 - 254
DOI: 10.18393/ejss.2016.3.249-254
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Copyright © 2016 The authors and Federation of Eurasian Soil Science Societies

Evaluation of heavy metal complex phytotoxicity


Article first published online: 25 Mar 2016 | How to cite | Additional Information (Show All)

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Datsenko,V., Khimenko,N., 2016. Evaluation of heavy metal complex phytotoxicity. Eurasian J Soil Sci 5(3):249 - 254. DOI : 10.18393/ejss.2016.3.249-254
Datsenko,V.,,& Khimenko,N. Evaluation of heavy metal complex phytotoxicity Eurasian Journal of Soil Science, DOI : 10.18393/ejss.2016.3.249-254
Datsenko,V.,, and ,Khimenko,N."Evaluation of heavy metal complex phytotoxicity" Eurasian Journal of Soil Science, DOI : 10.18393/ejss.2016.3.249-254
Datsenko,V.,, and ,Khimenko,N. "Evaluation of heavy metal complex phytotoxicity" Eurasian Journal of Soil Science, DOI : 10.18393/ejss.2016.3.249-254
VV,Datsenko.NL,Khimenko "Evaluation of heavy metal complex phytotoxicity" Eurasian J. Soil Sci, vol., no., pp., DOI : 10.18393/ejss.2016.3.249-254
Datsenko,Vita ;Khimenko,Nataliya Evaluation of heavy metal complex phytotoxicity. Eurasian Journal of Soil Science,. DOI : 10.18393/ejss.2016.3.249-254

How to cite

Datsenko, V., V. Khimenko, N., L.2016. Evaluation of heavy metal complex phytotoxicity. Eurasian J. Soil Sci. 5(3): 249 - 254. DOI : 10.18393/ejss.2016.3.249-254

Author information

Vita Datsenko , Kharkiv National Automobile and Highway University, Department of Chemistry, Kharkiv, Ukraine
Nataliya Khimenko , Kharkiv National Agricultural University V.V. Dokuchayev, Kharkiv, Ukraine

Publication information

Issue published online: 01 Jul 2016
Article first published online : 25 Mar 2016
Manuscript Accepted : 07 Mar 2016
Manuscript Received: 26 Dec 2015
DOI: 10.18393/ejss.2016.3.249-254
Stable URL:


The experimental data dealing with the effect of heavy metals contained in the technogenic contaminated soils on plant objects under controlled conditions was discussed. The aim of this work is to define the quantitative indicators of copper and zinc potential phytotoxicity, namely germination energy, simultaneous germination and duration of the test plants. It was found that the activity of the test plant growth is linked with copper and zinc complex action. Joint effect of copper and zinc is manifested both in inhibition of lettuce growth and determined, above all, by the nature contamination, soil properties and biological specificity of the test plants.


Phytotoxicity, copper, zinc, biological test culture.

Corresponding author


Baiseitova, N.M., Sartayeva, J.M., 2014. Phytotoxic action of heavy metals in technogenic pollution. Young Scientist 2: 382−384.

Black, N.A., Milaschenko, N.C., Ladonin, V.F. 1999. Ecotoxicological aspects of soil contamination with heavy metals. Agrokonsalt, Moscow. 176 p.

Damage determination from soil concentration with chemical substances: Letter 27, December 1993 N 04-25/61-5678. Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources RF, р. 32.

Datsenko, V.V. Svashenko, Y.V., 2015. Migration of heavy metals from galvanic slime into soil. Economics in the Industry 2: 35−41.

FR.1.39.2006.02264, 2009. Measurement technique of seed germination and root length of seedlings of higher plants to determine the toxicity of technologically contaminated soils. 19 p.

Gladkov, E.A., 2010. Evaluation of complex phytotoxicity of heavy metals and definition of estimated allowable concentrations for zinc and copper. Agricultural Biology 6: 94−99.

Grodzinsky, D.M., Shilin, U.V., Kutsokin, N.K., 2006. The use of plant test systems for the evaluation of the combined action of factors of different nature method. Rec. on. assessing the permissible levels of radioactive and chemical contamination of their combined action. Fitosotsiotsentr, Kyiv. 60. p. 164−171.

Gruzdev L.P., 2010. Application of bio-indication to identify the technogenic pollution of agricultural landscapes. Planning, Cadastre and Land Monitoring 3: 13−16.

Hubachov, O.I., 2010. Features of the plants to soil bioassay to determine the level of environmental safety industrial areas. Scientific Herald KUEITU. New Technologies 3 (29):

Kasimov, A.M. 2011. Problems of formation and accumulation of industrial waste in Ukraine. Ecology and Industry 1: 65−69.

Mayachkina, N.V., Chugunov, M.V., 2009. Features bioassay of soil for the purpose of ecotoxicological assessment. Vestn. The Nizhny Novgorod. Zap them. N.I. Lobachevskian 1: 84−93.

Olkhovich, A.P., Musienko, M.M., 2005. Phytoindication and Phytomonitoring. Fitosotsiotsentr, Kyiv. 64 p.

STATE STANDARDS−99, 1999. Gygienic requirements for industrial waste management and determination of their hazard class health. Kyiv. 21 p.

Ubugunov, V.L., Dorzhonova, V.O., 2010. Phytotoxicity assessment of lead in turf-podburs. Vestnik TSU, 338, 207−211.


The experimental data dealing with the effect of heavy metals contained in the technogenic contaminated soils on plant objects under controlled conditions was discussed. The aim of this work is to define the quantitative indicators of copper and zinc potential phytotoxicity, namely germination energy, simultaneous germination and duration of the test plants. It was found that the activity of the test plant growth is linked with copper and zinc complex action. Joint effect of copper and zinc is manifested both in inhibition of lettuce growth and determined, above all, by the nature contamination, soil properties and biological specificity of the test plants.

Keywords: Phytotoxicity, copper, zinc, biological test culture.


Baiseitova, N.M., Sartayeva, J.M., 2014. Phytotoxic action of heavy metals in technogenic pollution. Young Scientist 2: 382−384.

Black, N.A., Milaschenko, N.C., Ladonin, V.F. 1999. Ecotoxicological aspects of soil contamination with heavy metals. Agrokonsalt, Moscow. 176 p.

Damage determination from soil concentration with chemical substances: Letter 27, December 1993 N 04-25/61-5678. Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources RF, р. 32.

Datsenko, V.V. Svashenko, Y.V., 2015. Migration of heavy metals from galvanic slime into soil. Economics in the Industry 2: 35−41.

FR.1.39.2006.02264, 2009. Measurement technique of seed germination and root length of seedlings of higher plants to determine the toxicity of technologically contaminated soils. 19 p.

Gladkov, E.A., 2010. Evaluation of complex phytotoxicity of heavy metals and definition of estimated allowable concentrations for zinc and copper. Agricultural Biology 6: 94−99.

Grodzinsky, D.M., Shilin, U.V., Kutsokin, N.K., 2006. The use of plant test systems for the evaluation of the combined action of factors of different nature method. Rec. on. assessing the permissible levels of radioactive and chemical contamination of their combined action. Fitosotsiotsentr, Kyiv. 60. p. 164−171.

Gruzdev L.P., 2010. Application of bio-indication to identify the technogenic pollution of agricultural landscapes. Planning, Cadastre and Land Monitoring 3: 13−16.

Hubachov, O.I., 2010. Features of the plants to soil bioassay to determine the level of environmental safety industrial areas. Scientific Herald KUEITU. New Technologies 3 (29):

Kasimov, A.M. 2011. Problems of formation and accumulation of industrial waste in Ukraine. Ecology and Industry 1: 65−69.

Mayachkina, N.V., Chugunov, M.V., 2009. Features bioassay of soil for the purpose of ecotoxicological assessment. Vestn. The Nizhny Novgorod. Zap them. N.I. Lobachevskian 1: 84−93.

Olkhovich, A.P., Musienko, M.M., 2005. Phytoindication and Phytomonitoring. Fitosotsiotsentr, Kyiv. 64 p.

STATE STANDARDS−99, 1999. Gygienic requirements for industrial waste management and determination of their hazard class health. Kyiv. 21 p.

Ubugunov, V.L., Dorzhonova, V.O., 2010. Phytotoxicity assessment of lead in turf-podburs. Vestnik TSU, 338, 207−211.

Eurasian Journal of Soil Science