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Auerswald, K., Fiener, P., Dikau, R. 2009. Rates of sheet and rill erosion in Germany — a meta-analysis. Geomorphology 111 (3–4): 182–193.
Beuselinck, L., Govers, G., Hairsine, P., Sander, G.C., Breynaert, M. 2002. The influence of rainfall on sediment transport by overland flow over areas of net deposition. Journal of Hydrology 257: 145–163.
Brodie, I., Rosewell, C. 2007. Theoretical relationships between rainfall intensity and kinetic energy variants associated with stormwater particle washoff. Journal of Hydrology 340 (1–2): 40–47.
Bruno, C., Stefano, C.D., Ferro, V., 2008. Field investigation on rilling in the experimental Sparacia area, South Italy. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 33: 263–279.
Brunton, D.A., Bryan, R.B., 2000. Rill network development and sediment budgets. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 25: 783–800.
Bryan, R.B., 2000. Soil erodibility and processes of water erosion on hillslope. Geomorphology 32 (3–4): 385–415.
Cerdan, O., Le Bissonnais, Y., Couturier, A., Bourennane, H., Souchère, V., 2002. Rill erosion on cultivated hillslopes during two extreme rainfall events in Normandy, France. Soil and Tillage Research 67 (1): 99–108.
De Santisteban, L.M., Casalì, J., Lòpez, J.J., Giràldez, J.V., Poesen, J., Nachtergaele, J., 2005. Exploring the role of topography in small channel erosion. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 30: 591–599.
FAO., 2006. Guidelines for Soil Descriptions 5th ed. Food and Agricultural Organization of United Nation, Rome, Italy.
Flores-Cervantes, J.H., Istanbulluoglu, E., Bras, R.L. 2006. Development of gullies on the landscape: A model of headcut retreat resulting from plunge pool erosion. Journal of Geophysical Research 111, F01010.
Govers, G., Giménez, R., Van Oost, K., 2007. Rill erosion: Exploring the relationship between experiments, modelling and field observations. Earth-Science Reviews 84: 87–102.
Knapen, A., Poesen, J., Govers, G., Gyssels, G., Nachtergaele, J., 2007. Resistance of soils to concentrated flow erosion: A review. Earth Science Reviews 80 (1–2): 75–109.
Kuhn,N.J., Bryan,R.B., 2004. Drying, soil surface condition and interrill erosion on two Ontario soils. Catena 57:113–133.
Le Bissonnais, Y., Cerdan, O., Lecomte, V., Benkhadra, H., Souchère, V., Martin, P., 2005. Variability of soil surface characteristics influencing runoff and interrill erosion. Catena 62: 111–124.
Mancilla, G.A., Chen, S., McCool, D.K., 2005. Rill density prediction and flow velocity distributions on agricultural areas in the Pacific Northwest. Soil and Tillage Research 84: 54–66.
Nachtergaele, J., Poesen, J., Steegen, A., Takken, I., Beuselinck, L., Vandekerckhove, L., Govers, G., 2001. The value of a physically based model versus an empirical approach in the prediction of ephemeral gully erosion for loess-derived soils. Geomorphology 40: 237–252.
Pandey, A., Chowdary, V.M., Mal, B.C., 2007. Identification of critical erosion prone areas in the small agricultural watershed using USLE, GIS and remote sensing. Water Resources Management 21(4): 729-746.
Rejman, J., Brodowski, R., 2005. Rill characteristics and sediment transport as a function of slope length during a storm event on loess soil. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 30: 231–239.
Shit, P.K., Maiti, R., 2012. Rill Hydraulics - An experimental study on gully basin in lateritic upland of Paschim Medinipur, West Bengal. Journal of Geography and Geology 4(4); 1-11.
Shit, P.K., Bhunia, G., Maiti, R., 2013. Assessment of factors affecting ephemeral gully development in Badland topography: A case study at Garbheta Badland (Pashchim Medinipur, West Bengal, India). International Journal of Geosciences 4(2): 461–470.
Shit, P.K., Bhunia, G., Maiti, R., 2014. Morphology and development of selected Badlands in South Bengal (India). Indian Journal of Geography and Environment 13: 161–171
Sidorchuk, A., 2005. Stochastic modelling of erosion and deposition in cohesive soils. Hydrological Processes 19 (7): 1399–1417.
Stefano, C.D., Ferro, V., Pampalone, V., Sanzone, F., 2013. Field investigation of rill and ephemeral gully erosion in the Sparacia experimental area, South Italy. Catena 101: 226–234.
Vandekerckhove, L., Poesen, J., Oostwoud Wijdenes, D., de Figueiredo, T., 1998. Topographical thresholds for ephemeral gully initiation in intensively cultivated areas of the Mediterranean. Catena 33 (3–4): 271–292.
Wirtz, S, Seeger, M., Ries, J.B., 2012. Field experiments for understanding and quantification of rill erosion processes. Catena 91: 21–34.
Wirtz, S., Seeger, M., Ries, J.B. 2010. The rill experiment as a method to approach a quantification of rill erosion process activity. Zeitschrift für Geomorphologie 54 (1): 47–64.
Woodward, D.E., 1999. Method to predict cropland ephemeral gully erosion. Catena 37 (3–4): 393–399.
The present paper is based on field investigation and measurement of rill erosion processes at Rangamati Experimental Station (Medinipur, West Bengal in India). In rill experiments, three different natural rills were studies in field for understanding of the dynamics of soil erosion processes of a rill catchment area. Geometric and morphological characteristics of each rill catchment area were analyzed. Results showed the widening, deepening and extended of rills because of sidewall sloughing, knick-points and head-ward erosion during surface runoff process. Progressive increases of rill volume were observed in the upper, middle and lower catchment with the change of time. Rill area has increased by runoff processes of 4.2 % and 6.8 % for Rill-A and Rill-B respectively. These processes are depends on surface coverage, soil texture, slope gradients and runoff velocity.
Keywords: Rills, rill geometry, rill morphology, rill erosion process
Auerswald, K., Fiener, P., Dikau, R. 2009. Rates of sheet and rill erosion in Germany — a meta-analysis. Geomorphology 111 (3–4): 182–193.
Beuselinck, L., Govers, G., Hairsine, P., Sander, G.C., Breynaert, M. 2002. The influence of rainfall on sediment transport by overland flow over areas of net deposition. Journal of Hydrology 257: 145–163.
Brodie, I., Rosewell, C. 2007. Theoretical relationships between rainfall intensity and kinetic energy variants associated with stormwater particle washoff. Journal of Hydrology 340 (1–2): 40–47.
Bruno, C., Stefano, C.D., Ferro, V., 2008. Field investigation on rilling in the experimental Sparacia area, South Italy. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 33: 263–279.
Brunton, D.A., Bryan, R.B., 2000. Rill network development and sediment budgets. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 25: 783–800.
Bryan, R.B., 2000. Soil erodibility and processes of water erosion on hillslope. Geomorphology 32 (3–4): 385–415.
Cerdan, O., Le Bissonnais, Y., Couturier, A., Bourennane, H., Souchère, V., 2002. Rill erosion on cultivated hillslopes during two extreme rainfall events in Normandy, France. Soil and Tillage Research 67 (1): 99–108.
De Santisteban, L.M., Casalì, J., Lòpez, J.J., Giràldez, J.V., Poesen, J., Nachtergaele, J., 2005. Exploring the role of topography in small channel erosion. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 30: 591–599.
FAO., 2006. Guidelines for Soil Descriptions 5th ed. Food and Agricultural Organization of United Nation, Rome, Italy.
Flores-Cervantes, J.H., Istanbulluoglu, E., Bras, R.L. 2006. Development of gullies on the landscape: A model of headcut retreat resulting from plunge pool erosion. Journal of Geophysical Research 111, F01010.
Govers, G., Giménez, R., Van Oost, K., 2007. Rill erosion: Exploring the relationship between experiments, modelling and field observations. Earth-Science Reviews 84: 87–102.
Knapen, A., Poesen, J., Govers, G., Gyssels, G., Nachtergaele, J., 2007. Resistance of soils to concentrated flow erosion: A review. Earth Science Reviews 80 (1–2): 75–109.
Kuhn,N.J., Bryan,R.B., 2004. Drying, soil surface condition and interrill erosion on two Ontario soils. Catena 57:113–133.
Le Bissonnais, Y., Cerdan, O., Lecomte, V., Benkhadra, H., Souchère, V., Martin, P., 2005. Variability of soil surface characteristics influencing runoff and interrill erosion. Catena 62: 111–124.
Mancilla, G.A., Chen, S., McCool, D.K., 2005. Rill density prediction and flow velocity distributions on agricultural areas in the Pacific Northwest. Soil and Tillage Research 84: 54–66.
Nachtergaele, J., Poesen, J., Steegen, A., Takken, I., Beuselinck, L., Vandekerckhove, L., Govers, G., 2001. The value of a physically based model versus an empirical approach in the prediction of ephemeral gully erosion for loess-derived soils. Geomorphology 40: 237–252.
Pandey, A., Chowdary, V.M., Mal, B.C., 2007. Identification of critical erosion prone areas in the small agricultural watershed using USLE, GIS and remote sensing. Water Resources Management 21(4): 729-746.
Rejman, J., Brodowski, R., 2005. Rill characteristics and sediment transport as a function of slope length during a storm event on loess soil. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 30: 231–239.
Shit, P.K., Maiti, R., 2012. Rill Hydraulics - An experimental study on gully basin in lateritic upland of Paschim Medinipur, West Bengal. Journal of Geography and Geology 4(4); 1-11.
Shit, P.K., Bhunia, G., Maiti, R., 2013. Assessment of factors affecting ephemeral gully development in Badland topography: A case study at Garbheta Badland (Pashchim Medinipur, West Bengal, India). International Journal of Geosciences 4(2): 461–470.
Shit, P.K., Bhunia, G., Maiti, R., 2014. Morphology and development of selected Badlands in South Bengal (India). Indian Journal of Geography and Environment 13: 161–171
Sidorchuk, A., 2005. Stochastic modelling of erosion and deposition in cohesive soils. Hydrological Processes 19 (7): 1399–1417.
Stefano, C.D., Ferro, V., Pampalone, V., Sanzone, F., 2013. Field investigation of rill and ephemeral gully erosion in the Sparacia experimental area, South Italy. Catena 101: 226–234.
Vandekerckhove, L., Poesen, J., Oostwoud Wijdenes, D., de Figueiredo, T., 1998. Topographical thresholds for ephemeral gully initiation in intensively cultivated areas of the Mediterranean. Catena 33 (3–4): 271–292.
Wirtz, S, Seeger, M., Ries, J.B., 2012. Field experiments for understanding and quantification of rill erosion processes. Catena 91: 21–34.
Wirtz, S., Seeger, M., Ries, J.B. 2010. The rill experiment as a method to approach a quantification of rill erosion process activity. Zeitschrift für Geomorphologie 54 (1): 47–64.
Woodward, D.E., 1999. Method to predict cropland ephemeral gully erosion. Catena 37 (3–4): 393–399.