Eurasian Journal of Soil Science

Volume 4, Issue 4, Oct 2015, Pages 244 - 252
DOI: 10.18393/ejss.2015.4.244-252
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Copyright © 2015 The authors and Federation of Eurasian Soil Science Societies

Poultry feather wastes recycling possibility as soil nutrient


Article first published online: 20 Mar 2015 | How to cite | Additional Information (Show All)

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Mézes,L., Nagy,A., Gálya,B., Tamás,J., 2015. Poultry feather wastes recycling possibility as soil nutrient. Eurasian J Soil Sci 4(4):244 - 252. DOI : 10.18393/ejss.2015.4.244-252
Mézes,L.,Nagy,A.Gálya,B.,& Tamás,J. Poultry feather wastes recycling possibility as soil nutrient Eurasian Journal of Soil Science, DOI : 10.18393/ejss.2015.4.244-252
Mézes,L.,Nagy,A.Gálya,B., and ,Tamás,J."Poultry feather wastes recycling possibility as soil nutrient" Eurasian Journal of Soil Science, DOI : 10.18393/ejss.2015.4.244-252
Mézes,L.,Nagy,A.Gálya,B., and ,Tamás,J. "Poultry feather wastes recycling possibility as soil nutrient" Eurasian Journal of Soil Science, DOI : 10.18393/ejss.2015.4.244-252
L,Mézes.A,Nagy.B,Gálya.J,Tamás "Poultry feather wastes recycling possibility as soil nutrient" Eurasian J. Soil Sci, vol., no., pp., DOI : 10.18393/ejss.2015.4.244-252
Mézes,Lili ;Nagy,Attila ;Gálya,Bernadett ;Tamás,János Poultry feather wastes recycling possibility as soil nutrient. Eurasian Journal of Soil Science,. DOI : 10.18393/ejss.2015.4.244-252

How to cite

Mézes, L., Nagy, A., Gálya, B., Tamás, J., 2015. Poultry feather wastes recycling possibility as soil nutrient. Eurasian J. Soil Sci. 4(4): 244 - 252. DOI : 10.18393/ejss.2015.4.244-252

Author information

Lili Mézes , University of Debrecen, Faculty of Agricultural and Food Industrial Sciences and Environmental Management, Institute of Water- and Environmental Management, Debrecen, Hungary
Attila Nagy , University of Debrecen, Faculty of Agricultural and Food Industrial Sciences and Environmental Management, Institute of Water- and Environmental Management, Debrecen, Hungary
Bernadett Gálya , University of Debrecen, Faculty of Agricultural and Food Industrial Sciences and Environmental Management, Institute of Water- and Environmental Management, Debrecen, Hungary
János Tamás , University of Debrecen, Faculty of Agricultural and Food Industrial Sciences and Environmental Management, Institute of Water- and Environmental Management, Debrecen, Hungary

Publication information

Issue published online: 01 Oct 2015
Article first published online : 20 Mar 2015
Manuscript Accepted : 13 Mar 2015
Manuscript Received: 01 Jul 2014
DOI: 10.18393/ejss.2015.4.244-252
Stable URL:


Poultry feathers are produced in large amounts as a waste in poultry slaughterhouses. Only 60-70% of the poultry slaughterhouse products are edible for human being. This means more million tons annually worldwide (Papadopoulus et al., 1986; Williams et al., 1991; Hegedűs et al., 1998). The keratin-content of feather can be difficulty digested, so physical, chemical and/or biological pre-treatment are needed in practice, which have to be set according to the utilization method. Feather was enzymatic degraded, and then fermented in separated bioreactors. The anaerobic bioreactor system (4 digesters with 6 litre volume) was controlled by ACE SCADA software running on Linux platforms. Pot scale seed germination tests were established to suggest the quantity of digested slurry to be utilized. The chosen test plants were lettuce (Lactuca sativa). In case of reproduction test Student’s t-test was applied to examine significant differences between the root lengths of the control and the treated plant species. In case of pot seed germination variance analysis with Tukey B’s and Duncan test was applied to examine significant differences between the root lengths of plants, grown on different treatments. The effect of treatments on germination ability of the plant species was expressed in the percentage of the controls. According to Student’s t-test significant difference was found between root lengths of different treatments. Based on variance analysis with Tukey B’s and Duncan tests could be detected a significant difference between the treatments. Utilization of the fermented material reduces the use of fertilizers and because of its large moisture content it reduces the watering costs. Recycle of the slaughterhouse feather and different agricultural wastes and by-products can solve three main problems: disposal of harmful materials, producing of renewable energy and soil nutrient, measuring reflectance at the certain spectral range, which can facilitate real time water status assessment of orchards.


Poultry feather, recycle, seed germination, root length

Corresponding author


Abdul- Baki. A., J.D. Anderson., 1973. Vigour determination in Soybean seed by multiple criteria. Crop Science 13: 630-633.

Al Seadi. T. (Eds.), Rutz. D., Prassl. H., Köttner. M., Finsterwalder. T., Volk. S., Janssen. R., 2008. Biogas Handbook. Biogas for Eastern Europe Project. University of Southern Denmark Esbjerg, Niels Bohrs Vej 9-10, DK-6700 Esbjerg, Denmark.

FAOSTAT (Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations), 2014. FAOSTAT database. Available at:

Forgács. G., Alinezhad. S., Mirabdollah. A., Feuk-Lagerstedt. E., Sárvári Horváth. I., 2011. Biological treatment of chicken feather waste for improved biogas production, Journal of Environmental Science 23(10): 1747-1753.

Forgács. G., Niklasson. C., Sárvári Horváth I., Taherzadeh. M. J., 2013. Methane production from feather waste pretreated with Ca(OH)2: Process development and economical analysis. Waste and Biomass Valorization 5(1): 65-73.

Greene. J.C., Bartels. C.L., Warren-Hicks. W.J., Parkhurst. B.R., Linder. G.L., Peterson. S.A., Miller. W.E., 1989. Protocols for Short Term Toxicity Screening of Hazardous Waste Sites, EPA 600/3-88/029.

Hegedűs. M., Schmidt. J., Rafai P., 1998. Állati eredetű melléktermékek hasznosítása (Animal by-product recycle), Mezőgazda Publischer, Budapest. pp.15-29 and 65-93.

Mézes L., Molnár Sz., Tamás J., 2014. Ensuring slaughterhouse waste feather recycle with biological pre-treatment, International Conference Natura-Econ 2014. Environmental Dynamics under the Impact of Economic Trends- Realites and Perspectives. Sfântu Gheorghe, Romania, 7th March 2014. CD Conference Proceedings.

Németh. J., 1998. A biológiai vízminősítés módszerei (Methods of biological water quality management), Környezetgazdálkodási Intézet (Institute of Enviromental Management), Budapest, pp.230-232.

OECD (Organization for the Economic Cooperation and Development), 1984. Terrestrial plants: growth test, OECD Guidelines for Testing of Chemicals, Paris, p.208.

Papadopoulos, M.C., 1985. Processed chicken feathers as feedstuff for poultry and swine. A review, Agricultural Wastes 14: 275–290.

Salminen. E., Rintala. J., 2002. Anaerobic digestion of organic solid poultry slaughterhouse waste- a review, Bioresource Technology 83: 13-26.

Simon. L., 1998. Talajszennyeződés. talajtisztítás (Soil pollution and remediation), GATE Mezőgazdasági Főiskolai Kar, Nyíregyháza, 1-41.

Tamás J., Petis M., Bíró T., 2006. Kutatási eredmények a biomassza regionális felmérésétől a biogáz termelés technológiai paraméterezésig. X. Nemzetközi Agrárökonómiai Tudományos napok. Károly Róbert Főiskola. Gyöngyös. CD Proceeding.

Tamás. J., Mézes. L., Biró. Gy., Nyírcsák. M., Borbély. J., 2012. Fuzzy System to Optimize the Anaerobic Digestion in Biogas Reactors. 8th International Conference, Global assessment for organic resources and waste management, 12-15 June. 2012, Rennes. France, CD Proceeding. 35-39.

USEPA (United States Environmental Protection Agency), 1996. Ecological effects test guidelines, OPPTS 850.4200; Seed germination/root elongation toxicity test, EPA 712-C-96-154, Washington DC.

USFDA (United States Food and Drug Administration), 1984. Seed Germination. Environmental Assessment Technical Guide No. 11.06 (Draft), Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition, Center for Veterinary Medicine, US Department of Health and Human Services, Washington DC.

Várallyay. Gy., 2007. Soil resilience (Is soil a renewable natural resource?), Cereal Research Communications 35(2): 1277-1280.

Williams. C. M., Lee. C. G., Garlich. J. D., Shih. J. C. H., 1991. Evaluation of a bacterial feather fermentation product, feather-lysate as a feed protein. Poultry Science 70: 85-94.

Poultry feathers are produced in large amounts as a waste in poultry slaughterhouses. Only 60-70% of the poultry slaughterhouse products are edible for human being. This means more million tons annually worldwide (Papadopoulus et al., 1986; Williams et al., 1991; Hegedűs et al., 1998). The keratin-content of feather can be difficulty digested, so physical, chemical and/or biological pre-treatment are needed in practice, which have to be set according to the utilization method. Feather was enzymatic degraded, and then fermented in separated bioreactors. The anaerobic bioreactor system (4 digesters with 6 litre volume) was controlled by ACE SCADA software running on Linux platforms. Pot scale seed germination tests were established to suggest the quantity of digested slurry to be utilized. The chosen test plants were lettuce (Lactuca sativa). In case of reproduction test Student’s t-test was applied to examine significant differences between the root lengths of the control and the treated plant species. In case of pot seed germination variance analysis with Tukey B’s and Duncan test was applied to examine significant differences between the root lengths of plants, grown on different treatments. The effect of treatments on germination ability of the plant species was expressed in the percentage of the controls. According to Student’s t-test significant difference was found between root lengths of different treatments. Based on variance analysis with Tukey B’s and Duncan tests could be detected a significant difference between the treatments. Utilization of the fermented material reduces the use of fertilizers and because of its large moisture content it reduces the watering costs. Recycle of the slaughterhouse feather and different agricultural wastes and by-products can solve three main problems: disposal of harmful materials, producing of renewable energy and soil nutrient, measuring reflectance at the certain spectral range, which can facilitate real time water status assessment of orchards.

Keywords: Poultry feather, recycle, seed germination, root length


Abdul- Baki. A., J.D. Anderson., 1973. Vigour determination in Soybean seed by multiple criteria. Crop Science 13: 630-633.

Al Seadi. T. (Eds.), Rutz. D., Prassl. H., Köttner. M., Finsterwalder. T., Volk. S., Janssen. R., 2008. Biogas Handbook. Biogas for Eastern Europe Project. University of Southern Denmark Esbjerg, Niels Bohrs Vej 9-10, DK-6700 Esbjerg, Denmark.

FAOSTAT (Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations), 2014. FAOSTAT database. Available at:

Forgács. G., Alinezhad. S., Mirabdollah. A., Feuk-Lagerstedt. E., Sárvári Horváth. I., 2011. Biological treatment of chicken feather waste for improved biogas production, Journal of Environmental Science 23(10): 1747-1753.

Forgács. G., Niklasson. C., Sárvári Horváth I., Taherzadeh. M. J., 2013. Methane production from feather waste pretreated with Ca(OH)2: Process development and economical analysis. Waste and Biomass Valorization 5(1): 65-73.

Greene. J.C., Bartels. C.L., Warren-Hicks. W.J., Parkhurst. B.R., Linder. G.L., Peterson. S.A., Miller. W.E., 1989. Protocols for Short Term Toxicity Screening of Hazardous Waste Sites, EPA 600/3-88/029.

Hegedűs. M., Schmidt. J., Rafai P., 1998. Állati eredetű melléktermékek hasznosítása (Animal by-product recycle), Mezőgazda Publischer, Budapest. pp.15-29 and 65-93.

Mézes L., Molnár Sz., Tamás J., 2014. Ensuring slaughterhouse waste feather recycle with biological pre-treatment, International Conference Natura-Econ 2014. Environmental Dynamics under the Impact of Economic Trends- Realites and Perspectives. Sfântu Gheorghe, Romania, 7th March 2014. CD Conference Proceedings.

Németh. J., 1998. A biológiai vízminősítés módszerei (Methods of biological water quality management), Környezetgazdálkodási Intézet (Institute of Enviromental Management), Budapest, pp.230-232.

OECD (Organization for the Economic Cooperation and Development), 1984. Terrestrial plants: growth test, OECD Guidelines for Testing of Chemicals, Paris, p.208.

Papadopoulos, M.C., 1985. Processed chicken feathers as feedstuff for poultry and swine. A review, Agricultural Wastes 14: 275–290.

Salminen. E., Rintala. J., 2002. Anaerobic digestion of organic solid poultry slaughterhouse waste- a review, Bioresource Technology 83: 13-26.

Simon. L., 1998. Talajszennyeződés. talajtisztítás (Soil pollution and remediation), GATE Mezőgazdasági Főiskolai Kar, Nyíregyháza, 1-41.

Tamás J., Petis M., Bíró T., 2006. Kutatási eredmények a biomassza regionális felmérésétől a biogáz termelés technológiai paraméterezésig. X. Nemzetközi Agrárökonómiai Tudományos napok. Károly Róbert Főiskola. Gyöngyös. CD Proceeding.

Tamás. J., Mézes. L., Biró. Gy., Nyírcsák. M., Borbély. J., 2012. Fuzzy System to Optimize the Anaerobic Digestion in Biogas Reactors. 8th International Conference, Global assessment for organic resources and waste management, 12-15 June. 2012, Rennes. France, CD Proceeding. 35-39.

USEPA (United States Environmental Protection Agency), 1996. Ecological effects test guidelines, OPPTS 850.4200; Seed germination/root elongation toxicity test, EPA 712-C-96-154, Washington DC.

USFDA (United States Food and Drug Administration), 1984. Seed Germination. Environmental Assessment Technical Guide No. 11.06 (Draft), Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition, Center for Veterinary Medicine, US Department of Health and Human Services, Washington DC.

Várallyay. Gy., 2007. Soil resilience (Is soil a renewable natural resource?), Cereal Research Communications 35(2): 1277-1280.

Williams. C. M., Lee. C. G., Garlich. J. D., Shih. J. C. H., 1991. Evaluation of a bacterial feather fermentation product, feather-lysate as a feed protein. Poultry Science 70: 85-94.

Eurasian Journal of Soil Science