Article first published online: 03 Mar 2015 | How to cite | Additional Information (Show All)
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Abakumov, E.V., Cajthaml, T., Brus, J., Frouz, J., 2013. Humus accumulation, humification, and humic acid composition in soils of two post-mining chronosequences after coal mining. Journal of Soils and Sediments 13: 491-500.
Bailey, V.L., Peacock, A.D., Smith, J.L, Bolton, H., 2002. Relationships between soil microbial biomass determined by chloroform fumigation-extraction, substrate-induced respiration, and phospholipid fatty acid analysis. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 34(9): 1385-1389.
Baldrian, P., Trögl, J., Frouz, J., Šnajdr, J., Valášková, V., Merhautová, V., Cajthaml, T., Herinková, J., 2008. Enzyme activities and microbial biomass in top soil layer during spontaneous succession in spoil heaps after brown coal mining. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 40: 2107-2115.
Buczko, U., Gerke, H.H., Huttl, R.F., 2001. Spatial of lignite mine spoil properties for simulating 2-D variability saturated flow and transport. Ecological Engineering 17: 103-114.
ČSN ISO 11 465, 1998. Kvalita půdy - Stanovení hmotnostního podílu sušiny a hmotnostní vlhkosti půdy - Gravimetrická metoda. Český normalizační institut, Praha.
Dimitrovský, K., 2000. Zemědělské, lesnické a hydrické rekultivace území ovlivněných báňskou činností. Ústav zemědělských a potravinářských informací, Praha.
Frouz, J., Kalčík, J., Velichová, V., 2011. Factors causing spatial heterogeneity in soil properties, plant cover, and soil fauna in a non-reclaimed post-mining site. Ecological Engineering 37: 1910-1913.
Frouz, J., Livečková, M., Albrechtová, J., Chroňáková, A., Cajthaml, T., Pižl, V., Háněl, L., Starý, J., Baldrian, P., Lhotáková, Z., Šimáčková, H., Cepáková, Š., 2013. Is the effect of trees on soil properties mediated by soil fauna? A case study from post-mining sites. Forest Ecology and Management 309: 87-95.
Graham, M.H., Haynes, R.J., 2004. Organic matter status and the size, activity and metabolic diversity of soil microflora as indicators of the success of rehabilitation of mined sand dunes. Biology and Fertility of Soils 39: 429-437.
Hodačová, D., Prach, K., 2003. Spoil heaps from brown coal mining: Technical reclamation versus spontaneous revegetation. Restoration Ecology 11(3): 385-391.
Kaur, A., Chaudhary, A., Choudhary, R., Kaushik, R., 2005. Phospholipid fatty acid - a bioindicator of environment monitoring and assessment in soil ecosystem. Current Science 89(7): 1103-1112.
Krümmelbein, J., Raab, T., 2012. Development of soil physical parameters in agricultural reclamation after brown coal mining within the first four years. Soil & Tillage Research 125: 109-115.
Kubát, K., Hrouda, L., Chrtek, J. Jun., Kaplan, Z., Kirschner, J., Štěpánek, J. [eds.], 2002. Klíč ke květeně České republiky. Academia, Praha.
Kuráň, P., Trögl, J., Nováková, J., Pilařová, V., Dáňová, P., Pavlorková, J., Kozler, J., Novák, F., Popelka, J., 2014. Biodegradation of Spilled Diesel Fuel in Agricultural Soil: Effect of Humates, Zeolite and Bioaugmentation. The Scientific World Journal, 1-8.
Landhausser, S.M., Deshaies, D., Lieffers, V.J., 2010. Disturbance facilitates rapid range expansion of aspen into higher elevations of the Rocky Mountains under a warming climate. Journal of Biogeography 37: 68-76.
Lehmann, J., Peter, I., Steglich, C., Gebauer, G., Huwe, B., Zech, W., 1998. Below-ground interactions in dryland agroforestry. Forest Ecology and Management 111: 157-169.
Lopez, R.D., Fennessy, M.S., 2002. Testing the floristic quality assessment index as an indicator of wetland condition. Journal of Applied Ecology 12 (2): 487-497.
Moore-Kucera, J., Dick, R.P., 2008. PLFA profiling of microbial community structure and seasonal shifts in soils of a Douglas-fir chronosequence. Microbial Ecology 55(3): 500-511.
Moravec, J., 1994. Fytocenologie. Academia, Praha.
Moreno-de las Heras, M., 2009. Development of soil physical structure and biological functionality in mining spoils affected by soil erosion in a Mediterranean-Continental environment. Geoderma 149: 249-256.
Ninot, J.M., Herrero, P, Ferré, A., Guàrdia, R., 2001. Effects of reclamation measures on plant colonization on lignite waste in the eastern Pyrenees, Spain. Applied Vegetation Science 4: 29-34.
Polak, A., Wallach, R., 2001. Analysis of soil moisture variations in an irrigated orchard root zone. Plant and Soil 233: 145-159.
Prach, K., Frouz, J., Karešová, P., Konvalinková, P., Koutecká, V., Mudrák, O., Novák, J., Řehounek, J., Řehounková, K., Tichý, L., Trnková, R., Tropek, R., 2009a. Ekologie obnovy narušených míst – II. Místa narušená těžbou surovin. Živa 2, 68-72.
Prach, K., Jongepierová, I., Jírová, A., Lencová, K., 2009b. Ekologie obnovy – IV. Obnova travinných ekosystémů. Živa 4, 165-168.
Prach, K., Jonášová, M., Svoboda, M., 2009c. Ekologie obnovy narušených míst – V. Obnova lesních ekosystémů. Živa 5, 212-215.
Prach, K., Bejček, V., Bogusch, P., Dvořáková, H., Frouz, J., Hendrychová, M., Kabrna, M., Koutecká, V., Lepšová, A., Mudrák, O., Polášek, Z., Přikryl, I., Tropek, R., Volf, O., Zavadil, V., 2010. Obnova těžebních prostorů v ČR – Výsypky. In: Řehounek J., Řehounková K., Prach K. (Eds), Ekologická obnova území narušených těžbou nerostných surovin a průmyslovými deponiemi. Calla, České Budějovice, pp. 15-35.
Pyšek, P., Kubát, K., Prach, K., 2001. Expanzní druhy domácí flóry a apofytizace krajiny. Česká botanická společnost, Praha.
Pyšek, P., Prach, K., 1997. Invazní rostliny v české flóře: Česká botanická společnost, Praha.
Řehoř, M.. Ondráček, V., 2012. Results of field research realized during first hydrological restoration of the large North Bohemian open pit mine. SGEM Conference Proceedings 4: 213-220.
Řehoř, M., Šálek, M., Hendrychová, M., 2011. Geological, pedological and biological research of areas after brown coal mining and optimization of their restoration methodology. SGEM Conference Proceedings 1079-1086.
Šnajdr, J., Dobiášová, P., Urbanová, M., Petránková, M., Cajthaml, T., Frouz, J., Baldrian, P., 2013. Dominant trees affect microbial community composition and activity in post-mining afforested soil. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 56: 105-115.
Trögl, J., Jirková, J., Zemánková, P. et al., 2013. Estimation of the quantity of bacteria encapsulated in Lentikats Biocatalyst via phospholipid fatty acids content: a preliminary study. Folia Microbiologica 58: 135-140.
Wilson. J.K., 1943. Nitrate in plants: its restoration to fertilizer injury, changes during silage making and indirect toxicity to animals. Journal of the American Society of Agronomy 35: 279-290.
Woch, M.W., Radwańska, M., Stefanowicz, A. M., 2013. Flora of spoil Caps after hard coal mining in Trzebinia (southern Poland): effect of substrate properties. Acta Botanica Croatica 72(2): 237-256.
Zelles, L., Bai, Q.Y., Rackwitz, R., Chadwick, D., Beese, F., 1995. Determination of phospholipid- and lipopolysaccharide-derived fatty acids as an estimate of microbial biomass and community structures in soil. Biology and Fertility of Soils 19(2-3): 115-123.
Zoubková, L., Šefl, J., Roubíková, I., Remiaš, Z., 2013. Pedologické charakteristiky vybraných lokalit Radovesické výsypky a jejich fytocenózy. Studia Oecologica 7 (1): 48-58.
Radovesice Dump is a part of brown-coal Most basin, which is situated in the northern part of the Czech Republic. Grey clays are the anthropogenic substrates, which have been used here as a reclamation material in most cases. Water potential of these substrates corresponds to their physical properties, annual precipitation, soil temperature and terrain exposition. All of these characteristics are the limiting factors of soil water, which is available to plants. Area left to spontaneous succession and reclaimed area served as the serviced ones. Water potential was studied in three depths (10, 20 and 30 cm) of soil profile and the evaluated values showed significant difference between individual depths as well as exposition. As far as chemical analyses are concerned, the highest values were recorded in case of reclaimed area, whereas the levels of soil moisture here were medium. On the other hand, area left to spontaneous succession showed the lowest values in this sense, however specific representation of vegetation was much large-scale. As far as microbiological characteristics are concerned, the concentrations of phospholipid fatty acids were relatively low in both cases. To the dominant herb species belonged Calamagrostis epigejos, Urtica dioica,Alopecurus pratensis and Astragalus glycyphyllos. It was found that spontaneous succession was more variable as far as the specific representation of vegetation is concerned, though favourable soil physical and chemical properties were provided by technical reclamation too.
Keywords: Radovesice Dump, grey clays, soil water potential, soil moisture, soil temperature, phytocoenology
Abakumov, E.V., Cajthaml, T., Brus, J., Frouz, J., 2013. Humus accumulation, humification, and humic acid composition in soils of two post-mining chronosequences after coal mining. Journal of Soils and Sediments 13: 491-500.
Bailey, V.L., Peacock, A.D., Smith, J.L, Bolton, H., 2002. Relationships between soil microbial biomass determined by chloroform fumigation-extraction, substrate-induced respiration, and phospholipid fatty acid analysis. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 34(9): 1385-1389.
Baldrian, P., Trögl, J., Frouz, J., Šnajdr, J., Valášková, V., Merhautová, V., Cajthaml, T., Herinková, J., 2008. Enzyme activities and microbial biomass in top soil layer during spontaneous succession in spoil heaps after brown coal mining. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 40: 2107-2115.
Buczko, U., Gerke, H.H., Huttl, R.F., 2001. Spatial of lignite mine spoil properties for simulating 2-D variability saturated flow and transport. Ecological Engineering 17: 103-114.
ČSN ISO 11 465, 1998. Kvalita půdy - Stanovení hmotnostního podílu sušiny a hmotnostní vlhkosti půdy - Gravimetrická metoda. Český normalizační institut, Praha.
Dimitrovský, K., 2000. Zemědělské, lesnické a hydrické rekultivace území ovlivněných báňskou činností. Ústav zemědělských a potravinářských informací, Praha.
Frouz, J., Kalčík, J., Velichová, V., 2011. Factors causing spatial heterogeneity in soil properties, plant cover, and soil fauna in a non-reclaimed post-mining site. Ecological Engineering 37: 1910-1913.
Frouz, J., Livečková, M., Albrechtová, J., Chroňáková, A., Cajthaml, T., Pižl, V., Háněl, L., Starý, J., Baldrian, P., Lhotáková, Z., Šimáčková, H., Cepáková, Š., 2013. Is the effect of trees on soil properties mediated by soil fauna? A case study from post-mining sites. Forest Ecology and Management 309: 87-95.
Graham, M.H., Haynes, R.J., 2004. Organic matter status and the size, activity and metabolic diversity of soil microflora as indicators of the success of rehabilitation of mined sand dunes. Biology and Fertility of Soils 39: 429-437.
Hodačová, D., Prach, K., 2003. Spoil heaps from brown coal mining: Technical reclamation versus spontaneous revegetation. Restoration Ecology 11(3): 385-391.
Kaur, A., Chaudhary, A., Choudhary, R., Kaushik, R., 2005. Phospholipid fatty acid - a bioindicator of environment monitoring and assessment in soil ecosystem. Current Science 89(7): 1103-1112.
Krümmelbein, J., Raab, T., 2012. Development of soil physical parameters in agricultural reclamation after brown coal mining within the first four years. Soil & Tillage Research 125: 109-115.
Kubát, K., Hrouda, L., Chrtek, J. Jun., Kaplan, Z., Kirschner, J., Štěpánek, J. [eds.], 2002. Klíč ke květeně České republiky. Academia, Praha.
Kuráň, P., Trögl, J., Nováková, J., Pilařová, V., Dáňová, P., Pavlorková, J., Kozler, J., Novák, F., Popelka, J., 2014. Biodegradation of Spilled Diesel Fuel in Agricultural Soil: Effect of Humates, Zeolite and Bioaugmentation. The Scientific World Journal, 1-8.
Landhausser, S.M., Deshaies, D., Lieffers, V.J., 2010. Disturbance facilitates rapid range expansion of aspen into higher elevations of the Rocky Mountains under a warming climate. Journal of Biogeography 37: 68-76.
Lehmann, J., Peter, I., Steglich, C., Gebauer, G., Huwe, B., Zech, W., 1998. Below-ground interactions in dryland agroforestry. Forest Ecology and Management 111: 157-169.
Lopez, R.D., Fennessy, M.S., 2002. Testing the floristic quality assessment index as an indicator of wetland condition. Journal of Applied Ecology 12 (2): 487-497.
Moore-Kucera, J., Dick, R.P., 2008. PLFA profiling of microbial community structure and seasonal shifts in soils of a Douglas-fir chronosequence. Microbial Ecology 55(3): 500-511.
Moravec, J., 1994. Fytocenologie. Academia, Praha.
Moreno-de las Heras, M., 2009. Development of soil physical structure and biological functionality in mining spoils affected by soil erosion in a Mediterranean-Continental environment. Geoderma 149: 249-256.
Ninot, J.M., Herrero, P, Ferré, A., Guàrdia, R., 2001. Effects of reclamation measures on plant colonization on lignite waste in the eastern Pyrenees, Spain. Applied Vegetation Science 4: 29-34.
Polak, A., Wallach, R., 2001. Analysis of soil moisture variations in an irrigated orchard root zone. Plant and Soil 233: 145-159.
Prach, K., Frouz, J., Karešová, P., Konvalinková, P., Koutecká, V., Mudrák, O., Novák, J., Řehounek, J., Řehounková, K., Tichý, L., Trnková, R., Tropek, R., 2009a. Ekologie obnovy narušených míst – II. Místa narušená těžbou surovin. Živa 2, 68-72.
Prach, K., Jongepierová, I., Jírová, A., Lencová, K., 2009b. Ekologie obnovy – IV. Obnova travinných ekosystémů. Živa 4, 165-168.
Prach, K., Jonášová, M., Svoboda, M., 2009c. Ekologie obnovy narušených míst – V. Obnova lesních ekosystémů. Živa 5, 212-215.
Prach, K., Bejček, V., Bogusch, P., Dvořáková, H., Frouz, J., Hendrychová, M., Kabrna, M., Koutecká, V., Lepšová, A., Mudrák, O., Polášek, Z., Přikryl, I., Tropek, R., Volf, O., Zavadil, V., 2010. Obnova těžebních prostorů v ČR – Výsypky. In: Řehounek J., Řehounková K., Prach K. (Eds), Ekologická obnova území narušených těžbou nerostných surovin a průmyslovými deponiemi. Calla, České Budějovice, pp. 15-35.
Pyšek, P., Kubát, K., Prach, K., 2001. Expanzní druhy domácí flóry a apofytizace krajiny. Česká botanická společnost, Praha.
Pyšek, P., Prach, K., 1997. Invazní rostliny v české flóře: Česká botanická společnost, Praha.
Řehoř, M.. Ondráček, V., 2012. Results of field research realized during first hydrological restoration of the large North Bohemian open pit mine. SGEM Conference Proceedings 4: 213-220.
Řehoř, M., Šálek, M., Hendrychová, M., 2011. Geological, pedological and biological research of areas after brown coal mining and optimization of their restoration methodology. SGEM Conference Proceedings 1079-1086.
Šnajdr, J., Dobiášová, P., Urbanová, M., Petránková, M., Cajthaml, T., Frouz, J., Baldrian, P., 2013. Dominant trees affect microbial community composition and activity in post-mining afforested soil. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 56: 105-115.
Trögl, J., Jirková, J., Zemánková, P. et al., 2013. Estimation of the quantity of bacteria encapsulated in Lentikats Biocatalyst via phospholipid fatty acids content: a preliminary study. Folia Microbiologica 58: 135-140.
Wilson. J.K., 1943. Nitrate in plants: its restoration to fertilizer injury, changes during silage making and indirect toxicity to animals. Journal of the American Society of Agronomy 35: 279-290.
Woch, M.W., Radwańska, M., Stefanowicz, A. M., 2013. Flora of spoil Caps after hard coal mining in Trzebinia (southern Poland): effect of substrate properties. Acta Botanica Croatica 72(2): 237-256.
Zelles, L., Bai, Q.Y., Rackwitz, R., Chadwick, D., Beese, F., 1995. Determination of phospholipid- and lipopolysaccharide-derived fatty acids as an estimate of microbial biomass and community structures in soil. Biology and Fertility of Soils 19(2-3): 115-123.
Zoubková, L., Šefl, J., Roubíková, I., Remiaš, Z., 2013. Pedologické charakteristiky vybraných lokalit Radovesické výsypky a jejich fytocenózy. Studia Oecologica 7 (1): 48-58.