Eurasian Journal of Soil Science

Volume 2, Issue 2, Oct 2013, Pages 140 - 144

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Copyright © 2013 The authors and Federation of Eurasian Soil Science Societies

The effects of some organic fertilizers on nutrient contents in hybrid Gladiolus


Article first published online: 25 Sep 2013 | How to cite | Additional Information (Show All)

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Sönmez,F., Çığ,A., Gülser ,F., Başdoğan,G., 2013. The effects of some organic fertilizers on nutrient contents in hybrid Gladiolus. Eurasian J Soil Sci 2(2):140 - 144.
Sönmez,F.Çığ,A.Gülser ,F.,,& Başdoğan,G. The effects of some organic fertilizers on nutrient contents in hybrid Gladiolus Eurasian Journal of Soil Science, DOI : 10.18393/ejss.2013.2.140-144
Sönmez,F.Çığ,A.Gülser ,F.,, and ,Başdoğan,G."The effects of some organic fertilizers on nutrient contents in hybrid Gladiolus" Eurasian Journal of Soil Science, DOI : 10.18393/ejss.2013.2.140-144
Sönmez,F.Çığ,A.Gülser ,F.,, and ,Başdoğan,G. "The effects of some organic fertilizers on nutrient contents in hybrid Gladiolus" Eurasian Journal of Soil Science, DOI : 10.18393/ejss.2013.2.140-144
F,Sönmez.A,Çığ.F,Gülser .G,Başdoğan "The effects of some organic fertilizers on nutrient contents in hybrid Gladiolus" Eurasian J. Soil Sci, vol., no., pp., DOI : 10.18393/ejss.2013.2.140-144
Sönmez,Ferit ;Çığ,Arzu ;Gülser ,Füsun ;Başdoğan,Gülcinay The effects of some organic fertilizers on nutrient contents in hybrid Gladiolus. Eurasian Journal of Soil Science,. DOI : 10.18393/ejss.2013.2.140-144

How to cite

Sönmez, F., Çığ, A., Gülser , F., Başdoğan, G., 2013. The effects of some organic fertilizers on nutrient contents in hybrid Gladiolus. Eurasian J. Soil Sci. 2(2): 140 - 144.

Author information

Ferit Sönmez , Yüzüncü Yıl University Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, Van, Turkey
Arzu Çığ , Siirt University Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Horticulture, Siirt, Turkey
Füsun Gülser , Yüzüncü Yıl University Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, Van, Turkey
Gülcinay Başdoğan , Yüzüncü Yıl University Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Landscape Architecture, Van, Turkey

Publication information

Issue published online: 15 Oct 2013
Article first published online : 25 Sep 2013
Manuscript Accepted : 23 Sep 2013
Manuscript Received: 14 Jun 2013


The objective of this research was to determine the effects of organic fertilizers on nutrient contents in leaves and corms of hybrid Gladiolus sp. used as a cut flower in landscape arrangement. This study was conducted in a randomized experimental design with three replications. Chicken manure, farmyard manure, peat and waste mushroom compost were used as organic fertilizers. As a result, while the highest mean contents of nitrogen (1.97%), iron (160 ppm) and manganese (128 ppm) in leaves were obtained in chicken manure application, the highest mean contents of potassium (2.01%), calcium (1.80%) and magnesium (0.25 ppm) were determined in waste mushroom compost application. The highest mean contents of phosphorus (0.30%), zinc (25.3 ppm) and copper (9.29 ppm) in leaves were found with peat, control and farmyard manure applications, respectively. The highest mean contents of phosphorus (0.83%), potassium (1.47%), calcium (0.57%), manganese (73 ppm) and zinc (67.3 ppm) in corms were obtained in farmyard manure applications. While the highest mean contents of nitrogen (4.86%) and copper (20.9 ppm) in corms were determined in chicken manure application, the highest mean contents of iron (17.6 ppm) and magnesium (0.20 %) in corms were obtained in peat and waste mushroom compost applications, respectively. Application of organic fertilizers increased macro and micro nutrient contents in leaves and corms of hybrid Gladiolus sp.


Hybrid Gladiolus sp., nutrient elements, organic fertilization, ornamental plant

Corresponding author


Akpinar, E., Bulut, Y., 2001. A study on the growth and development of some Gladiolus (Gladiolus L.) varieties planted in different time under the ecological conditions of Erzurum. African Journal of Agricultural Research 6(13): 3143-3148

Anonymous, 2000. International cut flower market research. T.C. Prime Ministry undersecretariat of foreign trade, Export Promotion Center (IGEME), Ankara

Anonymous, 2009.

Bhattacharjee, S.K., 1981. Flowering and corm production of gladiolus as influenced by corm size, planting depth and spacing. Singapore J. Prim. Ind., 9: 18-22

Böhme, M., Thi Lua, H., 1997. Influence of mineral and organic treatments in rizosphere on the growth of tomato plants. Acta Hortic. 450;161-168

Bulut, Y., 1994. A Study of Azalea (Rhododendron simsi Rheinhold Ambrosius) Cuttings Rooting under Greenhouse Conditions in Erzurum. A.Ü. Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Landscape Architecture, Master Thesis, Erzurum

Chanda, S., Barma, G., Roychowdhury, N., 2000. Influence of different levels of nitrogen, phosphorous and potassium on growth and flowering of Gladiolus. Hort. J., 13(1): 76-86.

Gülser, F., Çığ, A., Sönmez, F., 2011. Effects of some organic materials on plant growth, flowering qualities and nutrient contents of Tagates erecta F1 Antigua Orange. Ege üniv. Tarım Bilimleri Dergisi Özel sayı. 48(3):671-675.

Kacar, B., Katkat, A.V., 1999. Gübreler ve Gübreleme. Uludağ Üniversitesi Güçlendirme Vakfı Yayın No:144, ISBN:975-564-084-3

Kacar, B., İnal, A., 2008. Bitki Analizleri. Nobel Yayınları Fen Bilimleri Dizisi, ISBN:9786053950363

Mishra, A., Choudhuri, M.A., 1999. Effects of salicylic acid on heavy metal-induced membrane deterioration mediatedby lipoxygenase in race. Biol. Plant. 42; 409-415


The objective of this research was to determine the effects of organic fertilizers on nutrient contents in leaves and corms of hybrid Gladiolus sp. used as a cut flower in landscape arrangement. This study was conducted in a randomized experimental design with three replications. Chicken manure, farmyard manure, peat and waste mushroom compost were used as organic fertilizers. As a result, while the highest mean contents of nitrogen (1.97%), iron (160 ppm) and manganese (128 ppm) in leaves were obtained in chicken manure application, the highest mean contents of potassium (2.01%), calcium (1.80%) and magnesium (0.25 ppm) were determined in waste mushroom compost application. The highest mean contents of phosphorus (0.30%), zinc (25.3 ppm) and copper (9.29 ppm) in leaves were found with peat, control and farmyard manure applications, respectively. The highest mean contents of phosphorus (0.83%), potassium (1.47%), calcium (0.57%), manganese (73 ppm) and zinc (67.3 ppm) in corms were obtained in farmyard manure applications. While the highest mean contents of nitrogen (4.86%) and copper (20.9 ppm) in corms were determined in chicken manure application, the highest mean contents of iron (17.6 ppm) and magnesium (0.20 %) in corms were obtained in peat and waste mushroom compost applications, respectively. Application of organic fertilizers increased macro and micro nutrient contents in leaves and corms of hybrid Gladiolus sp.

Keywords: Hybrid Gladiolus sp., nutrient elements, organic fertilization, ornamental plant


Akpinar, E., Bulut, Y., 2001. A study on the growth and development of some Gladiolus (Gladiolus L.) varieties planted in different time under the ecological conditions of Erzurum. African Journal of Agricultural Research 6(13): 3143-3148

Anonymous, 2000. International cut flower market research. T.C. Prime Ministry undersecretariat of foreign trade, Export Promotion Center (IGEME), Ankara

Anonymous, 2009.

Bhattacharjee, S.K., 1981. Flowering and corm production of gladiolus as influenced by corm size, planting depth and spacing. Singapore J. Prim. Ind., 9: 18-22

Böhme, M., Thi Lua, H., 1997. Influence of mineral and organic treatments in rizosphere on the growth of tomato plants. Acta Hortic. 450;161-168

Bulut, Y., 1994. A Study of Azalea (Rhododendron simsi Rheinhold Ambrosius) Cuttings Rooting under Greenhouse Conditions in Erzurum. A.Ü. Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Landscape Architecture, Master Thesis, Erzurum

Chanda, S., Barma, G., Roychowdhury, N., 2000. Influence of different levels of nitrogen, phosphorous and potassium on growth and flowering of Gladiolus. Hort. J., 13(1): 76-86.

Gülser, F., Çığ, A., Sönmez, F., 2011. Effects of some organic materials on plant growth, flowering qualities and nutrient contents of Tagates erecta F1 Antigua Orange. Ege üniv. Tarım Bilimleri Dergisi Özel sayı. 48(3):671-675.

Kacar, B., Katkat, A.V., 1999. Gübreler ve Gübreleme. Uludağ Üniversitesi Güçlendirme Vakfı Yayın No:144, ISBN:975-564-084-3

Kacar, B., İnal, A., 2008. Bitki Analizleri. Nobel Yayınları Fen Bilimleri Dizisi, ISBN:9786053950363

Mishra, A., Choudhuri, M.A., 1999. Effects of salicylic acid on heavy metal-induced membrane deterioration mediatedby lipoxygenase in race. Biol. Plant. 42; 409-415

Eurasian Journal of Soil Science