Eurasian Journal of Soil Science

Volume 2, Issue 2, Oct 2013, Pages 107 - 113

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Copyright © 2013 The authors and Federation of Eurasian Soil Science Societies

Sorption – desorption of imidacloprid insecticide on Indian soils of five different locations


Article first published online: 13 May 2013 | How to cite | Additional Information (Show All)

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Chauhan,S., Srivastava ,A., Srivastava,P., Verma,A., 2013. Sorption – desorption of imidacloprid insecticide on Indian soils of five different locations. Eurasian J Soil Sci 2(2):107 - 113.
Chauhan,S.Srivastava ,A.,Srivastava,P.,& Verma,A. Sorption – desorption of imidacloprid insecticide on Indian soils of five different locations Eurasian Journal of Soil Science, DOI : 10.18393/ejss.2013.2.107-113
Chauhan,S.Srivastava ,A.,Srivastava,P., and ,Verma,A."Sorption – desorption of imidacloprid insecticide on Indian soils of five different locations" Eurasian Journal of Soil Science, DOI : 10.18393/ejss.2013.2.107-113
Chauhan,S.Srivastava ,A.,Srivastava,P., and ,Verma,A. "Sorption – desorption of imidacloprid insecticide on Indian soils of five different locations" Eurasian Journal of Soil Science, DOI : 10.18393/ejss.2013.2.107-113
SS,Chauhan.A,Srivastava .PC,Srivastava.A,Verma "Sorption – desorption of imidacloprid insecticide on Indian soils of five different locations" Eurasian J. Soil Sci, vol., no., pp., DOI : 10.18393/ejss.2013.2.107-113
Chauhan,Shailendra ;Srivastava ,Anjana ;Srivastava,Prakash ;Verma,Ankita Sorption – desorption of imidacloprid insecticide on Indian soils of five different locations. Eurasian Journal of Soil Science,. DOI : 10.18393/ejss.2013.2.107-113

How to cite

Chauhan, S., S. Srivastava , A., S. Srivastava, P., C. Verma, A., C.2013. Sorption – desorption of imidacloprid insecticide on Indian soils of five different locations. Eurasian J. Soil Sci. 2(2): 107 - 113.

Author information

Shailendra Chauhan , G.B.Pant University of Agriculture & Technology, College of Basic Science & Humanities, Department of Chemistry, Pantnagar, Uttarakhand, India
Anjana Srivastava , G.B.Pant University of Agriculture & Technology, College of Basic Science & Humanities, Department of Chemistry, Pantnagar, Uttarakhand, India
Prakash Srivastava , G.B.Pant University of Agriculture & Technology, College of Agriculture, Department of Soil Science, Pantnagar, Uttarakhand, India
Ankita Verma , G.B.Pant University of Agriculture & Technology, College of Basic Science & Humanities, Department of Chemistry, Pantnagar, Uttarakhand, India

Publication information

Issue published online: 15 Oct 2013
Article first published online : 13 May 2013
Manuscript Accepted : 30 Apr 2013
Manuscript Received: 10 Jan 2013


Sorption-desorption processes govern the movement of all chemicals including pesticides in soils. The present investigation was undertaken to study the sorption-desorption of imidacloprid, using a batch method, on soils of five different location of India. Sorption data were fitted to Freundlich isotherm. The log K value was the highest for loam type soil (1.830) and the lowest for clay type soil (1.661). The value of 1/n was the maximum for silt loam soil (0.909) but minimum for loam soil (0.723). Simple correlation analysis indicated that among soil properties only electrical conductivity showed a higher but marginally non-significant negative correlation with log K (r = -0.826) indicating that higher concentration of solutes solutes are conducive to low sorption capacity of soil. The desorption data conformed to two surfaces Freundlich desorption isotherm. The values of 1/n1' corresponding to easily desorbed fraction of imidacloprid showed significant negative correlation with soil pH (r = -0.886, significant at p ≤0.05) but significant positive correlation with clay content (r = 0.980, significant at p ≤0.01). The desorption index for easily desorbed fraction of imidacloprid (n1’/n) also had significant negative correlation with soil pH (r = 0.953, significant at p ≤0.05). From cumulative desorption data, it appeared that bioavailability of imidacloprid would be lower in neutral soil than acidic or alkaline soils.


Sorption-desorption, imidacloprid, soil, loam, clay, Freundlich isotherm

Corresponding author


Barriuso, E., Baer, U., Calvet, R., 1992. Dissolved organic matter and sorption desorption of dimefuron, atrazine and carbetamide by soils. Journal of Environmental Quality 21: 359-367.

Bauder, T., Waskom, R., Pearson, R., 2010. Best Management Practices for Agricultural Pesticide Use to Protect Water Quality. Bulletin #XCM-177, page-01.

Cox, L., Koskinen, W.C., Yen, P., 1998. Influence of soil properties on sorption‐desorption of imidacloprid. Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part B: Pesticides, Food, Contaminants, and Agricultural Wastes 33(2): 123-134.

Elbert, A., Becker, B., Hartwig, J., Erdelen, C., 1991. Imidacloprid-a new systemic insecticide. Pflanzenschutz Nachricten Bayer, 44: 113-136.

Fernandez-Bayo, J.D., Nogales, R., Romero, E., 2007. Improved retention of imidacloprid (Confidor) in soils by adding vermicompost from spent grape marc. Science of the Total Environment 378(1-2): 95-100.

Flores-Cespedes, F., Gonzalez, E.P., Fernandez, M.P., Villafranca, M.S., Socias, M.V., Urena, M.D.A., 2002. Effects of dissolved organic carbon on sorption and mobility of imidacloprid in soil. Journal of Environmental Quality 31: 880-888.

Gao, J.P., Maguhn, J., Spitzauer, P., Kettrup, A., 1998. Sorption of pesticides in the sediment of the Teufelesweiher pond (southern Germany). I: equilibrium assessments, effect of organic carbon content and pH. Water Research 32(5): 1662-1672.

Huang, P.M., Mckercher, R.B., 1984. Components and particle size fractions involved in atrazine adsorption by soils. Soil Science 138: 20-24.

Jackson, M.L., 1958. Soil Chemical Analysis, Prentice hall, New York, N.Y., USA. pp.153-158.

Koskinen, W.C., Harper, S.S., 1990. The retention process: mechanisms. In H.H.Cheng (ed.) Pesticides in the Soil Environment: Processes, Impacts and Modeling. SSSA,Madison, WI, pp:51-77.

Liu, W., Zheng, W., Gan, J., 2002. Competitive sorption between imidacloprid and imidacloprid-urea on soil clay minerals and humic acids. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 50(23): 6823-6827.

OECD, 2000. OECD guidelines for testing of chemicals, June 2000: Section 106.

Page, A.L., 1982. Methods of Soil Analysis: Chemical and Microbiological Properties. Vol. 9. Soil Science Society of America. Madison, WI.

Ramakrishnan, R., Suiter, D.R., Nakatsu,C.H., Bennett, G.W., 2000. Feeding inhibition and mortality in Reticulitermes flavipes (Isoptera:Rhinotermitidae) after exposure to imidacloprid treated soils. Journal of Economic Entomology 93(2): 422-428.

Torrents, A., Jayasundera, S., 1997. The sorption of nonionic pesticides onto clays and the influence of natural organic carbon. Chemosphere 35(7):1549–1565. Biological Data Sheet Kohinor (Imidacloprid). Makhteshim Agan Industries Ltd. Israel. pp. 1-10.


Sorption-desorption processes govern the movement of all chemicals including pesticides in soils.  The present investigation was undertaken to study the sorption-desorption of imidacloprid, using a batch method, on soils of five different location of India. Sorption data were fitted to Freundlich isotherm. The log K value was the highest for loam type soil (1.830) and the lowest for clay type soil (1.661). The value of 1/n was the maximum for silt loam soil (0.909) but minimum for loam soil (0.723). Simple correlation analysis indicated that among soil properties only electrical conductivity showed a higher but marginally non-significant negative correlation with log K (r = -0.826) indicating that higher concentration of solutes solutes are conducive to low sorption capacity of soil. The desorption data conformed to two surfaces Freundlich desorption isotherm. The values of 1/n1' corresponding to easily desorbed fraction of imidacloprid showed significant negative correlation with soil pH (r = -0.886, significant at p ≤0.05) but significant positive correlation with clay content (r = 0.980, significant at p ≤0.01). The desorption index for easily desorbed fraction of imidacloprid (n1’/n) also had significant negative correlation with soil pH (r = 0.953, significant at p ≤0.05). From cumulative desorption data, it appeared that bioavailability of imidacloprid would be lower in neutral soil than acidic or alkaline soils.

Keywords: Sorption-desorption, imidacloprid, soil, loam, clay, Freundlich isotherm


Barriuso, E., Baer, U., Calvet, R., 1992. Dissolved organic matter and sorption desorption of dimefuron, atrazine and carbetamide by soils. Journal of Environmental Quality 21: 359-367.

Bauder, T., Waskom, R., Pearson, R., 2010. Best Management Practices for Agricultural Pesticide Use to Protect Water Quality. Bulletin #XCM-177, page-01.

Cox, L., Koskinen, W.C., Yen, P., 1998. Influence of soil properties on sorption‐desorption of imidacloprid. Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part B: Pesticides, Food, Contaminants, and Agricultural Wastes 33(2): 123-134.

Elbert, A., Becker, B., Hartwig, J., Erdelen, C., 1991. Imidacloprid-a new systemic insecticide. Pflanzenschutz Nachricten Bayer, 44: 113-136.

Fernandez-Bayo, J.D., Nogales, R., Romero, E., 2007. Improved retention of imidacloprid (Confidor) in soils by adding vermicompost from spent grape marc. Science of the Total Environment 378(1-2): 95-100.

Flores-Cespedes, F., Gonzalez, E.P., Fernandez, M.P., Villafranca, M.S., Socias, M.V., Urena, M.D.A., 2002. Effects of dissolved organic carbon on sorption and mobility of imidacloprid in soil. Journal of Environmental Quality 31: 880-888.

Gao, J.P., Maguhn, J., Spitzauer, P., Kettrup, A., 1998. Sorption of pesticides in the sediment of the Teufelesweiher pond (southern Germany). I: equilibrium assessments, effect of organic carbon content and pH. Water Research 32(5): 1662-1672.

Huang, P.M., Mckercher, R.B., 1984. Components and particle size fractions involved in atrazine adsorption by soils. Soil Science 138: 20-24.

Jackson, M.L., 1958. Soil Chemical Analysis, Prentice hall, New York, N.Y., USA. pp.153-158.

Koskinen, W.C., Harper, S.S., 1990. The retention process: mechanisms. In H.H.Cheng (ed.) Pesticides in the Soil Environment: Processes, Impacts and Modeling. SSSA,Madison, WI, pp:51-77.

Liu, W., Zheng, W., Gan, J., 2002. Competitive sorption between imidacloprid and imidacloprid-urea on soil clay minerals and humic acids. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 50(23): 6823-6827.

OECD, 2000. OECD guidelines for testing of chemicals, June 2000: Section 106.

Page, A.L., 1982. Methods of Soil Analysis: Chemical and Microbiological Properties. Vol. 9. Soil Science Society of America. Madison, WI.

Ramakrishnan, R., Suiter, D.R., Nakatsu,C.H., Bennett, G.W., 2000. Feeding inhibition and mortality in Reticulitermes flavipes (Isoptera:Rhinotermitidae) after exposure to imidacloprid treated soils. Journal of Economic Entomology 93(2): 422-428.

Torrents, A., Jayasundera, S., 1997. The sorption of nonionic pesticides onto clays and the influence of natural organic carbon. Chemosphere 35(7):1549–1565. Biological Data Sheet Kohinor (Imidacloprid). Makhteshim Agan Industries Ltd. Israel. pp. 1-10.

Eurasian Journal of Soil Science