Eurasian Journal of Soil Science

Volume 2, Issue 1, Apr 2013, Pages 59 - 68

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Copyright © 2013 The authors and Federation of Eurasian Soil Science Societies

Regularities of Cu, Pb and Zn adsorption by chernozems of the South of Russia


Article first published online: 30 Mar 2013 | How to cite | Additional Information (Show All)

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Pinsky,D., Minkina ,T., 2013. Regularities of Cu, Pb and Zn adsorption by chernozems of the South of Russia. Eurasian J Soil Sci 2(1):59 - 68.
Pinsky,D.,& Minkina ,T. Regularities of Cu, Pb and Zn adsorption by chernozems of the South of Russia Eurasian Journal of Soil Science, DOI : 10.18393/ejss.2013.1.059-068
Pinsky,D., and ,Minkina ,T. "Regularities of Cu, Pb and Zn adsorption by chernozems of the South of Russia" Eurasian Journal of Soil Science, DOI : 10.18393/ejss.2013.1.059-068
Pinsky,D., and ,Minkina ,T. "Regularities of Cu, Pb and Zn adsorption by chernozems of the South of Russia" Eurasian Journal of Soil Science, DOI : 10.18393/ejss.2013.1.059-068
DL,Pinsky.TM,Minkina "Regularities of Cu, Pb and Zn adsorption by chernozems of the South of Russia" Eurasian J. Soil Sci, vol., no., pp., DOI : 10.18393/ejss.2013.1.059-068
Pinsky,David ;Minkina ,Tatiana Regularities of Cu, Pb and Zn adsorption by chernozems of the South of Russia. Eurasian Journal of Soil Science,. DOI : 10.18393/ejss.2013.1.059-068

How to cite

Pinsky, D., L. Minkina , T., M.2013. Regularities of Cu, Pb and Zn adsorption by chernozems of the South of Russia. Eurasian J. Soil Sci. 2(1): 59 - 68.

Author information

David Pinsky , Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Physicochemical and Biological Problems of Soil Science, Moscow oblast, 142290, Russia
Tatiana Minkina , Southern Federal University, Faculty of Soil Biology, Rostov-on-Don, 344090, Russia

Publication information

Issue published online: 15 Apr 2013
Article first published online : 30 Mar 2013
Manuscript Accepted : 28 Mar 2013
Manuscript Received: 20 Jan 2013


The parameters of Cu2+, Pb2+ and Zn2+ adsorption by chernozems of the south of Russia and their particle-size fractions were studied. The adsorption capacity of chernozems for Cu2+, Pb2+, and Zn2+ depending on the particle-size distribution decreased in the following sequence: clay loamy ordinary chernozem ~ clay loamy southern chernozem > loamy southern chernozem > loamy sandy southern chernozem. According to the parameters of the adsorption by the different particle-size fractions (Cmax and k), the heavy metal cations form a sequence analogous to that obtained for the entire soils: Cu2+ ≥ Pb2+ > Zn2+. The parameters of the heavy metal adsorption by similar particle-size fractions separated from different soils decreased in the following order: clay loamy chernozem > loamy chernozem > loamy sandy chernozem. The ratio between the content of exchangeable cations displaced from the soil adsorbing complex (SAC) into the solution and the content of adsorbed HMs decreased with the increasing concentration of adsorbed HMs. These values could be higher (for Cu2+ and Pb2+), equal, or lower than 1 (for Zn2+) and depend on the properties of HMs. At the first case, this was due to the dissolution of readily soluble salts at low HM concentrations in the SAC. In the latter case, this was related to the adsorption of associated forms HMs and the formation of new phases localized on the surface of soil particles at high HM concentrations in the SAC.


Adsorption, exchangeable cations, particle-size fractions, heavy metals

Corresponding author


Borda, M.J., Sparks, D.L., 2007. Kinetics and mechanisms of sorption - desorption in soils: A Multiscale Assessment. In: A. Violante, P.M. Huang, G.M. Gadd (eds.), Biophysico-Chemical Processes of Heavy Metals and Metalloids in Soils Environments. Willey & Sons. pp. 97–124.

Kaiser, K., Guggenberger, G., 2003. Mineral surface and soil organic matter. European Journal of Soil Science 54, 219–236.

Karpukhin, A.I., Sychev, V.G., 2005. Complex compounds of soil organic substances and metal ions. VNIIA, Moscow. 186 p. (in Russian).

Kryshchenko, V.S., Golozubov, O.M., Kolesov, V.V., Rybyanets, T.V., 2008. Data bases on the composition and properties of soils. RSEI, Rostov-on-Don. 145 p. (in Russian).

Kryshchenko, V.S., Kuznetsov, R.V., 2003. Clay Minerals in Soils of the Lower Don and Northern Caucasus. Izvestia Vuzov. Severo-Kavkazskii Region. Estestvennie Nauki 3, 86–92.

Kurochkina, G.N., Pinskii, D.L., 2012. Development of a Mineralogical Matrix at the Adsorption of Polyelectrolytes on Soil Minerals and Soils. Eurasian Soil Science 45 (11), 1057-1067.

Kurochkina, G.N. Pinskii, D.L., 2002. Mechanism of Adsorption of High Molecular Surfactants on Synthetic Analogues of Soil Aluminosilicates. Eurasian Soil Science 35 (10), 1046–1057.

Manceau, A., Boisset, M.C., Sarret, G., Hazemann, R.L., Mench, M., Cambier, P. Prost, R., 1996. Direct Determination of Lead Speciation in Contaminated Soils by EXAFS Spectroscopy. Environmental Science Technology 30, 1540–1552.

Manceau, A., Marcus, M.A., Tamura, N., 2002. Quantitative Speciation of Heavy Metals in Soils and Sediments by Synchrotron X-Ray Technique. In: Application of Synchrotron Radiation in Low Temperature Geochemistry and Environmental Science. Reviews in Mineralogy and Geochemistry 49, 341–428.

Martinez, C.E. Bazilevskaya, K.A. Lanzirotti, A., 2006. Zinc Coordination to Multiple Ligand Atoms in Organic-Rich Surface Soils. Environmental Science Technology 40, 5688–5695.

McBride, M.B., 1989. Reactions Controlling Heavy Metals Solubility in Soils. Advances Soil Sciences 10, 2–47.

Minkina, T.M., Pinskii, D.L., Samokhin, A.P., Kryshchenko, V.S., Gaponova, Yu.I., Mikailsoy, F., 2009. Effect of Attendant Anions on the Adsorption of Zinc, Copper, and Lead by Chernozem. Eurasian Soil Science 42 (5), 516–522.

Minkina, T.M., Motusova, G.V., Mandzhieva, S.S., Nazarenko, O.G., 2012. Ecological resistance of the soil-plant system to contamination by heavy metals. Journal of Geochemical Exploration 123, 33-40

Minkina, T.M., Motuzova, G.V., Nazarenko, O.G., 2006. Interaction of Heavy Metals with the Organic Matter of an Ordinary Chernozem. Eurasian Soil Science 39 (7), 720–726.

Minkina, T.M., Motuzova, G.V., Nazarenko, O.G., Kryshchenko, V.S., Mandzhieva, S.S., 2008. Forms of Heavy Metal Compounds in Soils of the Steppe Zone. Eurasian Soil Science 41 (7), 708–716.

Morin, G., Ostergren, J.D., Juillot, F. Ildefonse, P., Calas, G., Brown, G.E., 1999. XAPS Determination of the Chemical Form of Lead in Smelter-Contaminated Soils and Mine Tailings: Importance of Adsorption Process. American Mineralogist 84, 420–434.

Perelomov, L.V., Pinskii, D.L., 2003. Mn, Pb, and Zn Compounds in Gray Forest Soils of the Central Russian Upland. Eurasian Soil Science 36 (6), 610–618.

Pierzynski, G.M., Baker, L.R., Hettiarachchi, G., Scheckel K.G., 2008. The use of soil amendments for the remediation of heavy-metal contaminated sites. In: Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Heavy Metals in the Environment. Z.S. Chen, D.Y. Lee, and T.S. Lin (eds.), November 16-23, 2008. National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan. pp. 1-3.

Pinskii, D., 2011. Clusters in Soils. In: Jan Glinsky, Jozef Horabik, Jerzy Lipiec (eds.), Encyclopedia of Agrophysics. Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg. pp. 135-138.

Pinskii, D.L., Minkina, T.M., Gaponova, Yu.I., 2010. Сomparative analysis of mono- and polyelement adsorption of copper, lead, and zinc by an ordinary chernozem from nitrate and acetate solutions. Eurasian Soil Science 43 (7), 748–756.

Pinskii, D.L., Kurochkina, G.N., 2006. Evolution of Concepts of the Physicochemical Sorption Capacity of Soils. In: Soil Processes and the Spatial-Temporal Organization of Soils. Nauka, Moscow. 295–311 (in Russian).

Plyaskina, O.V. Ladonin, D.V., 2005. Heavy Metal Compounds in Particle-Size Fractions of Some Soil Types. Vestnik Moskovskogo Universiteta. Seria 17: Pochvovedeniue 4, 36–43.

Putilina, V.S., Galitskaya, I.V., Yuganova, T.I., 2009. Adsorption of heavy metals by soils and Rocks. Characteristics of sorbents and conditions, parameters, and mechanisms of adsorption. Analytic Review. GPNTB SO RAN, Novosibirsk. 155 p (in Russian).

Roberts, D. Scheinost, A. Sparks, D., 2003. Zinc Speciation in Contaminated Soils Combining Direct and Indirect Characterization Methods. In: H.M. Selim, and W.L. Kingery (eds.) Geochemical and Hydrological Reactivity of Heavy Metals in Soils. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL. 376 p.

Scheinos, A.C. Kretzchmar, R.S., Pfister, S., 2002. Combining Selective Sequential Extractions, X-Ray Adsorption Spectroscopy, and Principal Component Analysis for Quantitative Zinc Speciation in Soil. Environmental Science Technology 36, 5021–5028.

Shaimukhametov, M.Sh., 1993. On the method of determination of adsorbed Ca and Mg in chernozemic soils. Pochvovedenie 12, 105–111.

Sokolov, A.V. (ed)., 1975. Agrochemical Methods of Soil Studies. Five edition. Akad. Nauk USSR, Moscow. 656 p (in Russian).

Titova, N.A., Travnikova, L.S., Kakhnovich, Z.N. Sorokin, S.E., Schulz, E., Korschens, M., 1996. Heavy metal content in various particle-Size and Density Fractions of Soils. Eurasian Soil Scince 29(7), 820–830.

Vadyunina, A.F., Korchagina, Z.A., 1986. Methods for Studying Soil Physical Properties. Third edition. Agropromizdat, Moscow. 416 p (in Russian).

Wong, J.W.C., Li, K.L., Zhou, L.X., Selvam, A., 2007. The Sorption of Cd and Zn by Different Soils in the Presence of Dissolved Organic Matter from Sludge. Geoderma. 137. 310–317.

Zyrin, N.G., Chebotareva, N.A., 1989. To the question of forms of copper, zinc, and lead in soils and their availability for plants. In: A.I. Karpukhin (ed.). The contents and forms of microelement compounds in soils. Mosk. Univ., Moscow. 350-386 (in Russian).


The parameters of Cu2+, Pb2+ and Zn2+ adsorption by chernozems of the south of Russia and their particle-size fractions were studied. The adsorption capacity of chernozems for Cu2+, Pb2+, and Zn2+ depending on the particle-size distribution decreased in the following sequence: clay loamy ordinary chernozem ~ clay loamy southern chernozem > loamy southern chernozem > loamy sandy southern chernozem. According to the parameters of the adsorption by the different particle-size fractions (Cmax and k), the heavy metal cations form a sequence analogous to that obtained for the entire soils: Cu2+ ≥ Pb2+ > Zn2+. The parameters of the heavy metal adsorption by similar particle-size fractions separated from different soils decreased in the following order: clay loamy chernozem > loamy chernozem > loamy sandy chernozem. The ratio between the content of exchangeable cations displaced from the soil adsorbing complex (SAC) into the solution and the content of adsorbed HMs decreased with the increasing concentration of adsorbed HMs. These values could be higher (for Cu2+ and Pb2+), equal, or lower than 1 (for Zn2+) and depend on the properties of HMs. At the first case, this was due to the dissolution of readily soluble salts at low HM concentrations in the SAC. In the latter case, this was related to the adsorption of associated forms HMs and the formation of new phases localized on the surface of soil particles at high HM concentrations in the SAC.

Keywords: Adsorption, exchangeable cations, particle-size fractions, heavy metals


Borda, M.J., Sparks, D.L., 2007. Kinetics and mechanisms of sorption - desorption in soils: A Multiscale Assessment. In: A. Violante, P.M. Huang, G.M. Gadd (eds.), Biophysico-Chemical Processes of Heavy Metals and Metalloids in Soils Environments. Willey & Sons. pp. 97–124.

Kaiser, K., Guggenberger, G., 2003. Mineral surface and soil organic matter. European Journal of Soil Science 54, 219–236.

Karpukhin, A.I., Sychev, V.G., 2005. Complex compounds of soil organic substances and metal ions. VNIIA, Moscow. 186 p. (in Russian).

Kryshchenko, V.S., Golozubov, O.M., Kolesov, V.V., Rybyanets, T.V., 2008. Data bases on the composition and properties of soils. RSEI, Rostov-on-Don. 145 p. (in Russian).

Kryshchenko, V.S., Kuznetsov, R.V., 2003. Clay Minerals in Soils of the Lower Don and Northern Caucasus. Izvestia Vuzov. Severo-Kavkazskii Region. Estestvennie Nauki 3, 86–92.

Kurochkina, G.N., Pinskii, D.L., 2012. Development of a Mineralogical Matrix at the Adsorption of Polyelectrolytes on Soil Minerals and Soils. Eurasian Soil Science 45 (11), 1057-1067.

Kurochkina, G.N. Pinskii, D.L., 2002. Mechanism of Adsorption of High Molecular Surfactants on Synthetic Analogues of Soil Aluminosilicates. Eurasian Soil Science 35 (10), 1046–1057.

Manceau, A., Boisset, M.C., Sarret, G., Hazemann, R.L., Mench, M., Cambier, P. Prost, R., 1996. Direct Determination of Lead Speciation in Contaminated Soils by EXAFS Spectroscopy. Environmental Science Technology 30, 1540–1552.

Manceau, A., Marcus, M.A., Tamura, N., 2002. Quantitative Speciation of Heavy Metals in Soils and Sediments by Synchrotron X-Ray Technique. In: Application of Synchrotron Radiation in Low Temperature Geochemistry and Environmental Science. Reviews in Mineralogy and Geochemistry 49, 341–428.

Martinez, C.E. Bazilevskaya, K.A. Lanzirotti, A., 2006. Zinc Coordination to Multiple Ligand Atoms in Organic-Rich Surface Soils. Environmental Science Technology 40, 5688–5695.

McBride, M.B., 1989. Reactions Controlling Heavy Metals Solubility in Soils. Advances Soil Sciences 10, 2–47.

Minkina, T.M., Pinskii, D.L., Samokhin, A.P., Kryshchenko, V.S., Gaponova, Yu.I., Mikailsoy, F., 2009. Effect of Attendant Anions on the Adsorption of Zinc, Copper, and Lead by Chernozem. Eurasian Soil Science 42 (5), 516–522.

Minkina, T.M., Motusova, G.V., Mandzhieva, S.S., Nazarenko, O.G., 2012. Ecological resistance of the soil-plant system to contamination by heavy metals. Journal of Geochemical Exploration 123, 33-40

Minkina, T.M., Motuzova, G.V., Nazarenko, O.G., 2006. Interaction of Heavy Metals with the Organic Matter of an Ordinary Chernozem. Eurasian Soil Science 39 (7), 720–726.

Minkina, T.M., Motuzova, G.V., Nazarenko, O.G., Kryshchenko, V.S., Mandzhieva, S.S., 2008. Forms of Heavy Metal Compounds in Soils of the Steppe Zone. Eurasian Soil Science 41 (7), 708–716.

Morin, G., Ostergren, J.D., Juillot, F. Ildefonse, P., Calas, G., Brown, G.E., 1999. XAPS Determination of the Chemical Form of Lead in Smelter-Contaminated Soils and Mine Tailings: Importance of Adsorption Process. American Mineralogist 84, 420–434.

Perelomov, L.V., Pinskii, D.L., 2003. Mn, Pb, and Zn Compounds in Gray Forest Soils of the Central Russian Upland. Eurasian Soil Science 36 (6), 610–618.

Pierzynski, G.M., Baker, L.R., Hettiarachchi, G., Scheckel K.G., 2008. The use of soil amendments for the remediation of heavy-metal contaminated sites. In: Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Heavy Metals in the Environment. Z.S. Chen, D.Y. Lee, and T.S. Lin (eds.), November 16-23, 2008. National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan. pp. 1-3.

Pinskii, D., 2011. Clusters in Soils. In: Jan Glinsky, Jozef Horabik, Jerzy Lipiec (eds.), Encyclopedia of Agrophysics. Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg. pp. 135-138.

Pinskii, D.L., Minkina, T.M., Gaponova, Yu.I., 2010. Сomparative analysis of mono- and polyelement adsorption of copper, lead, and zinc by an ordinary chernozem from nitrate and acetate solutions. Eurasian Soil Science 43 (7), 748–756.

Pinskii, D.L., Kurochkina, G.N., 2006. Evolution of Concepts of the Physicochemical Sorption Capacity of Soils. In: Soil Processes and the Spatial-Temporal Organization of Soils. Nauka, Moscow. 295–311 (in Russian).

Plyaskina, O.V. Ladonin, D.V., 2005. Heavy Metal Compounds in Particle-Size Fractions of Some Soil Types. Vestnik Moskovskogo Universiteta. Seria 17: Pochvovedeniue 4, 36–43.

Putilina, V.S., Galitskaya, I.V., Yuganova, T.I., 2009. Adsorption of heavy metals by soils and Rocks. Characteristics of sorbents and conditions, parameters, and mechanisms of adsorption. Analytic Review. GPNTB SO RAN, Novosibirsk. 155 p (in Russian).

Roberts, D. Scheinost, A. Sparks, D., 2003. Zinc Speciation in Contaminated Soils Combining Direct and Indirect Characterization Methods. In: H.M. Selim, and W.L. Kingery (eds.) Geochemical and Hydrological Reactivity of Heavy Metals in Soils. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL. 376 p.

Scheinos, A.C. Kretzchmar, R.S., Pfister, S., 2002. Combining Selective Sequential Extractions, X-Ray Adsorption Spectroscopy, and Principal Component Analysis for Quantitative Zinc Speciation in Soil. Environmental Science Technology 36, 5021–5028.

Shaimukhametov, M.Sh., 1993. On the method of determination of adsorbed Ca and Mg in chernozemic soils. Pochvovedenie 12, 105–111.

Sokolov, A.V. (ed)., 1975. Agrochemical Methods of Soil Studies. Five edition. Akad. Nauk USSR, Moscow. 656 p (in Russian).

Titova, N.A., Travnikova, L.S., Kakhnovich, Z.N. Sorokin, S.E., Schulz, E., Korschens, M., 1996. Heavy metal content in various particle-Size and Density Fractions of Soils. Eurasian Soil Scince 29(7), 820–830.

Vadyunina, A.F., Korchagina, Z.A., 1986. Methods for Studying Soil Physical Properties. Third edition. Agropromizdat, Moscow. 416 p (in Russian).

Wong, J.W.C., Li, K.L., Zhou, L.X., Selvam, A., 2007. The Sorption of Cd and Zn by Different Soils in the Presence of Dissolved Organic Matter from Sludge. Geoderma. 137. 310–317.

Zyrin, N.G., Chebotareva, N.A., 1989. To the question of forms of copper, zinc, and lead in soils and their availability for plants. In: A.I. Karpukhin (ed.). The contents and forms of microelement compounds in soils. Mosk. Univ., Moscow. 350-386 (in Russian).

Eurasian Journal of Soil Science