Eurasian Journal of Soil Science

Volume 2, Issue 1, Apr 2013, Pages 28 - 34

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Adsorption-desorption behaviour of chlorimuron-ethyl herbicide on homoionic clays


Article first published online: 05 Dec 2012 | How to cite | Additional Information (Show All)

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Suyal,A., Chauhan,S., Srivastava ,A., Srivastava,P., 2013. Adsorption-desorption behaviour of chlorimuron-ethyl herbicide on homoionic clays. Eurasian J Soil Sci 2(1):28 - 34.
Suyal,A.Chauhan,S.Srivastava ,A.,,& Srivastava,P. Adsorption-desorption behaviour of chlorimuron-ethyl herbicide on homoionic clays Eurasian Journal of Soil Science, DOI : 10.18393/ejss.2013.1.028-034
Suyal,A.Chauhan,S.Srivastava ,A.,, and ,Srivastava,P."Adsorption-desorption behaviour of chlorimuron-ethyl herbicide on homoionic clays" Eurasian Journal of Soil Science, DOI : 10.18393/ejss.2013.1.028-034
Suyal,A.Chauhan,S.Srivastava ,A.,, and ,Srivastava,P. "Adsorption-desorption behaviour of chlorimuron-ethyl herbicide on homoionic clays" Eurasian Journal of Soil Science, DOI : 10.18393/ejss.2013.1.028-034
A,Suyal.SS,Chauhan.A,Srivastava .PC,Srivastava "Adsorption-desorption behaviour of chlorimuron-ethyl herbicide on homoionic clays" Eurasian J. Soil Sci, vol., no., pp., DOI : 10.18393/ejss.2013.1.028-034
Suyal,Archana ;Chauhan,Shailendra ;Srivastava ,Anjana ;Srivastava,P. Adsorption-desorption behaviour of chlorimuron-ethyl herbicide on homoionic clays. Eurasian Journal of Soil Science,. DOI : 10.18393/ejss.2013.1.028-034

How to cite

Suyal, A., Chauhan, S., S. Srivastava , A., S. Srivastava, P., C.2013. Adsorption-desorption behaviour of chlorimuron-ethyl herbicide on homoionic clays. Eurasian J. Soil Sci. 2(1): 28 - 34.

Author information

Archana Suyal , G.B.Pant University of Agriculture & Technology, College of Basic Science & Humanities, Department of Chemistry, Pantnagar, Uttarakhand, India
Shailendra Chauhan , G.B.Pant University of Agriculture & Technology, College of Basic Science & Humanities, Department of Chemistry, Pantnagar, Uttarakhand, India
Anjana Srivastava , G.B.Pant University of Agriculture & Technology, College of Basic Science & Humanities, Department of Chemistry, Pantnagar, Uttarakhand, India
P. Srivastava , G.B.Pant University of Agriculture & Technology, College of Agriculture, Department of Soil Science, Pantnagar, Uttarakhand, India

Publication information

Issue published online: 15 Apr 2013
Article first published online : 05 Dec 2012
Manuscript Accepted : 01 Dec 2012
Manuscript Received: 23 Jun 2012


Laboratory studies were conducted to determine the adsorption-desorption behaviour of Chlorimuron-ethyl herbicide on three homoionic clays (Kaolinite (K), Mica (M) and Bentonite (B)), which are found in Indian soils. The adsorption- desorption data of chlorimuron-ethyl fitted well to Freundlich adsorption- desorption isotherm model (R² = 0.755 to 0.986). The computed valued of log K and 1/n varied from 4.0199 (B-Cu) to 4.1144 (B-Ca) and from 0.4458 (M-Cu) to 0.7894 (K-Ca) respectively. Desorption data of chlorimuron-ethyl were also fitted to Freundlich model and the values of log K' and 1/n' ranged from 4.2727 (K-Ca) to 4.2933 (M-Ca) and from 0.0006 (B-Cu) to 0.0033 (B-Ca), respectively. Higher values of desorption index n'/n indicated poor reversibility of chlorimuron ethyl by soil clays.


Adsorption-desorption; Chlorimuron-ethyl; Kaolinite; Bentonite; Mica

Corresponding author


Bailey, G.W., White, J.L., 1970. Factors influencing the adsorption - desorption and movement of pesticide in soil. Residue Review 32, 29-92.

Basham, G.W., Lavy, T.L., Oliver, L.R., Scott, H.D., 1987. Imazaquin persistence and mobility in three Arkansas soils Weed Science 35, 576-583.

Berglof, T., Koskinen, W.C., Duffy, M.J., Norberg, K.A., Kylin, H., 2003. Metsulfuron methyl sorption-desorption in field moist soil Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 51, 3598-3603.

Bower, C.A., Goertzen, J.O., 1952. Surface area of soils and clays by an equilibrium ethylene glycol method Soil Science 87, 289-292.

Dragun, J., 1998. The Soil Chemistry of Hazardous Materials. Amherst Scientific Publishers, MA. pp. 580-585.

Garg, P.K., Agnihotri, N.P., 1984. Adsorption and desorption of carbofuron and bendiocarb on soils and clay minerals Clay Research 31, 17-22

Gillman, G.P., Sumpter, E.A. 1986. Modification to the compulsive exchange nethod for measuring exchange characteristics of soils. Australian Journal of Soil Research 24, 61-66. Protection/Environmenal Fates of Five Sulfonylurea Herbicides in Soils.html

Khan, S.U., 1980. Pesticides in the Soil Environment. Elsevier Scientific Publishing Company, Amsterdam, pp. 230- 240.

Obrigawitch, T., Hon, F.M., Abernathy, J.R., Gipson, J.R., 1981. Adsorption-desorption and mobility of metolachlor in soils. Weed Science 29, 332-336.

Patani, O., Calamai, L., Fusi, P., 1994. Influence of clay minerals on adsorption and degradation of a sulfonyl urea herbicide (Cinosulfuron). Applied Clay Science 8, 373-387.

Pusino, A., Fiori, M.G., Braschi, I., Gessa, C., 2003. Adsorption and desorption of triasulfuron by soil. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 51, 5350-5354.

Reddy, K.N., Locke, M.A., Wagner, S.C., Zablotowicz, R.M., Gaston, L.A., Smeda, R.J., 1995. Chlorimuron ethyl sorption and desorption kinetics in soils and herbicide- desiccated cover crop residues. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 43, 2752–2757.

Roberts, R., 1998. Metabolic Pathways in Agrochemicals, Part I, Royal society of America. pp. 488 -490

Schnoor, J.L., 1992. Fate of Pesticides & Chemicals in the Environment. Wiley, New York. pp.332- 330

Singhal, J.P., Singh, N., 1978. Adsorption and interaction of dimecron with montmorillonite. Soil Science 12, 301-805.

Sposito, G., 1984. The Surface Chemistry of Soils, Oxford University Press, New York. pp.143-147.

Soltani, N., Sikkema, P.H., Robinson, D.E., 2006.Vegetable crop responses to chlorimuronethyl applied in the previous year. Crop Protection 24, 685–688.

Tan, K.H., 1996. Soil sampling, preparation and analysis. Marcel Dekker, Inc. New York. p. 408.

Ukrainczyk, L., Ajwa, H.A., 1996. Primisulfuron sorption on minerals and soils. Soil Science Society America Journal 60, 460-467.

Vencilli, W.K., 2002. .Herbicide Handbook, 8th edition, Weed Science Society of America, Champaign, IL pp. 493-498

Wang, J.J., Zhang, W., Zhang, Z.M., Zhen, Q., 2007. Adsorption-desorption characteristics of Chlorimuron-ethyl in soil. Agriculture Science in China 6(11), 1359 – 1364.

Weber, J.B., Shea, P.H., Weed, S.B., 1986. Fluridon retention and release in soils. Soil Science Society America Journal 50, 582-588.

Yaron, B., Saltzman, S., 1972. Influence of water temperature on adsorption of Parathion by soils. Soil Science Society of America Proceedings 36(4), 583-586.


Laboratory studies were conducted to determine the adsorption-desorption behaviour of Chlorimuron-ethyl herbicide on three homoionic clays (Kaolinite (K), Mica (M) and Bentonite (B)), which are found in Indian soils. The adsorption- desorption data of chlorimuron-ethyl fitted well to Freundlich adsorption- desorption isotherm model (R² = 0.755 to 0.986). The computed valued of log K and 1/n varied from 4.0199 (B-Cu) to 4.1144 (B-Ca) and from 0.4458 (M-Cu) to 0.7894 (K-Ca) respectively. Desorption data of chlorimuron-ethyl were also fitted to Freundlich model and the values of log K' and 1/n' ranged from 4.2727 (K-Ca) to 4.2933 (M-Ca) and from 0.0006 (B-Cu) to 0.0033 (B-Ca), respectively. Higher values of desorption index n'/n indicated poor reversibility of chlorimuron ethyl by soil clays. 

Keywords: Adsorption-desorption; Chlorimuron-ethyl; Kaolinite; Bentonite; Mica


Bailey, G.W., White, J.L., 1970. Factors influencing the adsorption - desorption and movement of pesticide in soil. Residue Review 32, 29-92.

Basham, G.W., Lavy, T.L., Oliver, L.R., Scott, H.D., 1987. Imazaquin persistence and mobility in three Arkansas soils Weed Science 35, 576-583.

Berglof, T., Koskinen, W.C., Duffy, M.J., Norberg, K.A., Kylin, H., 2003. Metsulfuron methyl sorption-desorption in field moist soil Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 51, 3598-3603.

Bower, C.A., Goertzen, J.O., 1952. Surface area of soils and clays by an equilibrium ethylene glycol method Soil Science 87, 289-292.

Dragun, J., 1998. The Soil Chemistry of Hazardous Materials. Amherst Scientific Publishers, MA. pp. 580-585.

Garg, P.K., Agnihotri, N.P., 1984. Adsorption and desorption of carbofuron and bendiocarb on soils and clay minerals Clay Research 31, 17-22

Gillman, G.P., Sumpter, E.A. 1986. Modification to the compulsive exchange nethod for measuring exchange characteristics of soils. Australian Journal of Soil Research 24, 61-66. Protection/Environmenal Fates of Five Sulfonylurea Herbicides in Soils.html

Khan, S.U., 1980. Pesticides in the Soil Environment. Elsevier Scientific Publishing Company, Amsterdam, pp. 230- 240.

Obrigawitch, T., Hon, F.M., Abernathy, J.R., Gipson, J.R., 1981. Adsorption-desorption and mobility of metolachlor in soils. Weed Science 29, 332-336.

Patani, O., Calamai, L., Fusi, P., 1994. Influence of clay minerals on adsorption and degradation of a sulfonyl urea herbicide (Cinosulfuron). Applied Clay Science 8, 373-387.

Pusino, A., Fiori, M.G., Braschi, I., Gessa, C., 2003. Adsorption and desorption of triasulfuron by soil. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 51, 5350-5354.

Reddy, K.N., Locke, M.A., Wagner, S.C., Zablotowicz, R.M., Gaston, L.A., Smeda, R.J., 1995. Chlorimuron ethyl sorption and desorption kinetics in soils and herbicide- desiccated cover crop residues. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 43, 2752–2757.

Roberts, R., 1998. Metabolic Pathways in Agrochemicals, Part I, Royal society of America. pp. 488 -490

Schnoor, J.L., 1992. Fate of Pesticides & Chemicals in the Environment. Wiley, New York. pp.332- 330

Singhal, J.P., Singh, N., 1978. Adsorption and interaction of dimecron with montmorillonite. Soil Science 12, 301-805.

Sposito, G., 1984. The Surface Chemistry of Soils, Oxford University Press, New York. pp.143-147.

Soltani, N., Sikkema, P.H., Robinson, D.E., 2006.Vegetable crop responses to chlorimuronethyl applied in the previous year. Crop Protection 24, 685–688.

Tan, K.H., 1996. Soil sampling, preparation and analysis. Marcel Dekker, Inc. New York. p. 408.

Ukrainczyk, L., Ajwa, H.A., 1996. Primisulfuron sorption on minerals and soils. Soil Science Society America Journal 60, 460-467.

Vencilli, W.K., 2002. .Herbicide Handbook, 8th edition, Weed Science Society of America, Champaign, IL pp. 493-498

Wang, J.J., Zhang, W., Zhang, Z.M., Zhen, Q., 2007. Adsorption-desorption characteristics of Chlorimuron-ethyl in soil. Agriculture Science in China 6(11), 1359 – 1364.

Weber, J.B., Shea, P.H., Weed, S.B., 1986. Fluridon retention and release in soils. Soil Science Society America Journal 50, 582-588.

Yaron, B., Saltzman, S., 1972. Influence of water temperature on adsorption of Parathion by soils. Soil Science Society of America Proceedings 36(4), 583-586.

Eurasian Journal of Soil Science