Eurasian Journal of Soil Science

Volume 1, Issue 2, Sep 2012, Pages 110 - 115

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Copyright © 2012 The authors and Federation of Eurasian Soil Science Societies

Cadmium effects on potassium content and pepper seedling growth in different peat ratios


Article first published online: 09 Sep 2012 | How to cite | Additional Information (Show All)

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Gülser ,F., Sönmez,F., 2012. Cadmium effects on potassium content and pepper seedling growth in different peat ratios. Eurasian J Soil Sci 1(2):110 - 115.
Gülser ,F.,,& Sönmez,F. Cadmium effects on potassium content and pepper seedling growth in different peat ratios Eurasian Journal of Soil Science, DOI : 10.18393/ejss.2012.2.110-115
Gülser ,F.,, and ,Sönmez,F."Cadmium effects on potassium content and pepper seedling growth in different peat ratios" Eurasian Journal of Soil Science, DOI : 10.18393/ejss.2012.2.110-115
Gülser ,F.,, and ,Sönmez,F. "Cadmium effects on potassium content and pepper seedling growth in different peat ratios" Eurasian Journal of Soil Science, DOI : 10.18393/ejss.2012.2.110-115
F,Gülser .F,Sönmez "Cadmium effects on potassium content and pepper seedling growth in different peat ratios" Eurasian J. Soil Sci, vol., no., pp., DOI : 10.18393/ejss.2012.2.110-115
Gülser ,Füsun ;Sönmez,Ferit Cadmium effects on potassium content and pepper seedling growth in different peat ratios. Eurasian Journal of Soil Science,. DOI : 10.18393/ejss.2012.2.110-115

How to cite

Gülser , F., Sönmez, F., 2012. Cadmium effects on potassium content and pepper seedling growth in different peat ratios. Eurasian J. Soil Sci. 1(2): 110 - 115.

Author information

Füsun Gülser , Yüzüncü Yıl University, Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, Van, Turkey
Ferit Sönmez , Yüzüncü Yıl University, Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, Van, Turkey

Publication information

Issue published online: 25 Sep 2012
Article first published online : 09 Sep 2012
Manuscript Accepted : 03 Aug 2012
Manuscript Received: 12 May 2012


Effects of cadmium applications on plant growth and potassium contents of pepper seedlings were investigated in different mixtures of soil:peat ratios. This study was conducted with three different levels of Cd (Cd0=0, Cd1=2.5 and Cd2=5.0 ppm) and three different ratios of soil:peat (Pt0=soil:no peat, Pt10=soil:10% peat and Pt20=soil:20% peat) in a factorial experimental design with three replications. K contents of shoots and some criteria of pepper seedlings such as; shoot and root dry weights were significantly influenced with the soil:peat ratios. Interactions between soil:peat ratio and Cd significantly affected shoot and root dry weights and K contents of pepper seedlings. Application of 20% peat ratio significantly increased shoot dry weight. Mean root dryweights decreased with increasing Cd dose applications. The highest (7.0%) and the lowest (4.1%) K contents in shoots were determined in Pt20Cd2 and Pt0Cd2 applications, respectively. On the other hand, the highest (3.27%) and the lowest (2.12%) K contents in roots were determined in Pt0Cd2 and Pt20Cd0 applications, respectively. Mean Cd contentents in shoots were also significantly reduced with increasing K contents of shoots, especially in the mixture of soil:20% peat ratio.


Pepper seedling, peat, cadmium, potassium, plant growth

Corresponding author


Arnesen, A. K. M., Singh, B.R., 1998. Plant uptake and DTPA-extractability of Cd, Cu, Ni and Zn in a Norwegian alum shale soil as affected by previous addition of dairy and pig manures and peat. Canadian Journal of Soil Science 78, 531-539.

Chen, S., Sun, L., Sun, T., Chao, L., Guo, G., 2007. Interaction between cadmium, lead and potassium fertilizer (K2SO4) n a soil-plant system. Environ. Geochem. and Health, 29(5):435-446.

Çinkılıç, H., 2008. The productıon of Cucumis sativus seedling in different organic and inorganic growing media. Journal of Tekirdağ University of Agricultural Faculty 5(2): 151-158.

Datta, R., Sarkar, D., 2005. Phytoextraciton of Zn and Cd from soils using hyper-accumulator plants. John Willey and Sons, New York, NY.

Del Castilho, P., Chardon, W.J., Salamons, W., 1993. Influence of cattle-manure slurry application on the solubility of cadmium, copper and zinc in a manured acidic, loamy sand soil. Journal of Environmental Quality 22, 689-697.

Eriksson, J.E., 1998. The effect of clay, organic matter and time on adsorption and plant uptake of cadmium added to the soils. Water, Air Soil Pollution 40, 359-373.

Ernst, W.H.O., 1996. Bioavailability of heavy metals and decontamination of soils by plants. Applied Geochemistry 11(1-2), 163-167

Gimmler, H., Carandang, J., Boots, A., Reisberg,E., Woıtke, M., 2002. Heavy metal content and distribution within a woody plant during and after seven years continuous growth on municipal solid waste (MSW) bottom slag rich in heavy metals. Journal of Applied Botany 76(5-6), 203-217

Gülser, F., Türkmen, Ö., Kabay, T., 1998. The effects of different growth conditions and applications of various nitrogen and phosphorus doses of pepper seedling. M. Şefik Yeşilsoy International Symposium on Arid Region Soil, 21-24 Semptember 1998, İzmir.

Haghiri, F., 1974. Plant uptake of cadmium as influenced by cation exchange capacity, organic matter, zinc and soil temparature. J Journal of Environmental Quality 3, 180-182.

He, Q.B., Singh, B.R., 1993. Effect of organic matter on distribution, extractability and uptake of cadmium in soils. European Journal of Soil Science 44(4): 641-650.

Japenga, J., Dalenberg, J.W., Wiersma, D., Scheltens, S.D., Hesterberg, D., Salomons, W., 1992. Effect of liquid animal manure applications on the solubilization of heavy metals forms soil. International Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry 46, 25-39.

Jiang, W.S., Liu, D.H., Hou, W.Q., 2001. Hyperaccumulation of cadmium by roots, bulbs and shoots of garlic (Allium sativum L.). Bioresource Technology 76, 9-13.

Kacar., B., İnal, A., 2008. Bitki Analizleri. Nobel Yayın No:1241, Fen Bilimleri: 63.

Kanoun–Boule, M., Vicente, J.A., Nabais, C., Prasad, M.N., Freitas, H., 2009. Ecophysiological tolerance of duckweeds exposed to copper. Aquatic Toxicology 91(1), 1-9.

Krogstad, T., 1983. Effect of liming and decomposition on chemical composition, ion exchange and heavy metal ion selectivity in sphangnum peat. (in Norwegian.) scentific reports of the Agricultural University of Norway, Aas, Norway. 79 pp.

Kumar, P.B.A.N., Dushenkov, V., Motto, H., Raskin, I., 1995. Phyto-extraction-the use of plants to remove heavy metals from soils. Environmental Science and Technology 29, 1232-1238.

Liu, D.H.,Wang, M., Zou, J.H., Jiang,W.S., 2006. Uptake and accumulation of cadmium and some nutrient ions by roots and shoots of maize ( Zea mays L.). Pakistan Journal of Botany 38(3): 701-709.

Lo, K.S.L., Yang, W.F., Lin, Y.C., 1992. Effects of organic matter on the spesific adsorption of heavy metal by soil. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 34, 139-153.

McBridge, M.B., Tyler, L.D., Hovde, D.A., 1981. Cadmium adsorption by soils and uptake by plants as affected by soil chemical properties. Soil Science. Society America Journal 45, 739-744.

Mills, T., Northcott, G., Vogeler, I., Robinson, B., Norling, C., Leonil, D., Arnold,B., Sivakumaran, S., 2006. Phytoremediation and long-term site management of soil contaminated with pentachlorophenol (PCP) and heavy metals. Journal of Environmental Management 79, 232-241

Özman, M., Ocak, S., 2002. Cibre, cüruf, perlit, topraklı harç ve sera toprağının fiziksel özelliklerinin belirlenerek, soğuk serada yetiştirilen dometas fidelerinin gelişmelerine etkileri yönünden karşılaştırılması. Tekirdağ Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi. Doktora Tezi.

Pichtel, J., Kuroiwa, K., Sawyerr, H.T., 2000. Distribution of Pb, Cd and Ba in soils and plants of two contaminated sites. Environmental Pollution 110(1), 171-178

Tie, M., Sun, T., Li, H., Liang, Y., Zang, S., Pan, W., 2006. Chemical forms of cadmium in industial contaminated soil and its phytoremediation. Chinese Journal of Applied Ecology 17, 348-350.

Torun, A.A, Kaçar, Y.A., Çakmak, Ö., Şimşek, Ö., Erdem, H., Yardım, P., Tolay, İ., 2009. In vitro doku kültürüve su kültürü koşullarında Maxma 14 Kiraz anacına artan dozlarda uygulanan Kadmiyum’un bitki büyümesi ve kadmiyum alımına etkisi. Harran Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi 13(4), 1-11.

Vaillant, N., Monnet, F., Hitmi, A., Sallamon, H., Coudret, A., 2005. Comparative study of responses in four Datura species to zinc stres. Chemosphere 59, 1005-1013.

Wang, M., Zou, J., Duan, X., Jiang, W., Liu, D., 2007. Cadmium accumulation and its effects on metal uptake in maize (Zea mays L.). Bioresource Technology 98: 82-88.

Zayed, A., Gowthaman, S., Terry, N., 1998. Phytoaccumulation of trace elements by wetland plants: I. Duckweed. Journal of Environmental Quality 27, 715-721.

Effects of cadmium applications on plant growth and potassium contents of pepper seedlings were investigated in different mixtures of soil:peat ratios. This study was conducted with three different levels of Cd (Cd0=0, Cd1=2.5 and Cd2=5.0 ppm) and three different ratios of soil:peat (Pt0=soil:no peat, Pt10=soil:10% peat and Pt20=soil:20% peat) in a factorial experimental design with three replications. K contents of shoots and some criteria of pepper seedlings such as; shoot and root dry weights were significantly influenced with the soil:peat ratios. Interactions between soil:peat ratio and Cd significantly affected shoot and root dry weights and K contents of pepper seedlings. Application of 20% peat ratio significantly increased shoot dry weight. Mean root dryweights decreased with increasing Cd dose applications. The highest (7.0%) and the lowest (4.1%) K contents in shoots were determined in Pt20Cd2 and Pt0Cd2 applications, respectively. On the other hand, the highest (3.27%) and the lowest (2.12%) K contents in roots were determined in Pt0Cd2 and Pt20Cd0 applications, respectively. Mean Cd contentents in shoots were also significantly reduced with increasing K contents of shoots, especially in the mixture of soil:20% peat ratio. 

Keywords: Pepper seedling, peat, cadmium, potassium, plant growth


Arnesen, A. K. M., Singh, B.R., 1998. Plant uptake and DTPA-extractability of Cd, Cu, Ni and Zn in a Norwegian alum shale soil as affected by previous addition of dairy and pig manures and peat. Canadian Journal of Soil Science 78, 531-539.

Chen, S., Sun, L., Sun, T., Chao, L., Guo, G., 2007. Interaction between cadmium, lead and potassium fertilizer (K2SO4) n a soil-plant system. Environ. Geochem. and Health, 29(5):435-446.

Çinkılıç, H., 2008. The productıon of Cucumis sativus seedling in different organic and inorganic growing media. Journal of Tekirdağ University of Agricultural Faculty 5(2): 151-158.

Datta, R., Sarkar, D., 2005. Phytoextraciton of Zn and Cd from soils using hyper-accumulator plants. John Willey and Sons, New York, NY.

Del Castilho, P., Chardon, W.J., Salamons, W., 1993. Influence of cattle-manure slurry application on the solubility of cadmium, copper and zinc in a manured acidic, loamy sand soil. Journal of Environmental Quality 22, 689-697.

Eriksson, J.E., 1998. The effect of clay, organic matter and time on adsorption and plant uptake of cadmium added to the soils. Water, Air Soil Pollution 40, 359-373.

Ernst, W.H.O., 1996. Bioavailability of heavy metals and decontamination of soils by plants. Applied Geochemistry 11(1-2), 163-167

Gimmler, H., Carandang, J., Boots, A., Reisberg,E., Woıtke, M., 2002. Heavy metal content and distribution within a woody plant during and after seven years continuous growth on municipal solid waste (MSW) bottom slag rich in heavy metals. Journal of Applied Botany 76(5-6), 203-217

Gülser, F., Türkmen, Ö., Kabay, T., 1998. The effects of different growth conditions and applications of various nitrogen and phosphorus doses of pepper seedling. M. Şefik Yeşilsoy International Symposium on Arid Region Soil, 21-24 Semptember 1998, İzmir.

Haghiri, F., 1974. Plant uptake of cadmium as influenced by cation exchange capacity, organic matter, zinc and soil temparature. J Journal of Environmental Quality 3, 180-182.

He, Q.B., Singh, B.R., 1993. Effect of organic matter on distribution, extractability and uptake of cadmium in soils. European Journal of Soil Science 44(4): 641-650.

Japenga, J., Dalenberg, J.W., Wiersma, D., Scheltens, S.D., Hesterberg, D., Salomons, W., 1992. Effect of liquid animal manure applications on the solubilization of heavy metals forms soil. International Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry 46, 25-39.

Jiang, W.S., Liu, D.H., Hou, W.Q., 2001. Hyperaccumulation of cadmium by roots, bulbs and shoots of garlic (Allium sativum L.). Bioresource Technology 76, 9-13.

Kacar., B., İnal, A., 2008. Bitki Analizleri. Nobel Yayın No:1241, Fen Bilimleri: 63.

Kanoun–Boule, M., Vicente, J.A., Nabais, C., Prasad, M.N., Freitas, H., 2009. Ecophysiological tolerance of duckweeds exposed to copper. Aquatic Toxicology 91(1), 1-9.

Krogstad, T., 1983. Effect of liming and decomposition on chemical composition, ion exchange and heavy metal ion selectivity in sphangnum peat. (in Norwegian.) scentific reports of the Agricultural University of Norway, Aas, Norway. 79 pp.

Kumar, P.B.A.N., Dushenkov, V., Motto, H., Raskin, I., 1995. Phyto-extraction-the use of plants to remove heavy metals from soils. Environmental Science and Technology 29, 1232-1238.

Liu, D.H.,Wang, M., Zou, J.H., Jiang,W.S., 2006. Uptake and accumulation of cadmium and some nutrient ions by roots and shoots of maize ( Zea mays L.). Pakistan Journal of Botany 38(3): 701-709.

Lo, K.S.L., Yang, W.F., Lin, Y.C., 1992. Effects of organic matter on the spesific adsorption of heavy metal by soil. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 34, 139-153.

McBridge, M.B., Tyler, L.D., Hovde, D.A., 1981. Cadmium adsorption by soils and uptake by plants as affected by soil chemical properties. Soil Science. Society America Journal 45, 739-744.

Mills, T., Northcott, G., Vogeler, I., Robinson, B., Norling, C., Leonil, D., Arnold,B., Sivakumaran, S., 2006. Phytoremediation and long-term site management of soil contaminated with pentachlorophenol (PCP) and heavy metals. Journal of Environmental Management 79, 232-241

Özman, M., Ocak, S., 2002. Cibre, cüruf, perlit, topraklı harç ve sera toprağının fiziksel özelliklerinin belirlenerek, soğuk serada yetiştirilen dometas fidelerinin gelişmelerine etkileri yönünden karşılaştırılması. Tekirdağ Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi. Doktora Tezi.

Pichtel, J., Kuroiwa, K., Sawyerr, H.T., 2000. Distribution of Pb, Cd and Ba in soils and plants of two contaminated sites. Environmental Pollution 110(1), 171-178

Tie, M., Sun, T., Li, H., Liang, Y., Zang, S., Pan, W., 2006. Chemical forms of cadmium in industial contaminated soil and its phytoremediation. Chinese Journal of Applied Ecology 17, 348-350.

Torun, A.A, Kaçar, Y.A., Çakmak, Ö., Şimşek, Ö., Erdem, H., Yardım, P., Tolay, İ., 2009. In vitro doku kültürüve su kültürü koşullarında Maxma 14 Kiraz anacına artan dozlarda uygulanan Kadmiyum’un bitki büyümesi ve kadmiyum alımına etkisi. Harran Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi 13(4), 1-11.

Vaillant, N., Monnet, F., Hitmi, A., Sallamon, H., Coudret, A., 2005. Comparative study of responses in four Datura species to zinc stres. Chemosphere 59, 1005-1013.

Wang, M., Zou, J., Duan, X., Jiang, W., Liu, D., 2007. Cadmium accumulation and its effects on metal uptake in maize (Zea mays L.). Bioresource Technology 98: 82-88.

Zayed, A., Gowthaman, S., Terry, N., 1998. Phytoaccumulation of trace elements by wetland plants: I. Duckweed. Journal of Environmental Quality 27, 715-721.

Eurasian Journal of Soil Science