Eurasian Journal of Soil Science

Volume 3, Issue 4, Nov 2014, Pages 245 - 253
DOI: 10.18393/ejss.12357
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Copyright © 2014 The authors and Federation of Eurasian Soil Science Societies

Swelling clays and salt-affected soils : Demixing of Na / Ca clays as the rationale for discouraging the use of sodium adsorption ratio (SAR)


Article first published online: 01 Nov 2014 | How to cite | Additional Information (Show All)

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Bourrie,G., 2014. Swelling clays and salt-affected soils : Demixing of Na / Ca clays as the rationale for discouraging the use of sodium adsorption ratio (SAR). Eurasian J Soil Sci 3(4):245 - 253. DOI : 10.18393/ejss.12357
,& Bourrie,G. Swelling clays and salt-affected soils : Demixing of Na / Ca clays as the rationale for discouraging the use of sodium adsorption ratio (SAR) Eurasian Journal of Soil Science, DOI : 10.18393/ejss.12357
, and ,Bourrie,G. "Swelling clays and salt-affected soils : Demixing of Na / Ca clays as the rationale for discouraging the use of sodium adsorption ratio (SAR)" Eurasian Journal of Soil Science, DOI : 10.18393/ejss.12357
, and ,Bourrie,G. "Swelling clays and salt-affected soils : Demixing of Na / Ca clays as the rationale for discouraging the use of sodium adsorption ratio (SAR)" Eurasian Journal of Soil Science, DOI : 10.18393/ejss.12357
G,Bourrie "Swelling clays and salt-affected soils : Demixing of Na / Ca clays as the rationale for discouraging the use of sodium adsorption ratio (SAR)" Eurasian J. Soil Sci, vol., no., pp., DOI : 10.18393/ejss.12357
Bourrie,Guilhem Swelling clays and salt-affected soils : Demixing of Na / Ca clays as the rationale for discouraging the use of sodium adsorption ratio (SAR). Eurasian Journal of Soil Science,. DOI : 10.18393/ejss.12357

How to cite

Bourrie, G., 2014. Swelling clays and salt-affected soils : Demixing of Na / Ca clays as the rationale for discouraging the use of sodium adsorption ratio (SAR). Eurasian J. Soil Sci. 3(4): 245 - 253. DOI : 10.18393/ejss.12357

Author information

Guilhem Bourrie , UMR 1114 INRA-UAPV Emmah, Domaine Saint-Paul, Site Agroparc, Avignon, France

Publication information

Issue published online: 10 Nov 2014
Article first published online : 01 Nov 2014
Manuscript Accepted : 17 Oct 2014
Manuscript Received: 01 Jul 2014
DOI: 10.18393/ejss.12357
Stable URL:


Sodium adsorption ratio SAR defined as SAR= (Na)/ v(Ca+Mg)/2 where concentrations of cations in solution are expressed in meq /L has long been considered as correlated to exchangeable sodium percentage (ESP) on clay minerals or soil exchange complex, and as the key concept to explain swelling of clay minerals and the difficulties of reclaiming salt-affected soils. Though its basis is empirical, it was alleged to be theoretically justified on the basis of ion exchange, derived from the Gapon convention. However, it has long been challenged on the basis of both field observations and experimental evidence : it fails to account for the fact that calcium and magnesium do not play the same role, while potassium is absent from the formula ; calcium concentration must be “corrected “when calcite is present etc. There exist specific ion effects. Experimental measurements of the decrease of permeability when solutions are diluted led Quirk and Schofield (1955) to define the concept of critical threshold, and to show that potassium and magnesium play an intermediate role between sodium and calcium. This threshold is simply determined by the concentration of calcium, irrespective of the value of SAR or ESP. Indeed, demixing of Ca-Na clay minerals during ion exchange, a phenomenon well known since Glaeser and Mering (1954), implies that there exists an interaction between adjacent sites. This undermines the theoretical basis of SAR : the derivation of SAR from ion exchange equilibria implies to use an equilibrium constant. This parameter is no more constant if demixing occurs. The results obtained are positive : demixing leads to expulsion of sodium from inner exchange surfaces and its replacement by calcium, according to the “three crystals pore”proposed by Quirk (2003b). Sodium can then be more easily leached, as permeability is maintained by clusters of Ca-sites. Calcium concentration in solution appears thus as the simpler parameter to guide saltaffected soils reclamation when swelling clays are present.


SAR, sodium, calcium, clay, swelling, ESP, demixing, sodium adsorption ratio

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Sodium adsorption ratio SAR defined as SAR= (Na)/ v(Ca+Mg)/2   where concentrations of cations in solution are expressed in meq L

Eurasian Journal of Soil Science