Eurasian Journal of Soil Science

Volume 12, Issue 1, Jan 2023, Pages 98-103
DOI: 10.18393/ejss.1197785
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Copyright © 2023 The authors and Federation of Eurasian Soil Science Societies

Effect of humic substances on yield and nutrient contents of Eggplant Santana (Solanum melongena) plants in gray-brown soil


Article first published online: 01 Nov 2022 | How to cite | Additional Information (Show All)

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Mammadova,U., 2023. Effect of humic substances on yield and nutrient contents of Eggplant Santana (Solanum melongena) plants in gray-brown soil. Eurasian J Soil Sci 12(1):98-103. DOI : 10.18393/ejss.1197785
,& Mammadova,U. (2023). Effect of humic substances on yield and nutrient contents of Eggplant Santana (Solanum melongena) plants in gray-brown soil Eurasian Journal of Soil Science, 12(1):98-103. DOI : 10.18393/ejss.1197785
, and ,Mammadova,U. "Effect of humic substances on yield and nutrient contents of Eggplant Santana (Solanum melongena) plants in gray-brown soil" Eurasian Journal of Soil Science, 12.1 (2023):98-103. DOI : 10.18393/ejss.1197785
, and ,Mammadova,U. "Effect of humic substances on yield and nutrient contents of Eggplant Santana (Solanum melongena) plants in gray-brown soil" Eurasian Journal of Soil Science,12(Jan 2023):98-103 DOI : 10.18393/ejss.1197785
U,Mammadova "Effect of humic substances on yield and nutrient contents of Eggplant Santana (Solanum melongena) plants in gray-brown soil" Eurasian J. Soil Sci, vol.12, no.1, pp.98-103 (Jan 2023), DOI : 10.18393/ejss.1197785
Mammadova,Ulviyya Effect of humic substances on yield and nutrient contents of Eggplant Santana (Solanum melongena) plants in gray-brown soil. Eurasian Journal of Soil Science, (2023),12.1:98-103. DOI : 10.18393/ejss.1197785

How to cite

Mammadova, U., 2023. Effect of humic substances on yield and nutrient contents of Eggplant Santana (Solanum melongena) plants in gray-brown soil. Eurasian J. Soil Sci. 12(1): 98-103. DOI : 10.18393/ejss.1197785

Author information

Ulviyya Mammadova , Institute of Soil Science and Agrochemistry, Baku, Azerbaijan

Publication information

Article first published online : 01 Nov 2022
Manuscript Accepted : 22 Oct 2022
Manuscript Received: 03 Mar 2022
DOI: 10.18393/ejss.1197785
Stable URL:


Humic substances promote the conversion of nutrients into forms available to plants. It also stimulates seed germination and viability, and its main effect usually being more prominent in the roots. This study was conducted in a randomized complete block design with three replications in Gobustan, Azerbaijan, in 2021 growing season, to determine the effects of different doses (0, 250, 500 and 1000 ppm) of humic substances such as humic acid (HA), fulvic acid (FA) and humic fulvic acid (HFA) on fresh yield and nutrient contents (N, P and K) of Eggplant Santana (Solanum melongena var. esculentum Santana) plants in a field experiment. According to the results of this study, humic substance treatments increased the fresh yields and leaf nutrient contents of Eggplant Santana, and this increase was found to be significant. The highest value for highest fresh yields and leaf NPK contents of Eggplant Santana plants were obtained from 1000 ppm HFA dose. These results suggest that 1000 ppm HA and FA combination to the standard humic substances application will be sufficient to obtain adequate fresh yield and nutrient contents in Eggplant Santana leafs.


Humic acid, fulvic avid, soil, yield, Eggplant Santana, nutrients.

Corresponding author


Adani, F., Genevini, P., Zaccheo, P., Zocchi, G., 1998. The effect of commercial humic acid on tomato plant growth and mineral nutrition. Journal of Plant Nutrition 21(3): 561-575.

Arancon, N.Q., Lee, S., Edwards, A., Atiyeh, R., 2003. Effects of humic acids derived from cattle, food and paper-waste vermicomposts on growth of greenhouse plants. Pedobiologia 47(5-6): 741-744.

Aşık, B.B., Turan, M.A., Çelik, H., Katkat, A.V., 2009. Effects of humic substances on plant growth and mineral nutrients uptake of wheat (Triticum durum cv. Salihli) under conditions of salinity. Asian Journal of Crop Science 1(2): 85-97.

Atiyeh, R.M., Lee, S., Edwards, C.A., 2002. The influence of humic acids derived from earthworm-processed organic wastes on plant growth. Bioresearch Technology 84(1): 7–14.

Awad, A.A.M., El-Taib, A.B.A., Sweed, A.A.A., Omran, A.A.M., 2022. Nutrient contents and productivity of triticum aestivum plants grown in clay loam soil depending on humic substances and varieties and their interactions. Agronomy 12: 705.

Bohme, M., Thi Lua, H., 1997. Influence of mineral and organic treatments in the rhizosphere on the growth of tomato plants. Acta Horticulturae 450: 161–168.

Cansu, M., Erdal, İ., 2018. Effect of humic substance applications on mineral nutrition and yield of Granny Smith and Jersey Mac apple varieties. Tarım Bilimleri Dergisi 24(2): 162-169.

Cesco, S., Nikolic, M., Romheld, V., Varanini, Z., Pinton, R., 2002. Uptake of 59Fe from soluble 59Fe-humate complexes by cucumber and barley plants. Plant and Soil 241: 121-128

Chen, Y., Aviad, T., 1990. Effect of humic substances on plant growth. In: Humic substances in soil and crop sciences: Selected reading, MacCarthy, P., Clapp, C.E., Malcolm, R.L., Bloom, P.R. (Eds). Soil Science Society America, Madison, WI, USA. pp: 161-187.

Chen, Y., Schnitzer, M., 1978. The surface tension of aqueous solutions of soil humic substances. Soil Science 125(1): 7-15.

Cimrin, K.M., Yilmaz, I., 2005. Humic acid applications to lettuce do not improve yield but do improve phosphorus availability. Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica, Section B — Soil & Plant Science 55(1): 58–63.

David, P.P., Nelson P.V., Sanders, D.C., 1994. A humic acid improves growth of tomato seedling in solution culture. Journal of Plant Nutrition 17(1): 173-184.

Duplessis, G.L., Mackenzie, A.F., 1983. Effect of leonardite applications on phosphorus availability and corn growth. Canadian Journal of Soil Science 63(4): 749-751.

Dursun, A., Güvenç, I., Turan, M., 2002. Effects of different levels of humic acid on seedling growth and macro and micronutrient contents of tomato and eggplant. Acta Agrobotanica 56(2): 81-88.

Eyheraguibel, B., Silvestre, J., Morard, P., 2008. Effects of humic substances derived from organic waste enhancement on the growth and mineral nutrition of maize. Bioresource Technology 99(10): 4206-4212.

Fagbenro, J.A., Agboola, A.A., 1993. Effect of different levels of humic acid on the growth and nutrient uptake of teak seedlings. Journal of Plant Nutrition 16(8): 1465–1483.

IHSS, 2022. What are humic substances. International Humic Substances Society. Available at [Access date: 03.03.2022]:

Jones, J.B., 2001. Laboratory guide for conducting soil tests and plant analyses. CRC Press, New York, USA. 363p.

Khaled, H., Fawy, H.A., 2011. Effect of different levels of humic acids on the nutrient content, plant growth, and soil properties under conditions of salinity. Soil and Water Reserach 6(1): 21-29.  

Kulikova, N.A., Stepanova, E.V., Koroleva, O.V., 2005. Mitigating activity of humic substances direct influence on biota. In: Use of humic substances to remediate polluted environments: From theory to practice. Perminova, I.V., Hatfield, K., Hertkorn, N. (Eds.). NATO Science Series, vol 52. Springer, Dordrecht. pp. 285-310.

Leventoglu, H., Erdal, İ., 2014. Effect of high humic substance levels on growth and nutrient concentration of corn under calcareous conditions. Journal of Plant Nutrition 37(12): 2074-2084.

Mackowiak, C.L., Grossl, P.R., Bugbee, B.G., 2001. Beneficial effects of humic acid on micronutrient availability to wheat. Soil Science Society of America Journal 65(6): 1744–1750.

Malik, K.A., Azam, F., 1985. Effects of humic acids on wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) seedling growth. Environmental and Experimental Botany 25(3): 245-252.

Merwad, A.M.A., 2017. Effect of humic and fulvic substances and Moringa leaf extract on Sudan grass plants grown under saline conditions. Canadian Journal of Soil Science 97(4): 703–716.

Nardi, S., Pizzeghello, D., Muscolo, A., Vianello, A., 2002. Physiological effects of humic substances in plant growth. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 34(11): 1527-1536.

Nikbakht, A., Kafi, M., Babalar, M., Xia, Y.P., Luo, A., Etemadi, N., 2008. Effect of humic acid on plant growth, nutrient uptake, and postharvest life of Gerbera.  Journal of Plant Nutrition 31(12): 2155-2167.

Pinton, R., Cesco, S., Santi, S., Agnolon, F., Varanini, Z., 1999. Water-extractable humic substances enhance iron deficiency responses by Fe-deficient cucumber plants. Plant and Soil 210: 145-157.

Sanchez–Sanchez, A., Sanchez-Andreu, J., Juarez, M., Jorda, J. and Bermudez, D. 2002. Humic substances and amino acids improve effectiveness of chelate FeEDDHA in lemon trees. Journal of Plant Nutrition 25(11): 2433–2442.  

Saruhan, V., Kusvuran, A., Kokten, K., 2011. The effect of different replications of humic acid fertilization on yield performances of common vetch (Vicia sativa L.). African Journal of Biotechnology 10(29): 5587-5592.

Sharif, M., Khattak, R.A., Sarir, M.S., 2002. Effect of different levels of lignitic coal derived humic acid on growth of maize plants. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis 33(19-20): 3567-3580.

Tahir, M., Khurshid, M., Khan, M.Z., Kazmi, M.H., 2011. Lignite-derived humic acid effect on growth of wheat plants in different soils. Pedosphere 21(1): 124-131.

Tan, K.H., Nopamornbodi, V., 1979. Effects of different levels of humic acids on nutrient content and growth of corn (Zea mays L.). Plant and Soil 51: 283-287.

Tursun, T., Akıncı, Ş., Bozkurt, E., 2019. Determination of the effect of humic acid on growth and development parameters of Parsley (Petroselinum sativum Hoffm.) grown in boron soil. Notulae Botanicae Horti Agrobotanici Cluj-Napoca 47(1): 183-193.


Humic substances promote the conversion of nutrients into forms available to plants. It also stimulates seed germination and viability, and its main effect usually being more prominent in the roots. This study was conducted in a randomized complete block design with three replications in Gobustan, Azerbaijan, in 2021 growing season, to determine the effects of different doses (0, 250, 500 and 1000 ppm) of humic substances such as humic acid (HA), fulvic acid (FA) and humic fulvic acid (HFA) on fresh yield and nutrient contents (N, P and K) of Eggplant Santana (Solanum melongena var. esculentum Santana) plants in a field experiment. According to the results of this study, humic substance treatments increased the fresh yields and leaf nutrient contents of Eggplant Santana, and this increase was found to be significant. The highest value for highest fresh yields and leaf NPK contents of Eggplant Santana plants were obtained from 1000 ppm HFA dose. These results suggest that 1000 ppm HA and FA combination to the standard humic substances application will be sufficient to obtain adequate fresh yield and nutrient contents in Eggplant Santana leafs.

Keywords: Humic acid, fulvic avid, soil, yield, Eggplant Santana, nutrients.


Adani, F., Genevini, P., Zaccheo, P., Zocchi, G., 1998. The effect of commercial humic acid on tomato plant growth and mineral nutrition. Journal of Plant Nutrition 21(3): 561-575.

Arancon, N.Q., Lee, S., Edwards, A., Atiyeh, R., 2003. Effects of humic acids derived from cattle, food and paper-waste vermicomposts on growth of greenhouse plants. Pedobiologia 47(5-6): 741-744.

Aşık, B.B., Turan, M.A., Çelik, H., Katkat, A.V., 2009. Effects of humic substances on plant growth and mineral nutrients uptake of wheat (Triticum durum cv. Salihli) under conditions of salinity. Asian Journal of Crop Science 1(2): 85-97.

Atiyeh, R.M., Lee, S., Edwards, C.A., 2002. The influence of humic acids derived from earthworm-processed organic wastes on plant growth. Bioresearch Technology 84(1): 7–14.

Awad, A.A.M., El-Taib, A.B.A., Sweed, A.A.A., Omran, A.A.M., 2022. Nutrient contents and productivity of triticum aestivum plants grown in clay loam soil depending on humic substances and varieties and their interactions. Agronomy 12: 705.

Bohme, M., Thi Lua, H., 1997. Influence of mineral and organic treatments in the rhizosphere on the growth of tomato plants. Acta Horticulturae 450: 161–168.

Cansu, M., Erdal, İ., 2018. Effect of humic substance applications on mineral nutrition and yield of Granny Smith and Jersey Mac apple varieties. Tarım Bilimleri Dergisi 24(2): 162-169.

Cesco, S., Nikolic, M., Romheld, V., Varanini, Z., Pinton, R., 2002. Uptake of 59Fe from soluble 59Fe-humate complexes by cucumber and barley plants. Plant and Soil 241: 121-128

Chen, Y., Aviad, T., 1990. Effect of humic substances on plant growth. In: Humic substances in soil and crop sciences: Selected reading, MacCarthy, P., Clapp, C.E., Malcolm, R.L., Bloom, P.R. (Eds). Soil Science Society America, Madison, WI, USA. pp: 161-187.

Chen, Y., Schnitzer, M., 1978. The surface tension of aqueous solutions of soil humic substances. Soil Science 125(1): 7-15.

Cimrin, K.M., Yilmaz, I., 2005. Humic acid applications to lettuce do not improve yield but do improve phosphorus availability. Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica, Section B — Soil & Plant Science 55(1): 58–63.

David, P.P., Nelson P.V., Sanders, D.C., 1994. A humic acid improves growth of tomato seedling in solution culture. Journal of Plant Nutrition 17(1): 173-184.

Duplessis, G.L., Mackenzie, A.F., 1983. Effect of leonardite applications on phosphorus availability and corn growth. Canadian Journal of Soil Science 63(4): 749-751.

Dursun, A., Güvenç, I., Turan, M., 2002. Effects of different levels of humic acid on seedling growth and macro and micronutrient contents of tomato and eggplant. Acta Agrobotanica 56(2): 81-88.

Eyheraguibel, B., Silvestre, J., Morard, P., 2008. Effects of humic substances derived from organic waste enhancement on the growth and mineral nutrition of maize. Bioresource Technology 99(10): 4206-4212.

Fagbenro, J.A., Agboola, A.A., 1993. Effect of different levels of humic acid on the growth and nutrient uptake of teak seedlings. Journal of Plant Nutrition 16(8): 1465–1483.

IHSS, 2022. What are humic substances. International Humic Substances Society. Available at [Access date: 03.03.2022]:

Jones, J.B., 2001. Laboratory guide for conducting soil tests and plant analyses. CRC Press, New York, USA. 363p.

Khaled, H., Fawy, H.A., 2011. Effect of different levels of humic acids on the nutrient content, plant growth, and soil properties under conditions of salinity. Soil and Water Reserach 6(1): 21-29.  

Kulikova, N.A., Stepanova, E.V., Koroleva, O.V., 2005. Mitigating activity of humic substances direct influence on biota. In: Use of humic substances to remediate polluted environments: From theory to practice. Perminova, I.V., Hatfield, K., Hertkorn, N. (Eds.). NATO Science Series, vol 52. Springer, Dordrecht. pp. 285-310.

Leventoglu, H., Erdal, İ., 2014. Effect of high humic substance levels on growth and nutrient concentration of corn under calcareous conditions. Journal of Plant Nutrition 37(12): 2074-2084.

Mackowiak, C.L., Grossl, P.R., Bugbee, B.G., 2001. Beneficial effects of humic acid on micronutrient availability to wheat. Soil Science Society of America Journal 65(6): 1744–1750.

Malik, K.A., Azam, F., 1985. Effects of humic acids on wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) seedling growth. Environmental and Experimental Botany 25(3): 245-252.

Merwad, A.M.A., 2017. Effect of humic and fulvic substances and Moringa leaf extract on Sudan grass plants grown under saline conditions. Canadian Journal of Soil Science 97(4): 703–716.

Nardi, S., Pizzeghello, D., Muscolo, A., Vianello, A., 2002. Physiological effects of humic substances in plant growth. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 34(11): 1527-1536.

Nikbakht, A., Kafi, M., Babalar, M., Xia, Y.P., Luo, A., Etemadi, N., 2008. Effect of humic acid on plant growth, nutrient uptake, and postharvest life of Gerbera.  Journal of Plant Nutrition 31(12): 2155-2167.

Pinton, R., Cesco, S., Santi, S., Agnolon, F., Varanini, Z., 1999. Water-extractable humic substances enhance iron deficiency responses by Fe-deficient cucumber plants. Plant and Soil 210: 145-157.

Sanchez–Sanchez, A., Sanchez-Andreu, J., Juarez, M., Jorda, J. and Bermudez, D. 2002. Humic substances and amino acids improve effectiveness of chelate FeEDDHA in lemon trees. Journal of Plant Nutrition 25(11): 2433–2442.  

Saruhan, V., Kusvuran, A., Kokten, K., 2011. The effect of different replications of humic acid fertilization on yield performances of common vetch (Vicia sativa L.). African Journal of Biotechnology 10(29): 5587-5592.

Sharif, M., Khattak, R.A., Sarir, M.S., 2002. Effect of different levels of lignitic coal derived humic acid on growth of maize plants. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis 33(19-20): 3567-3580.

Tahir, M., Khurshid, M., Khan, M.Z., Kazmi, M.H., 2011. Lignite-derived humic acid effect on growth of wheat plants in different soils. Pedosphere 21(1): 124-131.

Tan, K.H., Nopamornbodi, V., 1979. Effects of different levels of humic acids on nutrient content and growth of corn (Zea mays L.). Plant and Soil 51: 283-287.

Tursun, T., Akıncı, Ş., Bozkurt, E., 2019. Determination of the effect of humic acid on growth and development parameters of Parsley (Petroselinum sativum Hoffm.) grown in boron soil. Notulae Botanicae Horti Agrobotanici Cluj-Napoca 47(1): 183-193.

Eurasian Journal of Soil Science