Eurasian Journal of Soil Science

Volume 12, Issue 1, Jan 2023, Pages 79-84
DOI: 10.18393/ejss.1187439
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Copyright © 2023 The authors and Federation of Eurasian Soil Science Societies

Evaluating the potential for multicropping in SE Kazakhstan : Double-cropping corn after winter triticale and winter oilseed rape


Article first published online: 12 Oct 2022 | How to cite | Additional Information (Show All)

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Atakulov,T., Kaldybayev,S., Yerzhanova,K., Zholamanov,K., Smanov,A., Seytzhan,A., 2023. Evaluating the potential for multicropping in SE Kazakhstan : Double-cropping corn after winter triticale and winter oilseed rape. Eurasian J Soil Sci 12(1):79-84. DOI : 10.18393/ejss.1187439
Atakulov,T.Kaldybayev,S.Yerzhanova,K.,Zholamanov,K.Smanov,A.,& Seytzhan,A. Evaluating the potential for multicropping in SE Kazakhstan : Double-cropping corn after winter triticale and winter oilseed rape Eurasian Journal of Soil Science, 12(1):79-84. DOI : 10.18393/ejss.1187439
Atakulov,T.Kaldybayev,S.Yerzhanova,K.,Zholamanov,K.Smanov,A., and ,Seytzhan,A."Evaluating the potential for multicropping in SE Kazakhstan : Double-cropping corn after winter triticale and winter oilseed rape" Eurasian Journal of Soil Science, 12.1 (2023):79-84. DOI : 10.18393/ejss.1187439
Atakulov,T.Kaldybayev,S.Yerzhanova,K.,Zholamanov,K.Smanov,A., and ,Seytzhan,A. "Evaluating the potential for multicropping in SE Kazakhstan : Double-cropping corn after winter triticale and winter oilseed rape" Eurasian Journal of Soil Science,12(Jan 2023):79-84 DOI : 10.18393/ejss.1187439
T,Atakulov.S,Kaldybayev.K,Yerzhanova.K,Zholamanov.A,Smanov.A,Seytzhan "Evaluating the potential for multicropping in SE Kazakhstan : Double-cropping corn after winter triticale and winter oilseed rape" Eurasian J. Soil Sci, vol.12, no.1, pp.79-84 (Jan 2023), DOI : 10.18393/ejss.1187439
Atakulov,Tastanbek ;Kaldybayev,Sagynbai ;Yerzhanova,Kenzhe ;Zholamanov,Kuanysh ;Smanov,Ashirali ;Seytzhan,Ainash Evaluating the potential for multicropping in SE Kazakhstan : Double-cropping corn after winter triticale and winter oilseed rape. Eurasian Journal of Soil Science, (2023),12.1:79-84. DOI : 10.18393/ejss.1187439

How to cite

Atakulov, T., Kaldybayev, S., Yerzhanova, K., Zholamanov, K., Smanov, A., Seytzhan, A., 2023. Evaluating the potential for multicropping in SE Kazakhstan : Double-cropping corn after winter triticale and winter oilseed rape. Eurasian J. Soil Sci. 12(1): 79-84. DOI : 10.18393/ejss.1187439

Author information

Tastanbek Atakulov , Kazakh National Agrarian Research University, Almaty, Kazakhstan
Sagynbai Kaldybayev , Kazakh National Agrarian Research University, Almaty, Kazakhstan
Kenzhe Yerzhanova , Kazakh National Agrarian Research University, Almaty, Kazakhstan
Kuanysh Zholamanov , Kazakh National Agrarian Research University, Almaty, Kazakhstan
Ashirali Smanov , Kazakh National Agrarian Research University, Almaty, Kazakhstan
Ainash Seytzhan , Kazakh National Agrarian Research University, Almaty, Kazakhstan

Publication information

Article first published online : 12 Oct 2022
Manuscript Accepted : 09 Oct 2022
Manuscript Received: 12 Feb 2022
DOI: 10.18393/ejss.1187439
Stable URL:


Double cropping is not presently a common practice in Kazakhstan. The long-term climate averages, however, suggest that the practice should be possible in the most southern portions of the country. The study described herein represents the first simultaneous evaluation of silage and grain corn crops sowing in SE Kazakhstan. Germplasm was chosen such that physiological maturity could theoretically be reached if seeded following winter triticale and winter oilseed rape. Results indicate that, considering the effect of climate change, it has been determined that even if the silage and grain yields are low, the corn grown as a second product has reached the harvest maturity and the product can be obtained. These results clearly demonstrate that with the appropriate selection of cultivar and watering possibility, there is a seeding date window where silage and grain corn can be expected to reach physiological maturity as a double crop in SE Kazakhstan.


Double cropping, corn, Kazakhstan, winter triticale, winter oilseed rape.

Corresponding author


Başalma, D., 2004. Comparision of yield and yield components of winter rapeseed (Brassica napus ssp. oleifera L.) cultivars in Ankara conditions. Tarım Bilimleri Dergisi 10 (2): 211-217. [in Turkish]

Borchers, A., Truex-Powell, E., Wallander, S., Nickerson, C., 2014. Multi-Cropping Practices: Recent Trends in Double Cropping, USDA-ERC, Economic Information Bulletin Number 125. Available at [Access date : 12.02.2021]:

Bozkalfa, M.K., Eşiyok, D., Uğur, A., 2004. Determination of yield quality and plant characteristic of some sweet corn (Zea mays L. var. saccharata) varieties as main and second crop in Ege Region. Ege Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi 41(1):11- 19.

Cox W.J., Chemey, J.H., Chemey, D.J.R., Pardee, W.D., 1994. Forage quality and harvest index of corn hybrids under different growing conditions. Agronomy Journal 86(2): 277-282.

Crabtree, R.J., Prater, J.D., Mbolda, P., 1990. Long-term wheat, soybean, and grain sorghum double-cropping under rainfed conditions. Agronomy Journal 82(4): 683-686.

Gaba, S., Lescourret, F., Boudsocq, S., Enjalbert, J., Hinsinger, P., Journet, E.P., Navas, M.L., Wery, J., Louarn, G., Malézieux, E., Pelzer, E., Prudent, M., Ozier-Lafontaine, H., 2015. Multiple cropping systems as drivers for providing multiple ecosystem services: from concepts to design. Agronomy for Sustainable Development 35: 607–623.

Garstang, J.R., Spink, J.H., Suleimenov, M., Schillinger, W.F., McKenzie, R.H., Tanaka, D.L., Ceccarelli, S., Grando, S., Paynter, B.H., Fettell, N.A., 2010. Cultural Practices: Focus on Major Barley-Producing Regions. In: Barley. Ulrich, S.E. (Ed.). John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. pp.221-281.

Güneş A, Acar R 2006. The determination of growing possibilities of silage hybrid maize cultivars as second crop under Karaman ecological conditions. Selçuk Tarım ve Gıda Bilimleri Dergisi 20(39): 84-92. [in Turkish]

İdikut, L., Nesrin, S., Kara, A., 2012. Determination of some yield components with grain starch ratios of second crop corn for grain growing.  KSÜ Doğa Bilimleri Dergisi 16(1): 8-15. [in Turkish]

Islyami, A., Aldashev, A., Thomas, T.S., Dunston, S., 2020. Impact of climate change on agriculture in Kazakhstan. Silk Road: A Journal of Eurasian Development 2(1): 66–88.

Köppen, W., 1931. Grundriss der Klimakunde. Walter de Gruyter, Berlin, Germany. 388p. [in German]

Lamessa, K., Sharma, J.J., Tessema, T., 2015. Influence of cowpea and soybean intercropping pattern and time of planting on yield and gross monetary value of sorghum. Science, Technology and Arts Research Journal 4(3): 38-46.

Moore, K.J., Karlen, D.L., 2013. Double cropping opportunities for biomass crops in the north central USA.  Biofuels 4(6): 605–615.

Öner, F., Güneş, A., 2019. Determination of silage yield and quality characteristics of some maize (Zea mays L.) varieties. Journal of Tekirdag Agricultural Faculty 16(1): 42-50. [in Turkish]

Öztürk, Y., Orak, A., 2020. Determination of the yield and yield components of some corn varieties as a second crop in Tekirdag conditions. Kahramanmaraş Sütçü İmam Üniversitesi Tarım ve Doğa Dergisi 23 (6): 1634-1646. [in Turkish]

Pullins, E.E., Myers, R.L., Minor, H.C., 1997. Alternative crops in double-crop systems for Missouri. Outreach & Extension, University of Missouri, Colombia G40090. USA. Available at [Access date: 12.02.2021]:

Sukhanberdina, L.K., Tulegenova, D.K., Kaliyeva, L.T., Turbayev, A.Z., Mussina, M.K., 2022. Influence of elements of cultivation technology on yield and grain quality of winter triticale in the conditions of the Urals. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 979: 012057.

Yamane, K., Ikoma, A., Iijima, M., 2016. Performance of double cropping and relay intercropping for black soybean production in small-scale farms. Plant Production Science 19(4): 449-457.


Double cropping is not presently a common practice in Kazakhstan. The long-term climate averages, however, suggest that the practice should be possible in the most southern portions of the country. The study described herein represents the first simultaneous evaluation of silage and grain corn crops sowing in SE Kazakhstan. Germplasm was chosen such that physiological maturity could theoretically be reached if seeded following winter triticale and winter oilseed rape. Results indicate that, considering the effect of climate change, it has been determined that even if the silage and grain yields are low, the corn grown as a second product has reached the harvest maturity and the product can be obtained. These results clearly demonstrate that with the appropriate selection of cultivar and watering possibility, there is a seeding date window where silage and grain corn can be expected to reach physiological maturity as a double crop in SE Kazakhstan.

Keywords: Double cropping, corn, Kazakhstan, winter triticale, winter oilseed rape.


Başalma, D., 2004. Comparision of yield and yield components of winter rapeseed (Brassica napus ssp. oleifera L.) cultivars in Ankara conditions. Tarım Bilimleri Dergisi 10 (2): 211-217. [in Turkish]

Borchers, A., Truex-Powell, E., Wallander, S., Nickerson, C., 2014. Multi-Cropping Practices: Recent Trends in Double Cropping, USDA-ERC, Economic Information Bulletin Number 125. Available at [Access date : 12.02.2021]:

Bozkalfa, M.K., Eşiyok, D., Uğur, A., 2004. Determination of yield quality and plant characteristic of some sweet corn (Zea mays L. var. saccharata) varieties as main and second crop in Ege Region. Ege Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi 41(1):11- 19.

Cox W.J., Chemey, J.H., Chemey, D.J.R., Pardee, W.D., 1994. Forage quality and harvest index of corn hybrids under different growing conditions. Agronomy Journal 86(2): 277-282.

Crabtree, R.J., Prater, J.D., Mbolda, P., 1990. Long-term wheat, soybean, and grain sorghum double-cropping under rainfed conditions. Agronomy Journal 82(4): 683-686.

Gaba, S., Lescourret, F., Boudsocq, S., Enjalbert, J., Hinsinger, P., Journet, E.P., Navas, M.L., Wery, J., Louarn, G., Malézieux, E., Pelzer, E., Prudent, M., Ozier-Lafontaine, H., 2015. Multiple cropping systems as drivers for providing multiple ecosystem services: from concepts to design. Agronomy for Sustainable Development 35: 607–623.

Garstang, J.R., Spink, J.H., Suleimenov, M., Schillinger, W.F., McKenzie, R.H., Tanaka, D.L., Ceccarelli, S., Grando, S., Paynter, B.H., Fettell, N.A., 2010. Cultural Practices: Focus on Major Barley-Producing Regions. In: Barley. Ulrich, S.E. (Ed.). John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. pp.221-281.

Güneş A, Acar R 2006. The determination of growing possibilities of silage hybrid maize cultivars as second crop under Karaman ecological conditions. Selçuk Tarım ve Gıda Bilimleri Dergisi 20(39): 84-92. [in Turkish]

İdikut, L., Nesrin, S., Kara, A., 2012. Determination of some yield components with grain starch ratios of second crop corn for grain growing.  KSÜ Doğa Bilimleri Dergisi 16(1): 8-15. [in Turkish]

Islyami, A., Aldashev, A., Thomas, T.S., Dunston, S., 2020. Impact of climate change on agriculture in Kazakhstan. Silk Road: A Journal of Eurasian Development 2(1): 66–88.

Köppen, W., 1931. Grundriss der Klimakunde. Walter de Gruyter, Berlin, Germany. 388p. [in German]

Lamessa, K., Sharma, J.J., Tessema, T., 2015. Influence of cowpea and soybean intercropping pattern and time of planting on yield and gross monetary value of sorghum. Science, Technology and Arts Research Journal 4(3): 38-46.

Moore, K.J., Karlen, D.L., 2013. Double cropping opportunities for biomass crops in the north central USA.  Biofuels 4(6): 605–615.

Öner, F., Güneş, A., 2019. Determination of silage yield and quality characteristics of some maize (Zea mays L.) varieties. Journal of Tekirdag Agricultural Faculty 16(1): 42-50. [in Turkish]

Öztürk, Y., Orak, A., 2020. Determination of the yield and yield components of some corn varieties as a second crop in Tekirdag conditions. Kahramanmaraş Sütçü İmam Üniversitesi Tarım ve Doğa Dergisi 23 (6): 1634-1646. [in Turkish]

Pullins, E.E., Myers, R.L., Minor, H.C., 1997. Alternative crops in double-crop systems for Missouri. Outreach & Extension, University of Missouri, Colombia G40090. USA. Available at [Access date: 12.02.2021]:

Sukhanberdina, L.K., Tulegenova, D.K., Kaliyeva, L.T., Turbayev, A.Z., Mussina, M.K., 2022. Influence of elements of cultivation technology on yield and grain quality of winter triticale in the conditions of the Urals. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 979: 012057.

Yamane, K., Ikoma, A., Iijima, M., 2016. Performance of double cropping and relay intercropping for black soybean production in small-scale farms. Plant Production Science 19(4): 449-457.

Eurasian Journal of Soil Science